this image contains text
-/- Start - Of - File - ----------------------------------------------- -
/ . /------/---------/ / / lo!
. Black MaidenAscii - High Quality PC Ascii Art .
: Avenger - Lord Chaos - Celsius. :
Presents An Ascii - Collection Called
/ . lo!
. j j j
/ l/ /
- +---- ------ l /- l /--- /-- l /------+ -
/ / / l/ /
// j j j .
/: l / :
: / l/ :
-+-- -- l /--- /--- /- l /- l /-+-
: c0! / l/ l/ / / :
. wL!
s / / : / / / / s A b O U t ?
c/ ll// lc
o--./ :---------------------/----------------------------- -o
: n O b O d y . c A N t . h O l d . M e . d O W N
Another collection, another new group. The third group within my last
three collections. All three are PC Ascii Groups and I feel like losing
connection to the amiga ascii scene more and more, so this collection
will be released on both, Amiga and PC.
If there are any mistakes in design, order or whatever - dont blame me,
the whole collection was finished in one day.
I have got nothing more to say, except: people from the amiga scene who
still remember me, please send me an e-mail so I see whos still
around. Adress is lordchaos@wimu.berlinet.de - thank you in advance.
: -sg/jA! / :
/ - Index of Nobody Cant Hold Me Down -
. OO. Znickerz................ . for Haze of Real................... .
. O1. Kafkaesk................ . for Mr4tune of Awe Fire.......... .
. O2. Hazard/2................ . for Avenger of Black Maiden Ascii.. .
. O3. Kaoz.................... . for Poti of Black Maiden........... .
. O4. The Lost Continent...... . for Trojan of Shock Records........ .
. O5. El Marichane............ . for Nemo of Awe.................... .
. O6. Znickerz second one... . for Haze of Real................... .
. O7. Kafkaesk second one... . for Mr4tune of Awe Fire.......... .
. O8. The Crypt............... . for Nail of Fire Mean Scheme..... .
. O9. Atlantis................ . for Trojan of Shock Records........ .
. 1O. Unleashed............... . for Shaitan of Sargahd............. .
. 11. Ariel Ultra............. . for Me, Myself I................. .
. 12. Nemo.................... . for Nemo of Awe.................... .
. 13. Mo Soul................ . for Mo Soul Tribute............. .
. 14. Cold World.............. . for Me, Myself I................. .
. 15. Main Menu............... . for Dizman of Blizzard............. .
. 16. Black Maiden............ . for Black Maiden Ascii........... .
. 17. Releases................ . for The Unconsciousness............ .
. 18. Kolor................... . for Kolor.......................... .
. 19. Acid Kid................ . for Acid Kid Tribute............. .
. 20. Mark Ryder.............. . for Mark Ryder Tribute........... .
. 21. Karma................... . for Karma of Arclite Tribute..... .
. Lets set it off .
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : OO. Znickerz For Haze Of Real :
/. // ./ /. lo!
Place your text here, Haze!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O1. Kafkaesk For Mr4tune :
. the new age renaissance.
/ .......: ....:::: ::::.... k A f k A.
.k A E S k :: ::::: / ::::/ :::: ::: / /
+op: mr4tune :::...... :::: ::::: ::::
k af k a esk. :: . .:::: ::::: :::: ::::. .
: . :.: : lo!/bm!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O2. Hazard/2 For Avenger :
--- - /---/ / / / / / lo!
h A Z A R d / t W O O . /-----/ -----/-----------//
Place your text here, Avenger ! :
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O3. Kaoz for Poti :
: Kaoz - The Progression .
/ . / / / lo!
+op: poti!/bm. /
Poti, place your text here!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O4. The Lost Continent for Trojan :
/ / Place your text here !
lo! /
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O5. El Marichane for Nemo :
: lo! / . / el marichane!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O6. Znickerz2 For Haze Of Real :
/ lo!
Place your text here, Haze!
-:-/-znickerz-------------------------------------toofuckenblunted4ya!- :
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O7. Kafkaesk2 for Mr4tune :
Place your text / ------------------------/-
here, Mr4tune . .
. --------- - - lo!/bm!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O8. The Crypt for Nail :
T a l e s F r o m T h e
--------------- / --------------------------------------lo!----
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O9. Atlantis for Trojan :
: / / . lo! :
Trojan, place your text here!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 1O. Unleashed for Shaitan :
.-- -- -/--------// . unLEASHED! .
: -/-------- / :----/ / lo!
: Place your text here, Shaitan ! :
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 11. Ariel Ultra for Myself :
------/ . aRIelUltRa :
/ --------/ / lo!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 12. Nemo for Nemo of Awe :
/ :.... n E M O h !
lo! / -------- / / /
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 13. Mo Soul for Mo Soul :
. / / mark ryder desoto
/ / crusader b vinzi manta :
: Mo Soul -/----------
-/----------------- - // lo!/bm!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 14. Cold World for Myself :
/ / . lo! :
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 15. Main Menu for Dizman :
::::::: ::::::. synApse
. / /: ::::::: / main menu
. lo!/bm! ::::::::.::::::: .. choose: /
A - command here J - command here S - command here
B - command here K - command here T - command here
C - command here L - command here U - command here
D - command here M - command here V - command here
E - command here N - command here W - command here
F - command here O - command here X - command here
G - command here P - command here Y - command here
H - command here Q - command here Z - command here
/ I - command here R - command here 0 - command here
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 16. Black Maiden Ascii :
/ . /------/---------/ / / lo!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 17. Releases for Tu :
- -/-- / / / / / lo!
discography of the unconsciousness /
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 18. Kolor for Kolor :
: k O l O R ! /
: ./ lo!
/ / / . we are back!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 19. Acid Kid for Acid Kid :
. lo!/bm! .:/
. / / / AustrAliAs /.
/ / / sexiestArtist /
A c i d : / //
/ k i d / / :
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 20. Mark Ryder Tribute :
....::::: mARk! /.
::::: ::::: : rYDER /
/ //:::::: / / returning .
.:::: ::::: / / / / once again //
::::: ::::/ is the
::::: :::::: / / infamous :....... .
: . mARk RYdER Of MOSOUl!
. lo!/bm!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 21. Karma Tribute :
: Karma Of Arclite
: / / / . / : lo!
All Art by Lord Chaos Of Black Maiden Ascii
except Credits Logo ................................. . Mogue of Arclite
Index Logo ............................... . Shock-G of Jedi Arts
About Logo ............................. . Shapechanger of Dezign
Lord Chaos Logo ...................... . Count Zero I Miss you!
Reach me at Lordchaos@wimu.berlinet.de .
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ b l a c k lo!/bm
m a i d e n / / . .
. a s c i i / / / /-----/:
: l o r d c h a o s -/----/
: n o b o d y c a n t .
: h o l d m e d o w n :
/ . /------/---------/ / / lo!
. Black MaidenAscii - High Quality PC Ascii Art .
: Avenger - Lord Chaos - Celsius. :
Presents An Ascii - Collection Called
/ . lo!
. j j j
/ l/ /
- +---- ------ l /- l /--- /-- l /------+ -
/ / / l/ /
// j j j .
/: l / :
: / l/ :
-+-- -- l /--- /--- /- l /- l /-+-
: c0! / l/ l/ / / :
. wL!
s / / : / / / / s A b O U t ?
c/ ll// lc
o--./ :---------------------/----------------------------- -o
: n O b O d y . c A N t . h O l d . M e . d O W N
Another collection, another new group. The third group within my last
three collections. All three are PC Ascii Groups and I feel like losing
connection to the amiga ascii scene more and more, so this collection
will be released on both, Amiga and PC.
If there are any mistakes in design, order or whatever - dont blame me,
the whole collection was finished in one day.
I have got nothing more to say, except: people from the amiga scene who
still remember me, please send me an e-mail so I see whos still
around. Adress is lordchaos@wimu.berlinet.de - thank you in advance.
: -sg/jA! / :
/ - Index of Nobody Cant Hold Me Down -
. OO. Znickerz................ . for Haze of Real................... .
. O1. Kafkaesk................ . for Mr4tune of Awe Fire.......... .
. O2. Hazard/2................ . for Avenger of Black Maiden Ascii.. .
. O3. Kaoz.................... . for Poti of Black Maiden........... .
. O4. The Lost Continent...... . for Trojan of Shock Records........ .
. O5. El Marichane............ . for Nemo of Awe.................... .
. O6. Znickerz second one... . for Haze of Real................... .
. O7. Kafkaesk second one... . for Mr4tune of Awe Fire.......... .
. O8. The Crypt............... . for Nail of Fire Mean Scheme..... .
. O9. Atlantis................ . for Trojan of Shock Records........ .
. 1O. Unleashed............... . for Shaitan of Sargahd............. .
. 11. Ariel Ultra............. . for Me, Myself I................. .
. 12. Nemo.................... . for Nemo of Awe.................... .
. 13. Mo Soul................ . for Mo Soul Tribute............. .
. 14. Cold World.............. . for Me, Myself I................. .
. 15. Main Menu............... . for Dizman of Blizzard............. .
. 16. Black Maiden............ . for Black Maiden Ascii........... .
. 17. Releases................ . for The Unconsciousness............ .
. 18. Kolor................... . for Kolor.......................... .
. 19. Acid Kid................ . for Acid Kid Tribute............. .
. 20. Mark Ryder.............. . for Mark Ryder Tribute........... .
. 21. Karma................... . for Karma of Arclite Tribute..... .
. Lets set it off .
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : OO. Znickerz For Haze Of Real :
/. // ./ /. lo!
Place your text here, Haze!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O1. Kafkaesk For Mr4tune :
. the new age renaissance.
/ .......: ....:::: ::::.... k A f k A.
.k A E S k :: ::::: / ::::/ :::: ::: / /
+op: mr4tune :::...... :::: ::::: ::::
k af k a esk. :: . .:::: ::::: :::: ::::. .
: . :.: : lo!/bm!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O2. Hazard/2 For Avenger :
--- - /---/ / / / / / lo!
h A Z A R d / t W O O . /-----/ -----/-----------//
Place your text here, Avenger ! :
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O3. Kaoz for Poti :
: Kaoz - The Progression .
/ . / / / lo!
+op: poti!/bm. /
Poti, place your text here!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O4. The Lost Continent for Trojan :
/ / Place your text here !
lo! /
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O5. El Marichane for Nemo :
: lo! / . / el marichane!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O6. Znickerz2 For Haze Of Real :
/ lo!
Place your text here, Haze!
-:-/-znickerz-------------------------------------toofuckenblunted4ya!- :
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O7. Kafkaesk2 for Mr4tune :
Place your text / ------------------------/-
here, Mr4tune . .
. --------- - - lo!/bm!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O8. The Crypt for Nail :
T a l e s F r o m T h e
--------------- / --------------------------------------lo!----
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : O9. Atlantis for Trojan :
: / / . lo! :
Trojan, place your text here!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 1O. Unleashed for Shaitan :
.-- -- -/--------// . unLEASHED! .
: -/-------- / :----/ / lo!
: Place your text here, Shaitan ! :
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 11. Ariel Ultra for Myself :
------/ . aRIelUltRa :
/ --------/ / lo!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 12. Nemo for Nemo of Awe :
/ :.... n E M O h !
lo! / -------- / / /
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 13. Mo Soul for Mo Soul :
. / / mark ryder desoto
/ / crusader b vinzi manta :
: Mo Soul -/----------
-/----------------- - // lo!/bm!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 14. Cold World for Myself :
/ / . lo! :
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 15. Main Menu for Dizman :
::::::: ::::::. synApse
. / /: ::::::: / main menu
. lo!/bm! ::::::::.::::::: .. choose: /
A - command here J - command here S - command here
B - command here K - command here T - command here
C - command here L - command here U - command here
D - command here M - command here V - command here
E - command here N - command here W - command here
F - command here O - command here X - command here
G - command here P - command here Y - command here
H - command here Q - command here Z - command here
/ I - command here R - command here 0 - command here
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 16. Black Maiden Ascii :
/ . /------/---------/ / / lo!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 17. Releases for Tu :
- -/-- / / / / / lo!
discography of the unconsciousness /
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 18. Kolor for Kolor :
: k O l O R ! /
: ./ lo!
/ / / . we are back!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 19. Acid Kid for Acid Kid :
. lo!/bm! .:/
. / / / AustrAliAs /.
/ / / sexiestArtist /
A c i d : / //
/ k i d / / :
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 20. Mark Ryder Tribute :
....::::: mARk! /.
::::: ::::: : rYDER /
/ //:::::: / / returning .
.:::: ::::: / / / / once again //
::::: ::::/ is the
::::: :::::: / / infamous :....... .
: . mARk RYdER Of MOSOUl!
. lo!/bm!
. / / / /-----/: Black Maiden Ascii
-:------------ / /:-----/. Nobody cant hold me down
. : 21. Karma Tribute :
: Karma Of Arclite
: / / / . / : lo!
All Art by Lord Chaos Of Black Maiden Ascii
except Credits Logo ................................. . Mogue of Arclite
Index Logo ............................... . Shock-G of Jedi Arts
About Logo ............................. . Shapechanger of Dezign
Lord Chaos Logo ...................... . Count Zero I Miss you!
Reach me at Lordchaos@wimu.berlinet.de .
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ b l a c k lo!/bm
m a i d e n / / . .
. a s c i i / / / /-----/:
: l o r d c h a o s -/----/
: n o b o d y c a n t .
: h o l d m e d o w n :
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