this image contains text
b l a c k m a i d e n
hello again!
after four months bm is back with another book full of colourful pages!
originally this pack should have come out 3 weeks ago, but because we
had to finish a couple of ansis we set the release date to october 1st.
kyps still working on a great pic, but i cant delay the pack even longer.
so sorry kyp, lets include it next time :
ill keep this pretty short, since i personally hate newsletters where the
author needs 10 lines to say one single fact. even cthulu writing gets
boring after 200 lines
party rankings yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
two important demo parties were attended by bm members since the last pack:
wired 98 where kyp, shine, shiva, pandur and poti met plus kyp made the
2nd place and shine the 7th in the ansi competition, and shiva the 1st
together with franky of riot in the 4k intro compo.
congrats, guys :
btw: youll find kyps wired entry in the next pack, since it is part
of a 400lines ansi drawn together with shine. which they did not manage
to finish, grrrr! :
on september 11th-13th our long-prepared EVOKE 1998 happened and it
seemed to be a quite noticable success with some major problems, heh
i hope there will turn up some good reports, because im too lazy to tell
all you people about and i missed quite a lot, too
lord chaos, dv8, pandur, zippy, black weasel, poti, kyp, junk and me were
having a sleepless time there :
as far as results, dv8 and me got 1st, black weasel and zippy 2nd and
pandur 3rd in the ansi-compo.
pandurs ansi deserved the 1st place, but i guess you know the problems
of demopeople voting ansis naked chicks always win, even if they are shaded
crappily - like us-frau.ans
lord chaos released a cool 4channel mod and made the 2nd place, one vote
behind the 1st place.
it has been published under the tokyo dawn records label and can be found
on http://kaoz.org/tdr tokyo-66.zip. style? hm.. maybe dark drumbass,
assign called it techstep, so i guess it is.
additionally i want to mention kolors metropolis . it has been mainly coded
by ex-bm member noize and really worth a look.
members yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
it was at least to me a huge surprise, when konami from legion decided to
join us. i think he does not need an introduction. he is one of the very best
artists in the world and has such a unique style like few nowadays.
he contributed two sweet pieces to this issue!
welcomeeee :
our second addition is named smoke and we grabbed him from force. hes
developing very nice and were happy to have him in. welcome to you, too :
pandur has started to pixel vga! they are cool, so check them out.
he murmured something about giving up ansi, but i hope thats not true
guest contribs yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
this month 5 people, who are not members of black maiden, appear in this pack:
namely mr4tune, enzoand rorshack,dipswitch and fastjack!
i am very thankful for their contributed art! it ruxOrz.
dipswitch contributed an ascii and all others donated a piece of ansi.
one special hint: read 4os textfile in awe-16. it contains the truth.
misc yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
a small hint to all packreviewers: cover18.ans and zzzzzzzz.ans are normal
ansis like all others. so review them, too. thanks.
my board the hazard/2 is back up and running quite well for todays standards
thanks to anyone who has supported or still supports me :
call +49.2406.929269 for 28k8modem and euro-isdn power.
my old email addy at aol.com has been deleted - my new is avengerbm@gmx.de.
i hope that i didnt forget anything . be seeing you in 2-3 months. :
written by avenger - top logo by smoke and ave
group email:
responsible organizers:
avengerbm@gmx.de avenger
leo@biosys.net leonardo
wahrheit@t-online.de kyp
b l a c k m a i d e n
hello again!
after four months bm is back with another book full of colourful pages!
originally this pack should have come out 3 weeks ago, but because we
had to finish a couple of ansis we set the release date to october 1st.
kyps still working on a great pic, but i cant delay the pack even longer.
so sorry kyp, lets include it next time :
ill keep this pretty short, since i personally hate newsletters where the
author needs 10 lines to say one single fact. even cthulu writing gets
boring after 200 lines
party rankings yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
two important demo parties were attended by bm members since the last pack:
wired 98 where kyp, shine, shiva, pandur and poti met plus kyp made the
2nd place and shine the 7th in the ansi competition, and shiva the 1st
together with franky of riot in the 4k intro compo.
congrats, guys :
btw: youll find kyps wired entry in the next pack, since it is part
of a 400lines ansi drawn together with shine. which they did not manage
to finish, grrrr! :
on september 11th-13th our long-prepared EVOKE 1998 happened and it
seemed to be a quite noticable success with some major problems, heh
i hope there will turn up some good reports, because im too lazy to tell
all you people about and i missed quite a lot, too
lord chaos, dv8, pandur, zippy, black weasel, poti, kyp, junk and me were
having a sleepless time there :
as far as results, dv8 and me got 1st, black weasel and zippy 2nd and
pandur 3rd in the ansi-compo.
pandurs ansi deserved the 1st place, but i guess you know the problems
of demopeople voting ansis naked chicks always win, even if they are shaded
crappily - like us-frau.ans
lord chaos released a cool 4channel mod and made the 2nd place, one vote
behind the 1st place.
it has been published under the tokyo dawn records label and can be found
on http://kaoz.org/tdr tokyo-66.zip. style? hm.. maybe dark drumbass,
assign called it techstep, so i guess it is.
additionally i want to mention kolors metropolis . it has been mainly coded
by ex-bm member noize and really worth a look.
members yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
it was at least to me a huge surprise, when konami from legion decided to
join us. i think he does not need an introduction. he is one of the very best
artists in the world and has such a unique style like few nowadays.
he contributed two sweet pieces to this issue!
welcomeeee :
our second addition is named smoke and we grabbed him from force. hes
developing very nice and were happy to have him in. welcome to you, too :
pandur has started to pixel vga! they are cool, so check them out.
he murmured something about giving up ansi, but i hope thats not true
guest contribs yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
this month 5 people, who are not members of black maiden, appear in this pack:
namely mr4tune, enzoand rorshack,dipswitch and fastjack!
i am very thankful for their contributed art! it ruxOrz.
dipswitch contributed an ascii and all others donated a piece of ansi.
one special hint: read 4os textfile in awe-16. it contains the truth.
misc yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
a small hint to all packreviewers: cover18.ans and zzzzzzzz.ans are normal
ansis like all others. so review them, too. thanks.
my board the hazard/2 is back up and running quite well for todays standards
thanks to anyone who has supported or still supports me :
call +49.2406.929269 for 28k8modem and euro-isdn power.
my old email addy at aol.com has been deleted - my new is avengerbm@gmx.de.
i hope that i didnt forget anything . be seeing you in 2-3 months. :
written by avenger - top logo by smoke and ave
group email:
responsible organizers:
avengerbm@gmx.de avenger
leo@biosys.net leonardo
wahrheit@t-online.de kyp
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