this image contains text
- Neutron --
n e u t r o n
- Speech... --
Well, besides the usual lack of time, I have a little problem with my phone
right now which doesnt accept modem calls anymore. So I lack a bit the
communication with the rest of the pals, but I hope to get that fixed soon.
My regards go to our ex-member Rascal, who will live on in the spirit of BlackMaiden :. Greetings go to the usual people who know me, and a huge kiss goes toDiane on second thought, I rather give her the kiss in person than through
ansi :
Stay tuned,
-- voice!bm
n e u t r o n
- Speech... --
Well, besides the usual lack of time, I have a little problem with my phone
right now which doesnt accept modem calls anymore. So I lack a bit the
communication with the rest of the pals, but I hope to get that fixed soon.
My regards go to our ex-member Rascal, who will live on in the spirit of BlackMaiden :. Greetings go to the usual people who know me, and a huge kiss goes toDiane on second thought, I rather give her the kiss in person than through
ansi :
Stay tuned,
-- voice!bm
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