this image contains text
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ b l a c k lo!/bm
m a i d e n / / . .
. a s c i i / / / /-----/:
: an avenger collection.. -/----/
: the twang thang :
--//-- a black maiden release - /
/ . /------/---------/ / / lo!
. Black MaidenAscii - High Quality PC Ascii Art .
: avenger - lord chaos - celsius. :
----- featuring -/-
-/----------------/ .. a v e n g e r .. ------------- ave
with a new colly called
/ / avebm
oh yeah.
/ /------- i n t r o .. /
wahaha... these ascii-faces look like some rotterdam terror-corps-
anyways, welcome to my second serious colly called twang thang,
that name does not have a real meaning, but some nice letters
ive been working alot on my style and am rather satisfied with
the result.
first off, im coming from pc and relatively new to ascii compared
to you amiga-oldschoolers - most strange / unfitting chars might
be caused due to my uncomplete amiga-font-emulation..
a note on styleripping:
since i do not use the cutpaste method and i am continuely developing
my style, it might, might , happen that some letters look like someone
famous style - but it is not ripped.
ascii is such a limited medium that you cant avoid that there
are similarities from time to time..
hmm.. almost all of the asciis contained in this collection are free gifts
to the people. i have almost no requests because of several reasons:
1 im not too good at amiga/ascii yet
2 i am rather famous for my ansi logos and so people always request
ansis instead of asciis..
3 i dont really like requests, i prefer to draw when im in the right
mood and im not pressed to do something..
you surely have noticed the lack of headers etc. by other artists
only one logo by lo! and one logo by mogue - and i used these already
in my last colly - i have no contacts to amiga artists except of
lord chaos and so i couldnt include some nice work by others..
the good thing about this is that you can concentrate on my work
well. nothing left to say, so why dont go watch the logos?
p.s. : id love to receive some reactions about this colly especially
from amiga dudes.. for contact info look at the end.
i n d e x
------- fuck the x ------------------/
. /-----------/avebm ----/---/
. anarchy.net.......busterblood/bm /
arclite...........arclite .
black arts........pospaindtd/blz
black maiden......black maiden
the crypt.........nailfire
dtd...............dtd /
khrome bytes......myself
lord chaos........lord chaosbm/kolOr
lopro............low profile
mean scheme.......mean scheme
/ mono diz..........mono /
/ newfiles..........myself
/ noize.............noizekolOr
seraphic diz......seraphic
straight hate.....moguearclite
the u.............the u.rr/sac/e9/..
:/ znickerz..........hazereal/teklords :
enough prefaces, on with the art
twang thang
/ - anarchy - for : buster ---------------//-------------/---
. a n a r c h y n @ t ... /
. avebm . / /
t r i p l e s e v e n /
twang thang
/ - arclite - for : arclite --------------//-------------/---
.// a r c l i t e 1oo quality and still releasing ,,, .
-/---------------------------------------------------------- avebm ----
twang thang
/ - black arts - for : positive pain ---//-------------/---
/ b l a c k a r t s ..
avebm -----// / / / /
+o positive pain
twang thang
/ - black maiden - for : black maiden ----//-------------/---
b l a c k m a i d e n
twang thang
/ - celsius - for : celsius ---//----------------------/---
ave / / /
/ celsius
twang thang
/ - the crypt - for : nail ------//----------------------/---
,,the crypt +o nail/firems
--/--------------- //----------------------------------- avebm ------
twang thang
/ - dtd - for : posglan ---//---------------------/---
uh, a not-so-nice one.
/ / avebm
d e v o t i o n -----/
t o
--/------------------ d ar k n e ss ---/
twang thang
/ - hazard/2 - for : me --------//-----------------------/---
h a z a r d / t W 0 O !
---------------/ -----/avebm ---------
twang thang
/ - kaOz - for : poti ----------//-----------------------/---
a weird one stylish?
.. k a O z ..
. / / / avebm.
twang thang
/ - khrome bytes - for : me ---//-----------------------/---
twang thang
/ - lord chaos - for : lo! ---//-------------------------/---
/ // lord chaosbM!aSCii/kolOr /
-avebm-------//----/---/------// //
o h m a n n @ / /---
twang thang
/ - low profile - for : lopro -------//-----------------/---
l o w / . p r o f i l e
twang thang
/ - mean scheme - for : ms ----//------------------------/---
/ m e a n
/ s c h e m e
avebm/ /----------
twang thang
/ - mono diz - for : mono ----//------------------------/---
twang thang
/ - newfiles - for : myself ---//------------------------/---
: hazard/two newfiles ::::: ::::::::::::... ::..:::: /
----- -- xx/xx/xx -------------------------- avebm --
twang thang
/ - noize - for : noize -------//------------------------/---
avebm /
noize kolOr
for the fuckin best ansi artist germany ever had.
twang thang
/ - sarcasm - for : alecs -----//------------------------/---
s a r c a / / s m
+o alecs .. / /
dont like this one too much, either. :/
twang thang
/ - seraphic diz for : seraphic people -//---------------/---
. seraphic bbs-modding .
batch tool ppe v1.0
code poti ------- design avenger
twang thang
/ - shock-g - for : shock-g ---//------------------------/---
/ avebm
sH0CK-G / jEDi-aRTS /
twang thang
/ - straight hate for : mogue -//------------------------/---
//----- . . . straight hate
twang thang
/ - the unconsciousness for : tu -//-----------------------/---
-// avebm /------------------------------------
/ / / the ,, :
unconsciousness ,, / :
release.nfo /-------
twang thang
/ - znickerz - for : hasi -----//------------------------/---
/ z n i c k e r z . +o haze
youve been watching an ..
.. avenger ..
Mo!aL / / / /
. / .. collection .. :
: i just had to use this logo once more, big thanx to mogue!
: - l -/ credits.. / ---------------/ :
: black maiden logo diz.. :
: lord chaosbm/kolOr :
: avenger logo .. :
: moguearclite :
: / all other art design .. :
: avengerblack maiden/seraphic :
: avebm / :
: g r e e t i n g s go out 2 :
: the avatar assign buster blackweasel catharsis celsius :
: cirion cosmic coke dfuse dv8 dwarf dkl dizman dieznyik :
: eerie fastjack faxe flame jerusalem junk kyp lemon leo :
: lord chaos mice milkman mr4tune nail nemo noize outraider:
: pandur poti scope shaft shaitan shiva tarjan :
: theunconsciousness thorn thrasher tk tna toot trate :
: trojan tyron tex voice zix + some more i forgot :
contacts.. ---------------------/-----------------------------
you can reach me in my very own board hazard/two at +49.2406.929269
/ or in the following boards: the crypt, kaOz, drastic and most major
german peecee-boards..
. email : avengerbm@aol.com checked rather seldom .
nets : fido szene.ger, ansi.ger, anarchy, forum9 ..
s a l a t !
m a i d e n / / . .
. a s c i i / / / /-----/:
: an avenger collection.. -/----/
: the twang thang :
--//-- a black maiden release - /
/ . /------/---------/ / / lo!
. Black MaidenAscii - High Quality PC Ascii Art .
: avenger - lord chaos - celsius. :
----- featuring -/-
-/----------------/ .. a v e n g e r .. ------------- ave
with a new colly called
/ / avebm
oh yeah.
/ /------- i n t r o .. /
wahaha... these ascii-faces look like some rotterdam terror-corps-
anyways, welcome to my second serious colly called twang thang,
that name does not have a real meaning, but some nice letters
ive been working alot on my style and am rather satisfied with
the result.
first off, im coming from pc and relatively new to ascii compared
to you amiga-oldschoolers - most strange / unfitting chars might
be caused due to my uncomplete amiga-font-emulation..
a note on styleripping:
since i do not use the cutpaste method and i am continuely developing
my style, it might, might , happen that some letters look like someone
famous style - but it is not ripped.
ascii is such a limited medium that you cant avoid that there
are similarities from time to time..
hmm.. almost all of the asciis contained in this collection are free gifts
to the people. i have almost no requests because of several reasons:
1 im not too good at amiga/ascii yet
2 i am rather famous for my ansi logos and so people always request
ansis instead of asciis..
3 i dont really like requests, i prefer to draw when im in the right
mood and im not pressed to do something..
you surely have noticed the lack of headers etc. by other artists
only one logo by lo! and one logo by mogue - and i used these already
in my last colly - i have no contacts to amiga artists except of
lord chaos and so i couldnt include some nice work by others..
the good thing about this is that you can concentrate on my work
well. nothing left to say, so why dont go watch the logos?
p.s. : id love to receive some reactions about this colly especially
from amiga dudes.. for contact info look at the end.
i n d e x
------- fuck the x ------------------/
. /-----------/avebm ----/---/
. anarchy.net.......busterblood/bm /
arclite...........arclite .
black arts........pospaindtd/blz
black maiden......black maiden
the crypt.........nailfire
dtd...............dtd /
khrome bytes......myself
lord chaos........lord chaosbm/kolOr
lopro............low profile
mean scheme.......mean scheme
/ mono diz..........mono /
/ newfiles..........myself
/ noize.............noizekolOr
seraphic diz......seraphic
straight hate.....moguearclite
the u.............the u.rr/sac/e9/..
:/ znickerz..........hazereal/teklords :
enough prefaces, on with the art
twang thang
/ - anarchy - for : buster ---------------//-------------/---
. a n a r c h y n @ t ... /
. avebm . / /
t r i p l e s e v e n /
twang thang
/ - arclite - for : arclite --------------//-------------/---
.// a r c l i t e 1oo quality and still releasing ,,, .
-/---------------------------------------------------------- avebm ----
twang thang
/ - black arts - for : positive pain ---//-------------/---
/ b l a c k a r t s ..
avebm -----// / / / /
+o positive pain
twang thang
/ - black maiden - for : black maiden ----//-------------/---
b l a c k m a i d e n
twang thang
/ - celsius - for : celsius ---//----------------------/---
ave / / /
/ celsius
twang thang
/ - the crypt - for : nail ------//----------------------/---
,,the crypt +o nail/firems
--/--------------- //----------------------------------- avebm ------
twang thang
/ - dtd - for : posglan ---//---------------------/---
uh, a not-so-nice one.
/ / avebm
d e v o t i o n -----/
t o
--/------------------ d ar k n e ss ---/
twang thang
/ - hazard/2 - for : me --------//-----------------------/---
h a z a r d / t W 0 O !
---------------/ -----/avebm ---------
twang thang
/ - kaOz - for : poti ----------//-----------------------/---
a weird one stylish?
.. k a O z ..
. / / / avebm.
twang thang
/ - khrome bytes - for : me ---//-----------------------/---
twang thang
/ - lord chaos - for : lo! ---//-------------------------/---
/ // lord chaosbM!aSCii/kolOr /
-avebm-------//----/---/------// //
o h m a n n @ / /---
twang thang
/ - low profile - for : lopro -------//-----------------/---
l o w / . p r o f i l e
twang thang
/ - mean scheme - for : ms ----//------------------------/---
/ m e a n
/ s c h e m e
avebm/ /----------
twang thang
/ - mono diz - for : mono ----//------------------------/---
twang thang
/ - newfiles - for : myself ---//------------------------/---
: hazard/two newfiles ::::: ::::::::::::... ::..:::: /
----- -- xx/xx/xx -------------------------- avebm --
twang thang
/ - noize - for : noize -------//------------------------/---
avebm /
noize kolOr
for the fuckin best ansi artist germany ever had.
twang thang
/ - sarcasm - for : alecs -----//------------------------/---
s a r c a / / s m
+o alecs .. / /
dont like this one too much, either. :/
twang thang
/ - seraphic diz for : seraphic people -//---------------/---
. seraphic bbs-modding .
batch tool ppe v1.0
code poti ------- design avenger
twang thang
/ - shock-g - for : shock-g ---//------------------------/---
/ avebm
sH0CK-G / jEDi-aRTS /
twang thang
/ - straight hate for : mogue -//------------------------/---
//----- . . . straight hate
twang thang
/ - the unconsciousness for : tu -//-----------------------/---
-// avebm /------------------------------------
/ / / the ,, :
unconsciousness ,, / :
release.nfo /-------
twang thang
/ - znickerz - for : hasi -----//------------------------/---
/ z n i c k e r z . +o haze
youve been watching an ..
.. avenger ..
Mo!aL / / / /
. / .. collection .. :
: i just had to use this logo once more, big thanx to mogue!
: - l -/ credits.. / ---------------/ :
: black maiden logo diz.. :
: lord chaosbm/kolOr :
: avenger logo .. :
: moguearclite :
: / all other art design .. :
: avengerblack maiden/seraphic :
: avebm / :
: g r e e t i n g s go out 2 :
: the avatar assign buster blackweasel catharsis celsius :
: cirion cosmic coke dfuse dv8 dwarf dkl dizman dieznyik :
: eerie fastjack faxe flame jerusalem junk kyp lemon leo :
: lord chaos mice milkman mr4tune nail nemo noize outraider:
: pandur poti scope shaft shaitan shiva tarjan :
: theunconsciousness thorn thrasher tk tna toot trate :
: trojan tyron tex voice zix + some more i forgot :
contacts.. ---------------------/-----------------------------
you can reach me in my very own board hazard/two at +49.2406.929269
/ or in the following boards: the crypt, kaOz, drastic and most major
german peecee-boards..
. email : avengerbm@aol.com checked rather seldom .
nets : fido szene.ger, ansi.ger, anarchy, forum9 ..
s a l a t !
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