this image contains text
- oO -
l / /
/ l lmSO
/ darklord?!??!
- ---ll-- - -- ------ ---- ------- -- -
Well, another month is behind us, and Ive been in France and at my cabin the
whole month, so any new asciis have not been made. Sorry about that. These are
some older, unreleased oldschools which I found lying around my hd. Dont be
alarmed, my newer ones are better. I just had to get rid of these old ones,
and people were also waiting for them to be released, since Im not very good
at sending out my finished requests. So, here they are, even if they are quite
old. For new requests e-mail tbakkevi@sn.no - oldschool are for free.
Enjoy or something... Greets fly out to everyone I know, no one in particular.
-dkl, bmbsnot
-------- mSO ----------------------------- oOPS!aSCII --------
....:..: ..:...: ..:.. :.....: :..: sEX! errh
lEETER tHAN ::: :......: : :.: : ,----,
/ / o0PS! ---,/
-------- - -------- - .,aSC11!..:...
....:.: dklbmb :.:... :....:
This was my guest-appearance in oOPS!aSCII pack 4.
-------- Mino --------------------------------- Avatar --------
/ avatar! opped by mino!
-- --- /-------- ----- -- :.:..: dklBMB!:....
-------- E side ------------------------------ Session --------
. . : the cute o-guy
:// :// :// :// oo :/
dkl :. /.... / /
-------- Wave ------------------------------- Stargate --------
r g a
t a t e
dkl/ / :...:.: bLamboosh!
.... : +o wave : / : / / . :
-------- Surreal ------------------------- Time Spiral --------
dkl / : / / bambam:....
space for rent ....:..:..: ....
this ascii licks balls! :...: :......: :
l / /
/ l lmSO
/ darklord?!??!
- ---ll-- - -- ------ ---- ------- -- -
Well, another month is behind us, and Ive been in France and at my cabin the
whole month, so any new asciis have not been made. Sorry about that. These are
some older, unreleased oldschools which I found lying around my hd. Dont be
alarmed, my newer ones are better. I just had to get rid of these old ones,
and people were also waiting for them to be released, since Im not very good
at sending out my finished requests. So, here they are, even if they are quite
old. For new requests e-mail tbakkevi@sn.no - oldschool are for free.
Enjoy or something... Greets fly out to everyone I know, no one in particular.
-dkl, bmbsnot
-------- mSO ----------------------------- oOPS!aSCII --------
....:..: ..:...: ..:.. :.....: :..: sEX! errh
lEETER tHAN ::: :......: : :.: : ,----,
/ / o0PS! ---,/
-------- - -------- - .,aSC11!..:...
....:.: dklbmb :.:... :....:
This was my guest-appearance in oOPS!aSCII pack 4.
-------- Mino --------------------------------- Avatar --------
/ avatar! opped by mino!
-- --- /-------- ----- -- :.:..: dklBMB!:....
-------- E side ------------------------------ Session --------
. . : the cute o-guy
:// :// :// :// oo :/
dkl :. /.... / /
-------- Wave ------------------------------- Stargate --------
r g a
t a t e
dkl/ / :...:.: bLamboosh!
.... : +o wave : / : / / . :
-------- Surreal ------------------------- Time Spiral --------
dkl / : / / bambam:....
space for rent ....:..:..: ....
this ascii licks balls! :...: :......: :
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