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no, black maiden is not dead.
welcome to the 16th art collection of black maiden!
and, as it seems, to one of the few art collections this month.
more and more groups are dying or reducing their releases.
the computer textmode-art scene is slowly falling into sleep.
that did not prevent us from being creative.
although other things did.
leo is still busy with his exams. good luck to him!
lord chaos did not do much ascii in the last time, because he is
trying to explore the mysteries of demo-coding.
toots time has been eaten by university, too.
i wasnt able to contact dfuse, a legend who recently joined up
with bm, so sue me if theres no art by him in this pack
some people promised to send me again some stuff, but i couldnt wait
any longer. sorry, but 4 months are enough time.
this made the bmbook the smallest in bms history. but mainly because we
dont have any vgas this time.
but the guest release by shine. its appreciated, pal :
lets go the member part
as i already said, dfuse decided to join us. you all should know him, he
has been in a couple of great groups. a very cool addition to us :
we just hope for some lovely ansis by him :
jerusalem comes from boil, an uprising german group. he contributed some
really cute tyle asciis.
unfortunately his interest in the scene decreased again, but welcome anyways :
finally we decided to accept alecs into the bm ranks. heya to him, too :
we finally removed buster,coke and bkc from the list, because they have been
inactive and out of contact for a too long time.
milkmang has been invited to legion, maestros huh new group,
we all hope he will return sometime. bm will last longer than legion anyway
voice is somewhat back in business and had already some new ideas for future
projects. that includes a really innovative demo-effect-idea.
watch out for the next book!
dv8 finally sat down and drew a couple of cool outlines, the shading
was really fun : our giant-toon is delayed until the next book, though.
poti is moving from the ansi department to the web section. he is doing a great
job with our new homepage located at http://bmaiden.home.pages.de ..
it contains articles originally written for our never-released mag crescent2!
the page is certainly worth a look i just hope poti exchanged the ancient
photo of mine
distribution sites
well, with such a high decrease of bbss id like to know which boards
are still up.
if you are sysop of a black maiden board, please drop me a note if
you are still online.
that excludes following boards:
the crypt german distribution site nail
lethal vengeance us hq creator/mardukk
freeside german distribution site fastjack
drastic german memberboard pandur
neosporin canadian hq rage
final words
our next package will be larger again, promised :
and i really hope it wont take so long as the last times.
it will probably be released on june 1st.
look out for our soon ahem upcoming project: the bm art studios
we will release selected handdrawn graphics by bm members and guest artists :
look forward to it as i do.
feel free to contribute, too!
well, thats it. spread the word. later dudes.
last minute infos:
our webpage might have moved back to http://kaoz.org/bm. just have a try.
alecs decided to quit ansi and black maiden : farewell, alex!
the location of evoke98 is at the moment unsure. watch out for further
infos. http://evoke.demo.org http://kaoz.org/evoke
furthermore poti created a binary mailinglist for black maiden.
check out the bm homepage if youd like to get the new bm releases shortly
after their release.
welcome to the 16th art collection of black maiden!
and, as it seems, to one of the few art collections this month.
more and more groups are dying or reducing their releases.
the computer textmode-art scene is slowly falling into sleep.
that did not prevent us from being creative.
although other things did.
leo is still busy with his exams. good luck to him!
lord chaos did not do much ascii in the last time, because he is
trying to explore the mysteries of demo-coding.
toots time has been eaten by university, too.
i wasnt able to contact dfuse, a legend who recently joined up
with bm, so sue me if theres no art by him in this pack
some people promised to send me again some stuff, but i couldnt wait
any longer. sorry, but 4 months are enough time.
this made the bmbook the smallest in bms history. but mainly because we
dont have any vgas this time.
but the guest release by shine. its appreciated, pal :
lets go the member part
as i already said, dfuse decided to join us. you all should know him, he
has been in a couple of great groups. a very cool addition to us :
we just hope for some lovely ansis by him :
jerusalem comes from boil, an uprising german group. he contributed some
really cute tyle asciis.
unfortunately his interest in the scene decreased again, but welcome anyways :
finally we decided to accept alecs into the bm ranks. heya to him, too :
we finally removed buster,coke and bkc from the list, because they have been
inactive and out of contact for a too long time.
milkmang has been invited to legion, maestros huh new group,
we all hope he will return sometime. bm will last longer than legion anyway
voice is somewhat back in business and had already some new ideas for future
projects. that includes a really innovative demo-effect-idea.
watch out for the next book!
dv8 finally sat down and drew a couple of cool outlines, the shading
was really fun : our giant-toon is delayed until the next book, though.
poti is moving from the ansi department to the web section. he is doing a great
job with our new homepage located at http://bmaiden.home.pages.de ..
it contains articles originally written for our never-released mag crescent2!
the page is certainly worth a look i just hope poti exchanged the ancient
photo of mine
distribution sites
well, with such a high decrease of bbss id like to know which boards
are still up.
if you are sysop of a black maiden board, please drop me a note if
you are still online.
that excludes following boards:
the crypt german distribution site nail
lethal vengeance us hq creator/mardukk
freeside german distribution site fastjack
drastic german memberboard pandur
neosporin canadian hq rage
final words
our next package will be larger again, promised :
and i really hope it wont take so long as the last times.
it will probably be released on june 1st.
look out for our soon ahem upcoming project: the bm art studios
we will release selected handdrawn graphics by bm members and guest artists :
look forward to it as i do.
feel free to contribute, too!
well, thats it. spread the word. later dudes.
last minute infos:
our webpage might have moved back to http://kaoz.org/bm. just have a try.
alecs decided to quit ansi and black maiden : farewell, alex!
the location of evoke98 is at the moment unsure. watch out for further
infos. http://evoke.demo.org http://kaoz.org/evoke
furthermore poti created a binary mailinglist for black maiden.
check out the bm homepage if youd like to get the new bm releases shortly
after their release.
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