this image contains text
blackmaiden nOOHZ+++ avenger speaking
feel greeted, dear reader :
where other groups praise themself even when they know that
they have released bad a pack, we stay honest.
the book did not turn out that great as we hoped it to be.
shortly after the release of book 18 we were all highly
motivated, but outer influences prevented us to bring out
the wanted killer-pack.
kyp is busy with his studies at universities and has other
things in mind than ansi women , leo had also some
problems and pandur had some bad luck with his hard-disc
well, and the german telekom, too,
and the others were lazy or had no real motivation anymore.
we had two new members, namely prst and cyberphreak, but
unfortunately they left again after a short while .
prst had some problems with our ideas and cyberphreak
dropped ansi :
farewell to you two!
i want to make zippy bm-member of the month, because although
he has only one pic in this pack, he has drawn a lot more
but didnt send me grrr: and improved quite a lot :
i believe mother is back from his exchange trip to the u.s.,
so lets shout out a loud welcome home, mutti! :
konami switched to xbin, i heard, better look out for the new
xbin-only group.
i personally dont think the xbin-stuff will survive long,
but i guess no one bet that ansi would survive almost ten
years, either :
additionally he has drawn two great ansis for this pack,
give them a chance to entertain you!
pandur has almost finished his linux/dos ansidrawer called
gdraw. he still needs some ansis, so draw!
i fuckin wish i could have included the ansis leo has drawn
in the last months. he had so many great - sounding
ideas, that you better check out his ansis next book!
next book will be - you guess - release 20 !
that means, we will try to get as many guests from ex-members
as possible and show every motherfucker out there what a
real artpack is :
guesting this month are:
- citizen72, a skilled ascii artist from germany and ex-
diekrankenbomber member.
- storm, another uprising german artist.
arlequin of circe with a nice ansi full of ideas :
your gifts are highly appreciated especially at these hard
times - thanx alot :
party time:
unfortunately i cant come to ambience 99, but i heard
pandur, poti and zippy if someone can take him to venlo,
hint!hint! are going to rock the party :
mekka/symposium 99, a must for every middle-european scener
will be on the easter weekend like usual, and i guess many
of us will show up including myself and boOze alot
rumours about a bm meeting will become true when we find a
date which suits everyones free weekends.
in another note:
toot : the slow one will be bitten by the dogs
after all i am still proud to release this, many thanks
go out to those that have contributed to this pack! :
and a wake-up to all who didnt
one closing note:
i wont be on internet in the next time anymore, the
phone bill prevents me from buying more important things.
so you have to address yourself to any other black maiden
members, they will find a way to contact me :
-avenger avengerbm@gmx.net / hazard/2
some last words poti at the microphone
to keep the story short ill just add what ave forgot.
first of all i would like to point out to kolors demo
called 6feet which ranked 7th at TP8. code was done by
former bm-member noize.
our webpage which is located at http://kaoz.org/bm got
redesigned javascript enhanced. plus take a look at
http://kaoz.org/beam yeah. the shine/kyp-mag.
speaking of the internet we have a real blast for you this
book. just take a look at bmbook19.html - great work by
leonardo he will add the whole charset soon.
i guess thats all for now. just that we started organizing
evoke 99 which will take place. just wait for mekka/syposium
for more news.
stop the millenium hype.
-poti stefan.kesseler@dialup.soco.de in a hurry
members of the holy circle:
avenger...........ansi/ascii senior
black weasel......ansi
leo...............ansi/vga/code/beam senior
lord chaos........ascii
tex...............vga founder
voice.............vga founder
group email bmaiden@gmx.de
worldheadquarter the hazard/2 +492406929269x75+v34
irc channel bmaiden on efnet/ircnet
homepage http://kaoz.org/bm
feel greeted, dear reader :
where other groups praise themself even when they know that
they have released bad a pack, we stay honest.
the book did not turn out that great as we hoped it to be.
shortly after the release of book 18 we were all highly
motivated, but outer influences prevented us to bring out
the wanted killer-pack.
kyp is busy with his studies at universities and has other
things in mind than ansi women , leo had also some
problems and pandur had some bad luck with his hard-disc
well, and the german telekom, too,
and the others were lazy or had no real motivation anymore.
we had two new members, namely prst and cyberphreak, but
unfortunately they left again after a short while .
prst had some problems with our ideas and cyberphreak
dropped ansi :
farewell to you two!
i want to make zippy bm-member of the month, because although
he has only one pic in this pack, he has drawn a lot more
but didnt send me grrr: and improved quite a lot :
i believe mother is back from his exchange trip to the u.s.,
so lets shout out a loud welcome home, mutti! :
konami switched to xbin, i heard, better look out for the new
xbin-only group.
i personally dont think the xbin-stuff will survive long,
but i guess no one bet that ansi would survive almost ten
years, either :
additionally he has drawn two great ansis for this pack,
give them a chance to entertain you!
pandur has almost finished his linux/dos ansidrawer called
gdraw. he still needs some ansis, so draw!
i fuckin wish i could have included the ansis leo has drawn
in the last months. he had so many great - sounding
ideas, that you better check out his ansis next book!
next book will be - you guess - release 20 !
that means, we will try to get as many guests from ex-members
as possible and show every motherfucker out there what a
real artpack is :
guesting this month are:
- citizen72, a skilled ascii artist from germany and ex-
diekrankenbomber member.
- storm, another uprising german artist.
arlequin of circe with a nice ansi full of ideas :
your gifts are highly appreciated especially at these hard
times - thanx alot :
party time:
unfortunately i cant come to ambience 99, but i heard
pandur, poti and zippy if someone can take him to venlo,
hint!hint! are going to rock the party :
mekka/symposium 99, a must for every middle-european scener
will be on the easter weekend like usual, and i guess many
of us will show up including myself and boOze alot
rumours about a bm meeting will become true when we find a
date which suits everyones free weekends.
in another note:
toot : the slow one will be bitten by the dogs
after all i am still proud to release this, many thanks
go out to those that have contributed to this pack! :
and a wake-up to all who didnt
one closing note:
i wont be on internet in the next time anymore, the
phone bill prevents me from buying more important things.
so you have to address yourself to any other black maiden
members, they will find a way to contact me :
-avenger avengerbm@gmx.net / hazard/2
some last words poti at the microphone
to keep the story short ill just add what ave forgot.
first of all i would like to point out to kolors demo
called 6feet which ranked 7th at TP8. code was done by
former bm-member noize.
our webpage which is located at http://kaoz.org/bm got
redesigned javascript enhanced. plus take a look at
http://kaoz.org/beam yeah. the shine/kyp-mag.
speaking of the internet we have a real blast for you this
book. just take a look at bmbook19.html - great work by
leonardo he will add the whole charset soon.
i guess thats all for now. just that we started organizing
evoke 99 which will take place. just wait for mekka/syposium
for more news.
stop the millenium hype.
-poti stefan.kesseler@dialup.soco.de in a hurry
members of the holy circle:
avenger...........ansi/ascii senior
black weasel......ansi
leo...............ansi/vga/code/beam senior
lord chaos........ascii
tex...............vga founder
voice.............vga founder
group email bmaiden@gmx.de
worldheadquarter the hazard/2 +492406929269x75+v34
irc channel bmaiden on efnet/ircnet
homepage http://kaoz.org/bm
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