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ww w e l c o m e
b m b o o k
s e v e n t e e n
introduction? by poti
everything seems to become better day by day. cases which seemed
to be fallen
in everlasting sleep - all of a sudden - stand up and kick ass ag
ain. ansi
has been reanimated. thanx to avenge, legion, zenith and all the
other groups
that released the last months. some groups even leave their grave
s to gladden
their fans again: welcome back, force.
europe is getting pretty calm, though. most of the ansi-enthusias
m of the
last years is gone. all the groups are gone as well. where are yo
u? fuel?
blend? mean scheme? tiny toons? sargahd? phat? how much have you
gotten away
from us? shaitan? trc? alecs? outraider? bisounours? do you still
read this?
anyone of you still remember the cool time we had?
we at black maiden seem to have gotten into a more stable rhythm.
after two months another fresh pack on your harddisc.
still. we do not want to forget you. fuel. fire. awe. we love you
hallucinating? by avenger
i was gonna start this infofile quite pessimistic, but since it s
eems the
ansi scene slowly changes for good again, i wont bore you with a
bunch of ansi is dead-messages. weve heard them too often alre
namely legion and avenge put out great packs in the last weeks. i
would lie
if i said those packs are the best ever, but nowadays theyre a r
eal milestone.
hey, even dieznyik finally released some ansis - so lets lean ba
ck and
face the new millenium :
black maiden?
on to black maiden. this pack shows no real improving compared to
the last
ones, either, but we definately changed our course to the bright
side :
after over one year of bm-absence kyp of ex-ice, ex-me
an scheme, ex-society
and ex-fire re-joined. he just lost all his aims in life without
bm j/k
i heard something of a 400lines ansi-joint for the next pack, tog
with the second new member called shine. hes one of the few upri
german artists at the moment, and hell improve even more in the
future - promised :
another german joined up, poldi from the sac-crew will
sharpen his skills
in our group now :
and last but not least seltorn from russia white-russ
ia? please tell me
if im wrong, pal : , an amiga-graphician and coder has been add
to our ranks. he will draw asciis, really cool vgas and code swe
et little
intros for bm.
so, welcome guys! :
on the departure part:
jerusalem decided to leave us and re-unite the cool germ
an group boil together
with fastjack.
good luck and success und so weiter to you, pal! :
we got the impression that dfuse did not feel comforta
ble in our company,
and since he hasnt contributed even once, we decided to remove h
im from
our member listing.
atom of dark contributed a cool vga, in spite of hard pr
oblems his mother :
we have a new design of the bm-webpage. poti worked ha
rd and completed
an eisig-blau-design-set. please have a look, the page contains m
interesting things :
black maiden members participated sucessfully at mekka/sympos
shine ranked 1st and
pandur ranked 3rd i
n the ansi competition!
congrats, guys :
the date of evoke98 changed to septe
mber 11-13th, further information is
available on http://kaoz.org/evoke/98.
irc channels?
actually, osel and toot made two bm-channels possible. their bots
aph3x and
kords keep the channels bmaiden on american efnet
and ircnet safe :
in the next days the emag beam produced by kyp and shi
ne will be released.
keep an eye on it.
i guess, thats all. :
contact: bmaiden@gmx.de preferred htt
b m b o o k
s e v e n t e e n
introduction? by poti
everything seems to become better day by day. cases which seemed
to be fallen
in everlasting sleep - all of a sudden - stand up and kick ass ag
ain. ansi
has been reanimated. thanx to avenge, legion, zenith and all the
other groups
that released the last months. some groups even leave their grave
s to gladden
their fans again: welcome back, force.
europe is getting pretty calm, though. most of the ansi-enthusias
m of the
last years is gone. all the groups are gone as well. where are yo
u? fuel?
blend? mean scheme? tiny toons? sargahd? phat? how much have you
gotten away
from us? shaitan? trc? alecs? outraider? bisounours? do you still
read this?
anyone of you still remember the cool time we had?
we at black maiden seem to have gotten into a more stable rhythm.
after two months another fresh pack on your harddisc.
still. we do not want to forget you. fuel. fire. awe. we love you
hallucinating? by avenger
i was gonna start this infofile quite pessimistic, but since it s
eems the
ansi scene slowly changes for good again, i wont bore you with a
bunch of ansi is dead-messages. weve heard them too often alre
namely legion and avenge put out great packs in the last weeks. i
would lie
if i said those packs are the best ever, but nowadays theyre a r
eal milestone.
hey, even dieznyik finally released some ansis - so lets lean ba
ck and
face the new millenium :
black maiden?
on to black maiden. this pack shows no real improving compared to
the last
ones, either, but we definately changed our course to the bright
side :
after over one year of bm-absence kyp of ex-ice, ex-me
an scheme, ex-society
and ex-fire re-joined. he just lost all his aims in life without
bm j/k
i heard something of a 400lines ansi-joint for the next pack, tog
with the second new member called shine. hes one of the few upri
german artists at the moment, and hell improve even more in the
future - promised :
another german joined up, poldi from the sac-crew will
sharpen his skills
in our group now :
and last but not least seltorn from russia white-russ
ia? please tell me
if im wrong, pal : , an amiga-graphician and coder has been add
to our ranks. he will draw asciis, really cool vgas and code swe
et little
intros for bm.
so, welcome guys! :
on the departure part:
jerusalem decided to leave us and re-unite the cool germ
an group boil together
with fastjack.
good luck and success und so weiter to you, pal! :
we got the impression that dfuse did not feel comforta
ble in our company,
and since he hasnt contributed even once, we decided to remove h
im from
our member listing.
atom of dark contributed a cool vga, in spite of hard pr
oblems his mother :
we have a new design of the bm-webpage. poti worked ha
rd and completed
an eisig-blau-design-set. please have a look, the page contains m
interesting things :
black maiden members participated sucessfully at mekka/sympos
shine ranked 1st and
pandur ranked 3rd i
n the ansi competition!
congrats, guys :
the date of evoke98 changed to septe
mber 11-13th, further information is
available on http://kaoz.org/evoke/98.
irc channels?
actually, osel and toot made two bm-channels possible. their bots
aph3x and
kords keep the channels bmaiden on american efnet
and ircnet safe :
in the next days the emag beam produced by kyp and shi
ne will be released.
keep an eye on it.
i guess, thats all. :
contact: bmaiden@gmx.de preferred htt
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