this image contains text
----------------------------------------------------------- black maiden..
-- presents ye scroll -------------------------------------------------------
03/97 - book 12
welcome to our 12th book of art. the last months were kinda hard for us..
we lost several members and got two new doods. there even were
rumours sayin black maiden is dead. this is not true and wont be true
until the last bm-member stops drawing on the computer and i promise you,
therell be at least one or two years of black maiden in the scene.
i think ive said it often enough, but once again we draw for fun and we
draw what we like. if its a comic rip, fine - if its original, even
better. but we do not want to be the best group in the world, europe etc.
i personanally think, therere way too much politics in the scene
you shouldnt for ce people to draw original or to make recognizable fonts
or to draw not that colourful. so, just draw.
the bm-crew forced me to be the new senior after kyp left black maiden to take
a rest because of his exams. big THANX go out to the whole crew :
as mentioned above kyp dropped his position and left bm but he will come back,
i dont kno.. shut up! you will : it was kinda a shock as he told us,
but anyways good luck to you in the future!
radioactive man, merciless devil and ne1 decided also to leave because of their
lacking time for bm. farewell, doods and girls :
we lost contact with bad blood and that prevented us against some serious
virus infection, so good luck to you, too. and come back when youre clean
assign had too many jobs ethos9,radical rhythms, girlfriend etc.
so, have years of fun with those jobs :
wed like to thank all of this members for all what theyve done for bm!
the JOINING part:
first welcome to poti, coming from phat, and a good friend of us before.
he still needs some littl practising to beat us , but hes improving fast
noize also from sargahd, phat and shock!records is a very productive and
creative painter and we are happy to have him onboard :
as you can see we lost more members than gaining new, but after hard work
we made it to put out an at least as good pack as the last one. this time
its a kind of logosession, as our pic-painters are into exams and stuff
right now. this pack isnt as bad as i supposed it to be, so big thanx
again to you all, doodlers. :
extra-ordinary thanx to poti for helping me with the assembling of the pack.
blah.. lets stop babbling and have a look on the art!
signing off,
last minute note:
- its not sure when crescent 2 will be released, and
i hope we wont beat autarks delay shuddup shaitan!
- distro/hq operators please contact the staff at avengerbm@aol.com
- the black maiden homepage is back up. have a look at www.kaoz.org/bm
members .. leaving 6 joining 2
avenger............ansi/ascii...........avengerbm@aol.com.. *
bkc................code.................n/a.. *
tex................vga..................smajerus@usa.net.. *
voice..............ansi/vga.............voicebm@usa.net.. *
* senior
affiliated boards ..
pyromania..........senior board.....bkc.................+352-570478
the wastelands.....member board.....lastv8.voice........+352-858698
brainless..........german hq........buster..............+49-581-30515v34+isdn
hazard/2...........senior board.....avenger.............+49-2406-929269
kaoz...............member board.....poti.faxe.scope.....+49-2421-931494v34
the crypt..........distro...........nail................+49-231-9872188v34+isdn
divine madness.....us hq............creator.............+1-801-561-8077
dune...............french hq........biz.gizmo...........+33-1-48790422
trauma.............belgium hq.......thrasher.burps......+32-15-620922
nocturnal desire...swedish hq.......catharsis...........+46-8-7326143
psycho beaver......isrealian hq.....riff raff.phanatik..+972-9-832-01715
www.kaoz.org.......internet hq......faxe................www.kaoz.org/bm
greets to:
ana-khonks awe blend blood echo ega ethos9 fire fuel funk
hype meanscheme odelay phat radicalrhythms sargahd shade
shockrecordz sonic teklordz titan xpress.. and some we
forgot or who arent in any group
..news/listing design by avenger and noize..
-- presents ye scroll -------------------------------------------------------
03/97 - book 12
welcome to our 12th book of art. the last months were kinda hard for us..
we lost several members and got two new doods. there even were
rumours sayin black maiden is dead. this is not true and wont be true
until the last bm-member stops drawing on the computer and i promise you,
therell be at least one or two years of black maiden in the scene.
i think ive said it often enough, but once again we draw for fun and we
draw what we like. if its a comic rip, fine - if its original, even
better. but we do not want to be the best group in the world, europe etc.
i personanally think, therere way too much politics in the scene
you shouldnt for ce people to draw original or to make recognizable fonts
or to draw not that colourful. so, just draw.
the bm-crew forced me to be the new senior after kyp left black maiden to take
a rest because of his exams. big THANX go out to the whole crew :
as mentioned above kyp dropped his position and left bm but he will come back,
i dont kno.. shut up! you will : it was kinda a shock as he told us,
but anyways good luck to you in the future!
radioactive man, merciless devil and ne1 decided also to leave because of their
lacking time for bm. farewell, doods and girls :
we lost contact with bad blood and that prevented us against some serious
virus infection, so good luck to you, too. and come back when youre clean
assign had too many jobs ethos9,radical rhythms, girlfriend etc.
so, have years of fun with those jobs :
wed like to thank all of this members for all what theyve done for bm!
the JOINING part:
first welcome to poti, coming from phat, and a good friend of us before.
he still needs some littl practising to beat us , but hes improving fast
noize also from sargahd, phat and shock!records is a very productive and
creative painter and we are happy to have him onboard :
as you can see we lost more members than gaining new, but after hard work
we made it to put out an at least as good pack as the last one. this time
its a kind of logosession, as our pic-painters are into exams and stuff
right now. this pack isnt as bad as i supposed it to be, so big thanx
again to you all, doodlers. :
extra-ordinary thanx to poti for helping me with the assembling of the pack.
blah.. lets stop babbling and have a look on the art!
signing off,
last minute note:
- its not sure when crescent 2 will be released, and
i hope we wont beat autarks delay shuddup shaitan!
- distro/hq operators please contact the staff at avengerbm@aol.com
- the black maiden homepage is back up. have a look at www.kaoz.org/bm
members .. leaving 6 joining 2
avenger............ansi/ascii...........avengerbm@aol.com.. *
bkc................code.................n/a.. *
tex................vga..................smajerus@usa.net.. *
voice..............ansi/vga.............voicebm@usa.net.. *
* senior
affiliated boards ..
pyromania..........senior board.....bkc.................+352-570478
the wastelands.....member board.....lastv8.voice........+352-858698
brainless..........german hq........buster..............+49-581-30515v34+isdn
hazard/2...........senior board.....avenger.............+49-2406-929269
kaoz...............member board.....poti.faxe.scope.....+49-2421-931494v34
the crypt..........distro...........nail................+49-231-9872188v34+isdn
divine madness.....us hq............creator.............+1-801-561-8077
dune...............french hq........biz.gizmo...........+33-1-48790422
trauma.............belgium hq.......thrasher.burps......+32-15-620922
nocturnal desire...swedish hq.......catharsis...........+46-8-7326143
psycho beaver......isrealian hq.....riff raff.phanatik..+972-9-832-01715
www.kaoz.org.......internet hq......faxe................www.kaoz.org/bm
greets to:
ana-khonks awe blend blood echo ega ethos9 fire fuel funk
hype meanscheme odelay phat radicalrhythms sargahd shade
shockrecordz sonic teklordz titan xpress.. and some we
forgot or who arent in any group
..news/listing design by avenger and noize..
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