this image contains text
I ,a @@ .mma, a
@ mm e V O K E n i N E t E E N n i N E T Y I
. mm@@@PP .
m mmmmmm a n i n e l
l8 l
l P
ad,, ,, .
77@@ nl l
mmm mm9
ll d ,aa@8 l
lln@8 - - -- avebm
88P: mm,,
mmP l @ o r g a n i z e d b y
, @ kaOz * bLACK mAiDEN * kOLOR * tOKYO DAWN
@a: @ a u g u st 20th to 22nd
..langerwehe germany@:
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. iintroducti0n n ,,,,mmmm@@@
Welcome to the second infofile on Evoke 99.
To gather your friends has always been the main goal of Evoke. Its
development from a scene-meeting in 1996 to a 180-people party in 1998
was always based on friendship.
In this context we are proud to say that Evoke 99 will be presented
by the same team as last year plus some additional people. While
organizing we will always have the words not to do much different but
lots of things better in our minds.
One of the biggest problems last year was the location, so we focused
on finding a suitable location for Evoke 99. The new location is large
enough to provide space for another 100 growth our shareholders will
go mad if this should happen again g.
So everythings ready for you and your friends. Grab yourself by the
balls and hurry up to Langerwehe!
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. m mon ee yyy ,,,,mmmm@@@
Due to the much more expensive location in comparism to last year we
had to raise the entrance-fee a little. We will ask for 35 DM 18 EUR.
Foreign currency will not be accepted. Girls and Mat/Ozone will get in
for free.
All money left after paying our expences will be used for
the prices. The pricemoney will be handed out right at the party.
Reservation will be possible on our webpage at a later point. Please
subscribe to our milinglist for further information on that topic.
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. l oc at ii1o n ,,,,mmmm@@@
The location for this year will be the Kulturhalle in Langerwehe,
which is about 15minutes from Aachen. Unlike last year this hall will
provide enough space and tables for all visitors. Plus we will have a
real sleepinghall this year, there are no stairs and right in front of
the building there are enough parking-slots.
Leave the A4 at exit Weisweiler. Please, never trust some kind
of routing-software asking you to leave at Exit Dueren. You will
hardly find the location.
Follow the signs direction Eschweiler/Langerwehe/Dueren until
you have passed the powerplant not a joke.
At the trafficlights turn left direction Weisweiler
In the center of Weisweiler you have to cross a priority-road 1
You are now on the L264. Remain on this street... 2 3
until you come to a roundabound where you turn right 4
At the first trafficlight in Langerwehe right at the church turn
left. 5
Right after the next trafficlight... 6
you will find a sign Kulturhalle on the left 7
We have added a map with this infofile. The numbers in brackets
correspond with those on the map.
On the webpage you will find photos of critical points and a
interactive map.
If you are planing to come by train you have to exit at station
We will even catch you from the station. Simply call our
party-hotline the number will be available on our webpage some
days before the event.
contact shinebm@gmx.de
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. n n3 t w oo rk ,,,,mmmm@@@
There is going to be a network at Evoke 99. Expect more information on
that topic at a later point.
For questions, comments, etc. contact fx@kaoz.org.
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. cc o mp o 5s,,,,mmmm@@@
Due to the pretty good expieriences at Evoke 98 concerning the compo-
rules, they remain rather unchanged. We will have the same compo-
organizers as last year.
Just like last year there will be 100 public voting for all compos. We
will give away all the money which is left after paying our expences
as price-money right at the party.
This still is a matter to change. The minimum configuration
is last-years compo-pc amd k6-300. riva 128. gus. awe64
The maximum beamer-resolution is 800*600*32bit
General rules
The competitor must be present at the party. In case of a group-
production, at least one member of the group.
Every attender may contribute with a maximum of one entry for each
Entries must not have been released before and they must be handed
in before each deadline intranet, 3.5, zip-disc or cd-r. 3.5
and cd-r will not be given back to the contributors!
The organizers have the right to cancel a compo if there arent
enough competitors.
If there are too many entries for a compo there will be a
You have to agree that well spread your contribution.
The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the competition
rules and to disqualify any entry which is not suitable for the
competition for any reason. This includes anything violating german
Filesize limit: 10 megs
Platform independent.
If you are using 3d-accelerators you have to state so for 5 secs
at the beginning of your production.
Dos: latest SDD will be running.
Windows: Direct X in the latest version will be available. we will
run the demos under Windows 98.
For all other platforms: contact us for more information.
dos4gw.exe, pmodew.exe and dos32.exe will be available in the path.
Filesize limit: 64 kb
Please, supply a SB-compatible version may be 64k if your
party-version is GUS-only
dos4gw.exe, pmodew.exe and dos32.exe will be available in the path.
See demo-rules for more information.
Filesize limit: 4 kb
Sound allowed
See demo-rules for more information.
Open Music
Maximum playing time: 4mins
longer songs will be faded out after 4 mins
Suggested format is cd-rom but you may also hand in MP3-files
We will distribute the songs in MP3-format
Make sure that no third-party-rights will be violated
Filesize limit: 1 meg
Maximum playing time: 4 mins
longer songs will be faded out after 4 mins
For playback we will use ft2 .xm or it .it
If you would like to use a different format contact assign, please
Filesize limit: 1 meg
Maximum playing time: 4 mins
longer songs will be faded out after 4 mins
Only .mod format allowed max 4channels
Pixel Graphics
Maximum resolution: 640*480*32bit
if above, your contribution will be scaled down
All pictures will be shown with latest Seaview
Photoshop-work will be tolerated. But no scans.
Raytraced Graphics
Maximum resolution: 640*480*32bit
if above your production will be scaled down
All pictures will be shown with latest Seaview
Maximum size: 80 * 1000
Will be shown with latest acidview dos at 14400bps in
80*25 and in vga-mode
Ansimations will not be allowed
We might split up this compo during the party if there are enough
Handdrawn surprise
Maximum size: DIN A4
Please, bring your own hardware paper, pencils, ...
The theme for your drawings will be announced at the party
This is the compo for all your productions which do not fit in any
other compo. e.g. animations or videos.
Maximum rooling time: 10 mins
Entry may be given on vhs-tape as well.
If you would like to bring your own hardware, you can use VHS,
S-VHS and RGB with the beamer.
No other limitations
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. sp ooon s00 r s ,,,,mmmm@@@
Without sponsors a party like Evoke could not be possible.
Be http://www.be.com
The creators of one of the alternative OSes out there. They
built a new system from scratch and are actually concerned about
Elsa AG http://www.elsa.com
Elsa is a leading manufacturer of advanced communication and
and computer graphic products.
Pearl http://www.pearl.de
Pearl is one largest mail order-firms in Germanz and around.
Softcom http://www.softcom.de
Softcom is an ISP for Dueren, Aachen, Cologne and Juelich.
They support us with internet-connectivity for kaoz.org.
Suse http://www.suse.com
Suse are the creators of the wellknown Suse-Linux-Distribution.
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. c 0n t a c t ,,,,mmmm@@@
world wide web http://kaoz.org/evoke/99/
email evoke99@gmx.de
assign tdr compos: multichannel, 4channel assign@gmx.de
avenger bm compos: vga, ansi avengerbm@gmx.de
shine bm tourist-information shinebm@gmx.de
faxe kaoz network, compos: wild fx@kaoz.org
noize kolor compos: demo, intro noize@gmx.de
poti bm, kaoz general stefan.kesseler@dialup.soco.de
plus the other people in our organizing-team:
dv8, kyp, pandur all: bm, jar guilty of design
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. cc 1ooo sss ing ,,,,mmmm@@@
To guarantee the most perfect event for you we really appreciate your
comments and suggestions. Simply write us an email - especially if some
of your questions have not been answered.
But please, keep in mind that this is not the last edition of this
infofile. Further information can be found on our webpage or on the
Evoke 99-Mailinglist instructions how to subscribe can be found on
our webpage. A final infofile will be released in early august.
lll See you at Evoke 99. lll
@@@ @@@
8a,, ,,a8
@@mmm e n d o f t 3 x t mmm@@
l @ @@@ text: poti / black maiden @@ @ l
@,: design: avenger / black maiden a 7 :,@
@P @mmm ,, ,, mmm@ P@
l ------- @@@@ stylekingz @@@@ ----- l
l l
. bm/kolor/kaoz/tdr present :
, ---- / -----------------avebm--.
evoke 99 invitation file v2.00
langerwehegermany august 20-22nd
@ mm e V O K E n i N E t E E N n i N E T Y I
. mm@@@PP .
m mmmmmm a n i n e l
l8 l
l P
ad,, ,, .
77@@ nl l
mmm mm9
ll d ,aa@8 l
lln@8 - - -- avebm
88P: mm,,
mmP l @ o r g a n i z e d b y
, @ kaOz * bLACK mAiDEN * kOLOR * tOKYO DAWN
@a: @ a u g u st 20th to 22nd
..langerwehe germany@:
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. iintroducti0n n ,,,,mmmm@@@
Welcome to the second infofile on Evoke 99.
To gather your friends has always been the main goal of Evoke. Its
development from a scene-meeting in 1996 to a 180-people party in 1998
was always based on friendship.
In this context we are proud to say that Evoke 99 will be presented
by the same team as last year plus some additional people. While
organizing we will always have the words not to do much different but
lots of things better in our minds.
One of the biggest problems last year was the location, so we focused
on finding a suitable location for Evoke 99. The new location is large
enough to provide space for another 100 growth our shareholders will
go mad if this should happen again g.
So everythings ready for you and your friends. Grab yourself by the
balls and hurry up to Langerwehe!
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. m mon ee yyy ,,,,mmmm@@@
Due to the much more expensive location in comparism to last year we
had to raise the entrance-fee a little. We will ask for 35 DM 18 EUR.
Foreign currency will not be accepted. Girls and Mat/Ozone will get in
for free.
All money left after paying our expences will be used for
the prices. The pricemoney will be handed out right at the party.
Reservation will be possible on our webpage at a later point. Please
subscribe to our milinglist for further information on that topic.
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. l oc at ii1o n ,,,,mmmm@@@
The location for this year will be the Kulturhalle in Langerwehe,
which is about 15minutes from Aachen. Unlike last year this hall will
provide enough space and tables for all visitors. Plus we will have a
real sleepinghall this year, there are no stairs and right in front of
the building there are enough parking-slots.
Leave the A4 at exit Weisweiler. Please, never trust some kind
of routing-software asking you to leave at Exit Dueren. You will
hardly find the location.
Follow the signs direction Eschweiler/Langerwehe/Dueren until
you have passed the powerplant not a joke.
At the trafficlights turn left direction Weisweiler
In the center of Weisweiler you have to cross a priority-road 1
You are now on the L264. Remain on this street... 2 3
until you come to a roundabound where you turn right 4
At the first trafficlight in Langerwehe right at the church turn
left. 5
Right after the next trafficlight... 6
you will find a sign Kulturhalle on the left 7
We have added a map with this infofile. The numbers in brackets
correspond with those on the map.
On the webpage you will find photos of critical points and a
interactive map.
If you are planing to come by train you have to exit at station
We will even catch you from the station. Simply call our
party-hotline the number will be available on our webpage some
days before the event.
contact shinebm@gmx.de
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. n n3 t w oo rk ,,,,mmmm@@@
There is going to be a network at Evoke 99. Expect more information on
that topic at a later point.
For questions, comments, etc. contact fx@kaoz.org.
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. cc o mp o 5s,,,,mmmm@@@
Due to the pretty good expieriences at Evoke 98 concerning the compo-
rules, they remain rather unchanged. We will have the same compo-
organizers as last year.
Just like last year there will be 100 public voting for all compos. We
will give away all the money which is left after paying our expences
as price-money right at the party.
This still is a matter to change. The minimum configuration
is last-years compo-pc amd k6-300. riva 128. gus. awe64
The maximum beamer-resolution is 800*600*32bit
General rules
The competitor must be present at the party. In case of a group-
production, at least one member of the group.
Every attender may contribute with a maximum of one entry for each
Entries must not have been released before and they must be handed
in before each deadline intranet, 3.5, zip-disc or cd-r. 3.5
and cd-r will not be given back to the contributors!
The organizers have the right to cancel a compo if there arent
enough competitors.
If there are too many entries for a compo there will be a
You have to agree that well spread your contribution.
The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the competition
rules and to disqualify any entry which is not suitable for the
competition for any reason. This includes anything violating german
Filesize limit: 10 megs
Platform independent.
If you are using 3d-accelerators you have to state so for 5 secs
at the beginning of your production.
Dos: latest SDD will be running.
Windows: Direct X in the latest version will be available. we will
run the demos under Windows 98.
For all other platforms: contact us for more information.
dos4gw.exe, pmodew.exe and dos32.exe will be available in the path.
Filesize limit: 64 kb
Please, supply a SB-compatible version may be 64k if your
party-version is GUS-only
dos4gw.exe, pmodew.exe and dos32.exe will be available in the path.
See demo-rules for more information.
Filesize limit: 4 kb
Sound allowed
See demo-rules for more information.
Open Music
Maximum playing time: 4mins
longer songs will be faded out after 4 mins
Suggested format is cd-rom but you may also hand in MP3-files
We will distribute the songs in MP3-format
Make sure that no third-party-rights will be violated
Filesize limit: 1 meg
Maximum playing time: 4 mins
longer songs will be faded out after 4 mins
For playback we will use ft2 .xm or it .it
If you would like to use a different format contact assign, please
Filesize limit: 1 meg
Maximum playing time: 4 mins
longer songs will be faded out after 4 mins
Only .mod format allowed max 4channels
Pixel Graphics
Maximum resolution: 640*480*32bit
if above, your contribution will be scaled down
All pictures will be shown with latest Seaview
Photoshop-work will be tolerated. But no scans.
Raytraced Graphics
Maximum resolution: 640*480*32bit
if above your production will be scaled down
All pictures will be shown with latest Seaview
Maximum size: 80 * 1000
Will be shown with latest acidview dos at 14400bps in
80*25 and in vga-mode
Ansimations will not be allowed
We might split up this compo during the party if there are enough
Handdrawn surprise
Maximum size: DIN A4
Please, bring your own hardware paper, pencils, ...
The theme for your drawings will be announced at the party
This is the compo for all your productions which do not fit in any
other compo. e.g. animations or videos.
Maximum rooling time: 10 mins
Entry may be given on vhs-tape as well.
If you would like to bring your own hardware, you can use VHS,
S-VHS and RGB with the beamer.
No other limitations
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. sp ooon s00 r s ,,,,mmmm@@@
Without sponsors a party like Evoke could not be possible.
Be http://www.be.com
The creators of one of the alternative OSes out there. They
built a new system from scratch and are actually concerned about
Elsa AG http://www.elsa.com
Elsa is a leading manufacturer of advanced communication and
and computer graphic products.
Pearl http://www.pearl.de
Pearl is one largest mail order-firms in Germanz and around.
Softcom http://www.softcom.de
Softcom is an ISP for Dueren, Aachen, Cologne and Juelich.
They support us with internet-connectivity for kaoz.org.
Suse http://www.suse.com
Suse are the creators of the wellknown Suse-Linux-Distribution.
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. c 0n t a c t ,,,,mmmm@@@
world wide web http://kaoz.org/evoke/99/
email evoke99@gmx.de
assign tdr compos: multichannel, 4channel assign@gmx.de
avenger bm compos: vga, ansi avengerbm@gmx.de
shine bm tourist-information shinebm@gmx.de
faxe kaoz network, compos: wild fx@kaoz.org
noize kolor compos: demo, intro noize@gmx.de
poti bm, kaoz general stefan.kesseler@dialup.soco.de
plus the other people in our organizing-team:
dv8, kyp, pandur all: bm, jar guilty of design
@mm ,,,aaa@@@ *****
.. cc 1ooo sss ing ,,,,mmmm@@@
To guarantee the most perfect event for you we really appreciate your
comments and suggestions. Simply write us an email - especially if some
of your questions have not been answered.
But please, keep in mind that this is not the last edition of this
infofile. Further information can be found on our webpage or on the
Evoke 99-Mailinglist instructions how to subscribe can be found on
our webpage. A final infofile will be released in early august.
lll See you at Evoke 99. lll
@@@ @@@
8a,, ,,a8
@@mmm e n d o f t 3 x t mmm@@
l @ @@@ text: poti / black maiden @@ @ l
@,: design: avenger / black maiden a 7 :,@
@P @mmm ,, ,, mmm@ P@
l ------- @@@@ stylekingz @@@@ ----- l
l l
. bm/kolor/kaoz/tdr present :
, ---- / -----------------avebm--.
evoke 99 invitation file v2.00
langerwehegermany august 20-22nd
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