this image contains text
sd s. s. s. .ss..ss. s s i. s .s ss s s S S s ...: .............. :.: .ss. . s. s..s .s .ss. s.s.s s. .ss s s ... .s l s. S s : ::...... . :.: s..::.::.: .s .s .ss. :...: l s s s .........: :.::.: black pyramid! inc. where sanity stops and beer takes over
black pyramid! inc. march 96 news/info file
black is back!
yo to all! this is sad typing, member of the so called black pyramid! inc.
or bpi in short. we have been inactive for about six months now, doing no -
thing except sleeping and drinking beer. crops anyway we thought it was
once again time to get rolling and were back for good. hmm,for good? lets
just see how long we van hold on to this being active stuff.
we also changed some things, from now on we will only release one file a
month, but that will be a compulation of all the work we did during the
previous month. it well could be that we cant release every month, but we
will try. not to hard ofcourse, i hate stress as you have figured out
by now this is pack uno - march 96. this pack also covers work from a few
months ago, stuff that was never released or was supposed to be, but never
was. bpi is a small group, only about five active members so dont expect
ground shaking stuff from us, but we will do our most to release quality
who the hell is bpi and what do they do?
ha, thats an easy one. we are five horny girls with big tits and need some
men,now! you dont believe that do you? i was afraid of that. anyway we are five guys major let-down hue: penguin, lister, sad, sonic, yavik. first
there was only penguin and lister and they decided to start a group, it was
supposed to be a demo-coding group but because there was no coder there was
no possible way to release any demos. i bought a modem and asked lister if
i could join bpi, he accepted. i can code but not good enough to release a
quality demo. i have a friend, sonic, he is a professional musician that
releases cool records and asked if he wanted to join bpi and make some
music for them. from then on we could finally release some stuff: modules,
and they were very succesfull. in the meanwhile we also released some ppes
for pcboard. then yavik came around and hell, he joined too.
now that you know who we are, what the do we do? hmm, we make modules, bbs
adds, ansis/asciis, ppes, vga art and maybe one day a real demo/intro. we
competed in the wired95 vga gfx compo and ended 5the place only 15 points
from the first!.
dont forget, you can allways request your ansi/ascii/vga/bbs add/ppe.
this is really sad.
sad is rather sad. he was run over by a car. they had to take him to a
hospital. he broke his feet, knee, arm and nose. and god knows what else
im recovering and doing just fine.
penguin is rather sad because he was just operated and is also recovering.
we at bpi are a bunch of sick people
the end.
i suppose this is the end, enjoy the pack. dont be to hard on us and check
us out again next month. you can contact all members at cyberdyne systems
and leave mail, or requests.
black pyramid! inc. march 96 news/info file
black pyramid! inc. march 96 news/info file
black is back!
yo to all! this is sad typing, member of the so called black pyramid! inc.
or bpi in short. we have been inactive for about six months now, doing no -
thing except sleeping and drinking beer. crops anyway we thought it was
once again time to get rolling and were back for good. hmm,for good? lets
just see how long we van hold on to this being active stuff.
we also changed some things, from now on we will only release one file a
month, but that will be a compulation of all the work we did during the
previous month. it well could be that we cant release every month, but we
will try. not to hard ofcourse, i hate stress as you have figured out
by now this is pack uno - march 96. this pack also covers work from a few
months ago, stuff that was never released or was supposed to be, but never
was. bpi is a small group, only about five active members so dont expect
ground shaking stuff from us, but we will do our most to release quality
who the hell is bpi and what do they do?
ha, thats an easy one. we are five horny girls with big tits and need some
men,now! you dont believe that do you? i was afraid of that. anyway we are five guys major let-down hue: penguin, lister, sad, sonic, yavik. first
there was only penguin and lister and they decided to start a group, it was
supposed to be a demo-coding group but because there was no coder there was
no possible way to release any demos. i bought a modem and asked lister if
i could join bpi, he accepted. i can code but not good enough to release a
quality demo. i have a friend, sonic, he is a professional musician that
releases cool records and asked if he wanted to join bpi and make some
music for them. from then on we could finally release some stuff: modules,
and they were very succesfull. in the meanwhile we also released some ppes
for pcboard. then yavik came around and hell, he joined too.
now that you know who we are, what the do we do? hmm, we make modules, bbs
adds, ansis/asciis, ppes, vga art and maybe one day a real demo/intro. we
competed in the wired95 vga gfx compo and ended 5the place only 15 points
from the first!.
dont forget, you can allways request your ansi/ascii/vga/bbs add/ppe.
this is really sad.
sad is rather sad. he was run over by a car. they had to take him to a
hospital. he broke his feet, knee, arm and nose. and god knows what else
im recovering and doing just fine.
penguin is rather sad because he was just operated and is also recovering.
we at bpi are a bunch of sick people
the end.
i suppose this is the end, enjoy the pack. dont be to hard on us and check
us out again next month. you can contact all members at cyberdyne systems
and leave mail, or requests.
black pyramid! inc. march 96 news/info file
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