this image contains text
Hi there, everyone, and welcome to my XXXth month in Bamboosh. I havent been
with the group from the beginning, but Im certainly one of the seniors in
Bamboosh. This month has been boring when it comes to ascii. Im not really
that much into drawing newschool anymore, as I should be, but I hope the
inspiration will return to me soon. Atleast I did a few ansis, not usual for
being me. Also check them out. Im not one of the guys who likes to give long
personal greets like Pyx :, so Ill just go through all my pals in the
scene: Senile, Pyx ofcourse, Intellius, Tektronix, Vermin, Joda, Rex,
Ize, Prodigy, Phlare, Outraider, Kelthar, Dfuck :, Outraider,
Noah, Rexazy, Slash, Groove, Prodigy, Discofunk, Vader,
Mr4tune, Bizar, Hybris, Grimmy, Draven, Wave, Avenger, Toot...
Hope I didnt forget anyone, if I did, excuse me, Ive been
writing Bamboosh info-files for hours and Im kind of tired.
Note: I do not do ascii requests anymore, trades are always welcome though.
-darklord, bmbshadeodelay tbakkevi@sn.no
black viper pulse
,sSP4Ss. :llSS
l :: l :::ll
: :: b.l 4 i didnt reach the deadline
dklb..,dS :: : in this compo, so i felt
::l :: ll s e : there was no point in
: S :: +obviper : finishing the logo, and Ss
: Sb..,dS / ice l are fucking difficult letter
: :::l letters to draw, anyway.
rexazy digital motion
darklordBMB Ss. - i dont suck, im just
,sSPYi.sSSyy,,.. norwegian
- --------- il -- ll :YSs ---------------------- -
ll::::: : :: :: : :: ::::::llllll
lll::: ll :l :::::llllll
- --------- Sbs,sdSS - S- j --------------------- -
digital!motion, +o rexazydopepic S
+v darklordbmbshade
wow, look at those eleet amiga-colly separators. top of darklordinality, i
actually did this logo in one day, and it wasnt requested. maybe i should
start doing my requests instead of giving away these free logos? nah, too much
work. enjoy rexazy, this is one of my better logos lately. have fun.
darklord bamboosh
: : l: : l: : l bamfuckingboosh
l : l l l : dklBMB
4 ,dP4 P ,P4 ,dP
rocking for one year!
Rushed logo, but didnt turn out that bad.
with the group from the beginning, but Im certainly one of the seniors in
Bamboosh. This month has been boring when it comes to ascii. Im not really
that much into drawing newschool anymore, as I should be, but I hope the
inspiration will return to me soon. Atleast I did a few ansis, not usual for
being me. Also check them out. Im not one of the guys who likes to give long
personal greets like Pyx :, so Ill just go through all my pals in the
scene: Senile, Pyx ofcourse, Intellius, Tektronix, Vermin, Joda, Rex,
Ize, Prodigy, Phlare, Outraider, Kelthar, Dfuck :, Outraider,
Noah, Rexazy, Slash, Groove, Prodigy, Discofunk, Vader,
Mr4tune, Bizar, Hybris, Grimmy, Draven, Wave, Avenger, Toot...
Hope I didnt forget anyone, if I did, excuse me, Ive been
writing Bamboosh info-files for hours and Im kind of tired.
Note: I do not do ascii requests anymore, trades are always welcome though.
-darklord, bmbshadeodelay tbakkevi@sn.no
black viper pulse
,sSP4Ss. :llSS
l :: l :::ll
: :: b.l 4 i didnt reach the deadline
dklb..,dS :: : in this compo, so i felt
::l :: ll s e : there was no point in
: S :: +obviper : finishing the logo, and Ss
: Sb..,dS / ice l are fucking difficult letter
: :::l letters to draw, anyway.
rexazy digital motion
darklordBMB Ss. - i dont suck, im just
,sSPYi.sSSyy,,.. norwegian
- --------- il -- ll :YSs ---------------------- -
ll::::: : :: :: : :: ::::::llllll
lll::: ll :l :::::llllll
- --------- Sbs,sdSS - S- j --------------------- -
digital!motion, +o rexazydopepic S
+v darklordbmbshade
wow, look at those eleet amiga-colly separators. top of darklordinality, i
actually did this logo in one day, and it wasnt requested. maybe i should
start doing my requests instead of giving away these free logos? nah, too much
work. enjoy rexazy, this is one of my better logos lately. have fun.
darklord bamboosh
: : l: : l: : l bamfuckingboosh
l : l l l : dklBMB
4 ,dP4 P ,P4 ,dP
rocking for one year!
Rushed logo, but didnt turn out that bad.
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