this image contains text
Welcome to this months old-school logo-cluster by me. This month was used for
training and experimenting. Thats why the quality is so different from ascii
to ascii, though Im satisfied with all of the except the second Slam City
logo. Im not exactly the ultimate designer, but I try my best.
To contact me for whatever, e-mail me through tbakkevi@sn.no or call my eleet
system Slam City at +47-22509492. If you feel like doing a Slam City logo too,
thatd be great. :
-+Slam City+---------------------------------------------------------+Me+-
/ - ----/ slAMcItY
: ---- ---- ---- -- oP:dARklOrD
: dkl.bmb
tOtAllY elEEt ,---, ,--, ,---, ,---,
aNd i00 lAME . / . /. /. :
bad humour! / :
-+Slam City+---------------------------------------------------------+Me+-
// dkl.bmb
-+Slam City+---------------------------------------------------------+Me+-
/ / dkl / : : :.......:...:
/ / dkl / / / / / bmb
-+Dead On Time+------------------------------------------------+Blusslord+-
/: /. : . . . /: /. . infoinfoinfo
/ /dkl.bmb/ /
Number of logos: 5.
Number of lines: 88.
Thank you for watching, if you did.
Quick greets to Esparrago, Krisis, Pyx, Phobic, Dreamer, Bounty, Moony and
Grimmy, my main elite man.
Bamboosh - rocking in Norway wowowowow!
training and experimenting. Thats why the quality is so different from ascii
to ascii, though Im satisfied with all of the except the second Slam City
logo. Im not exactly the ultimate designer, but I try my best.
To contact me for whatever, e-mail me through tbakkevi@sn.no or call my eleet
system Slam City at +47-22509492. If you feel like doing a Slam City logo too,
thatd be great. :
-+Slam City+---------------------------------------------------------+Me+-
/ - ----/ slAMcItY
: ---- ---- ---- -- oP:dARklOrD
: dkl.bmb
tOtAllY elEEt ,---, ,--, ,---, ,---,
aNd i00 lAME . / . /. /. :
bad humour! / :
-+Slam City+---------------------------------------------------------+Me+-
// dkl.bmb
-+Slam City+---------------------------------------------------------+Me+-
/ / dkl / : : :.......:...:
/ / dkl / / / / / bmb
-+Dead On Time+------------------------------------------------+Blusslord+-
/: /. : . . . /: /. . infoinfoinfo
/ /dkl.bmb/ /
Number of logos: 5.
Number of lines: 88.
Thank you for watching, if you did.
Quick greets to Esparrago, Krisis, Pyx, Phobic, Dreamer, Bounty, Moony and
Grimmy, my main elite man.
Bamboosh - rocking in Norway wowowowow!
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