this image contains text
Some random logos i had to draw for my bbs because i didnt have anything
Messages menu
Oo . / // .
/--- Haciend messaging system menu ---------------H7/dS!-
:: Message base: zer0net/Hacking, phreaking so on ::
:: : J Change msg group P Post message V Outbound mails ::
: A Change msg area R Read messages T Set newscan date +
. S Autosig editor C Check emails F Text search msgs /
N New msg scanner W Write email O QWK mail thing / /
---//---/+/--123min left - command ------------------+----/--
Online identity: Sir Garbagetruck Accession
Total calls: 1234 First Call: xx/xx/xxxx Last Call: xx/xx/xxxx
Emails sent: 1234 ------------------------------------------------------
Posted msgs: 1234 Security Level: Full SysOp
Local time: xx:xxp Node/Baud: 1/TELNET Time Left: xxx
/ Y Y / / /Y Y Y Y / / /
// Y . Y . Y /
: ---:-------l-----l------ /
l -----l. ----+---- /:/ / +-
-+-l/------------ / ----+-- -
e X T R A s . /
scan logo
/ / / // Y
Y Y / / /
.-. Y Y .-.
l l l
- : H7 l/ l/ l/ l/l -
scan for new messages? Y/n /.
bulletins menu
---- -- - b u l l e t i n s - - / - ----- --
1 - Haciend information :
: 2 - System info .
. 3 - L.O.R.D scoretable
. Q - Quit to mainmenu .
message header thing
-. .-. o .-. .-. From -- :
-. .- . .- To ---- :
Date -- :
Subject :
Base -- :
- - - - Reply to:
------------------------- Number 1234 of 1234 ------------------------------
Messages menu
Oo . / // .
/--- Haciend messaging system menu ---------------H7/dS!-
:: Message base: zer0net/Hacking, phreaking so on ::
:: : J Change msg group P Post message V Outbound mails ::
: A Change msg area R Read messages T Set newscan date +
. S Autosig editor C Check emails F Text search msgs /
N New msg scanner W Write email O QWK mail thing / /
---//---/+/--123min left - command ------------------+----/--
Online identity: Sir Garbagetruck Accession
Total calls: 1234 First Call: xx/xx/xxxx Last Call: xx/xx/xxxx
Emails sent: 1234 ------------------------------------------------------
Posted msgs: 1234 Security Level: Full SysOp
Local time: xx:xxp Node/Baud: 1/TELNET Time Left: xxx
/ Y Y / / /Y Y Y Y / / /
// Y . Y . Y /
: ---:-------l-----l------ /
l -----l. ----+---- /:/ / +-
-+-l/------------ / ----+-- -
e X T R A s . /
scan logo
/ / / // Y
Y Y / / /
.-. Y Y .-.
l l l
- : H7 l/ l/ l/ l/l -
scan for new messages? Y/n /.
bulletins menu
---- -- - b u l l e t i n s - - / - ----- --
1 - Haciend information :
: 2 - System info .
. 3 - L.O.R.D scoretable
. Q - Quit to mainmenu .
message header thing
-. .-. o .-. .-. From -- :
-. .- . .- To ---- :
Date -- :
Subject :
Base -- :
- - - - Reply to:
------------------------- Number 1234 of 1234 ------------------------------
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