this image contains text
logocolly 16 by avenger
first off: thanks to dee1 for that great header! i really appreciate it.
well, again a couple of smaller logos i didnt want to release as single
pay requests wanted. avengerbm@gmx.de
ok. lets go on:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- avebm
fistful of steel
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- well, creator needed a fos font for his pic, but my outlines were not oldskool
enough :
chipadelics 2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this ones for zippys musicdisk called chipadelics. and hey, like you can
tell by the name, it contains a couple of great chip tunes by people like
the unconsciousness, mozaic, zippy himself, loolarge, soundrunner and so on.
go leech it.
evoke 1998 http://kaoz.org/evoke
september 11-13th
mensa turmstrasse
aachen @ germany
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this ansi was drawn for evoke 98, which, if im not totally mistaken, wasnt
too bad except some major problems :
this is for fastjack and i used it as a warming up exercise after not drawing
for 1 1/2 months :
morales +o soing bmave
morales for soing. thanks to him for the steady file support on hazard/2.
ansi is limited ..
.. but faith and style make it up
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dont ask me why i did this one it has quite old outlines and i wanted to
finally get it off my harddisc. if you want to use it, just go ahead.
its a quite cool slogan for an artboard :
minor outlines touch-ups by knocturnal - thanx, pal! or was it kleenex?
sorry if i mixed it up
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this has been drawn under the influence of a jazz record from about 1964.
its called now jazz ramwong by the albert qangelsdorff quintet in asia
it certainly shows :
,,no religions
g a m m a r a y +o seltornbm
this ones boring..
logocolly 16 by avenger
first off: thanks to dee1 for that great header! i really appreciate it.
well, again a couple of smaller logos i didnt want to release as single
pay requests wanted. avengerbm@gmx.de
ok. lets go on:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- avebm
fistful of steel
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- well, creator needed a fos font for his pic, but my outlines were not oldskool
enough :
chipadelics 2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this ones for zippys musicdisk called chipadelics. and hey, like you can
tell by the name, it contains a couple of great chip tunes by people like
the unconsciousness, mozaic, zippy himself, loolarge, soundrunner and so on.
go leech it.
evoke 1998 http://kaoz.org/evoke
september 11-13th
mensa turmstrasse
aachen @ germany
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this ansi was drawn for evoke 98, which, if im not totally mistaken, wasnt
too bad except some major problems :
this is for fastjack and i used it as a warming up exercise after not drawing
for 1 1/2 months :
morales +o soing bmave
morales for soing. thanks to him for the steady file support on hazard/2.
ansi is limited ..
.. but faith and style make it up
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dont ask me why i did this one it has quite old outlines and i wanted to
finally get it off my harddisc. if you want to use it, just go ahead.
its a quite cool slogan for an artboard :
minor outlines touch-ups by knocturnal - thanx, pal! or was it kleenex?
sorry if i mixed it up
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this has been drawn under the influence of a jazz record from about 1964.
its called now jazz ramwong by the albert qangelsdorff quintet in asia
it certainly shows :
,,no religions
g a m m a r a y +o seltornbm
this ones boring..
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