this image contains text
this is my new wacky ansi pic header, for all my new wacky ansi pics.. ..er.. d00dles I rare delusion greets to: lord of illusions, penguino, nightblade, random, *some dick head who usesrdon irc and his full nick is nighthawk!!?!?* mightymouse, blood, intensity, inferno, elmo, fiend, daylight, lone.. ---------------------------BOF begining of file------------------------------
rd end of ansi/status line.. rare delusion blind no other affils cuz duals suck
c h a n g o l a n d - its where all the changos hang...
--------------------------------EOF------------------------------------------- *note i dont think people that dual group suck, but that dual grouping is st00pid..
-- If you are in want of an ansi by mee *theyre free, unless im swamped
with reqs* look for me on irc blind, ansi, oldwarez, as rdel some
fool already uses rd Q or send that stamped email to
rd@ical.isisnet.com dats all for now.. outty..........
rd end of ansi/status line.. rare delusion blind no other affils cuz duals suck
c h a n g o l a n d - its where all the changos hang...
--------------------------------EOF------------------------------------------- *note i dont think people that dual group suck, but that dual grouping is st00pid..
-- If you are in want of an ansi by mee *theyre free, unless im swamped
with reqs* look for me on irc blind, ansi, oldwarez, as rdel some
fool already uses rd Q or send that stamped email to
rd@ical.isisnet.com dats all for now.. outty..........
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