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B.r.e.a.k ! A.s.c.i.i 3
3 / 3 / 2014
Hello and welcome to another Break!Ascii nfofile!
Before you read any further, wed like to ask that you take
another moment to thoroughly enjoy this amazing nfo that our
very own iks has drawn for us. Go on, well wait................
Now that you know what to expect this pack, let us continue.
First off, wed like to announce our new website: breakascii.org
Go there. now. Immediately. Go. Look at it. Then come back.
If youve ever wanted to become a member of Break but havent a
way to contact us, now you can do that. Just send a couple of
your asciis and a short intro to apply@breakascii.org
Wed like to thanks haliphax you may not have heard of him since
he was mysteriously left off the memberlist last pack. but rest
assured hes been with us since day one for the web goodness.
So thanx for that, haliphax!
Some other good news. Our very own H7 aka H7 took 1st place in
PayBack 2014 ascii compo! Congrats to him for that.
He drew a ridiculously good ascii that unfortunately didnt make
it in this pack, but we still love him.?.
Our second homeboy in command Zefyros aka zfr took 2nd in that
same compo that was totally Break dominated. You can find his
piece in this pack.
If that isnt enough compo ownage for you, grandmaster H7 also
came in 2nd at DataStorm 2014 amiga ascii compo, beaten only by
a hungry, hungry bear. This one you can find here, fro sho.
Amazingly, all of this happened in one of the slowest periods
the scene has seen to date. People literally quit drawing a few
months to celebrate holidays with their families pfft.
But now that thats over and everything has returned to normal,
weve continued our reign as the greatest only? ascii group in
the PC ascii scene. ps: we love our amiga artists too.
Although times were slow, weve gained two new artists this pack:
asphyx our 4TH french artist uhoh, whos really been active for
some time. youve probably seen him in groups like ACiD and SAC.
konami who I think everyone already knows. a canadian powerhouse
in both ansi and ascii mediums. were really glad to have these
guys join our team, as theyre both amazing artists.
..so with that, Ill pass the mic to Break President 2 or 1,
we havent really decided yet spear. --- k1.
Big shout out to iks on the nfo, whos ability to chew up massive
pieces of canvas with ease continues to blow me away. Ah yes, that
magical time of the year called the holidays.. just another bother
of being old now a days. :/ So I guess we are a month behind now..
Perhaps we need to release a pack in a month to put the world back
in its natural order. That probably wont happen. Big shout outs to
H7 with his own personal ASCii domination tour, glad someone was
keeping it real while I was slacking. Thanks for taking the time to
look at our pack, it means a lot that people still embrace this
medium even if its not many people. It still gives me the desire to
continue to draw it, and you all motivate me to push on. On that
small note, enjoy. - 34 spear. I think I can deal with p2. :
3 / 3 / 2014
Hello and welcome to another Break!Ascii nfofile!
Before you read any further, wed like to ask that you take
another moment to thoroughly enjoy this amazing nfo that our
very own iks has drawn for us. Go on, well wait................
Now that you know what to expect this pack, let us continue.
First off, wed like to announce our new website: breakascii.org
Go there. now. Immediately. Go. Look at it. Then come back.
If youve ever wanted to become a member of Break but havent a
way to contact us, now you can do that. Just send a couple of
your asciis and a short intro to apply@breakascii.org
Wed like to thanks haliphax you may not have heard of him since
he was mysteriously left off the memberlist last pack. but rest
assured hes been with us since day one for the web goodness.
So thanx for that, haliphax!
Some other good news. Our very own H7 aka H7 took 1st place in
PayBack 2014 ascii compo! Congrats to him for that.
He drew a ridiculously good ascii that unfortunately didnt make
it in this pack, but we still love him.?.
Our second homeboy in command Zefyros aka zfr took 2nd in that
same compo that was totally Break dominated. You can find his
piece in this pack.
If that isnt enough compo ownage for you, grandmaster H7 also
came in 2nd at DataStorm 2014 amiga ascii compo, beaten only by
a hungry, hungry bear. This one you can find here, fro sho.
Amazingly, all of this happened in one of the slowest periods
the scene has seen to date. People literally quit drawing a few
months to celebrate holidays with their families pfft.
But now that thats over and everything has returned to normal,
weve continued our reign as the greatest only? ascii group in
the PC ascii scene. ps: we love our amiga artists too.
Although times were slow, weve gained two new artists this pack:
asphyx our 4TH french artist uhoh, whos really been active for
some time. youve probably seen him in groups like ACiD and SAC.
konami who I think everyone already knows. a canadian powerhouse
in both ansi and ascii mediums. were really glad to have these
guys join our team, as theyre both amazing artists.
..so with that, Ill pass the mic to Break President 2 or 1,
we havent really decided yet spear. --- k1.
Big shout out to iks on the nfo, whos ability to chew up massive
pieces of canvas with ease continues to blow me away. Ah yes, that
magical time of the year called the holidays.. just another bother
of being old now a days. :/ So I guess we are a month behind now..
Perhaps we need to release a pack in a month to put the world back
in its natural order. That probably wont happen. Big shout outs to
H7 with his own personal ASCii domination tour, glad someone was
keeping it real while I was slacking. Thanks for taking the time to
look at our pack, it means a lot that people still embrace this
medium even if its not many people. It still gives me the desire to
continue to draw it, and you all motivate me to push on. On that
small note, enjoy. - 34 spear. I think I can deal with p2. :
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