this image contains text
Do I dare to call this a cluster? Three *3* lousy logos? Ive been out of
inspiration all month, and except for the two joints this is all Ive made.
I owe a shitload of people asciis, but youll just have to be patient,
because I find drawing newschool completely boring right now.
So enjoy what Ive done, dont complain.
I am available at tbakkevi@sn.no, though it would be stupid to request
anything, as there is only a 1 chance of it getting done, except if you
want to do a little trade, or do something for my e-mag Pancake.
Goodbye, also check out my work in Shade pack 5.
: :: :: :: :: :: :.sdS
.sdSSbs.: lS.sdSSbs.: l: .yyy.
dklBMB S SSbs.
The outline for the Darklord/Vermin Pancake joint. Check out us-pck!.asc later
in the pack also.
yyyssssssssyyy ::::::
:: Sy :: yyy sssyyy g l 0 0 m
:: :: y :: op: d74
yyyyy :: :: ::
ssssssss :: yysssssssyyy
yyyssssssss sS :: :: ssss
dklBMB ssssssss ::
Sy :: yyy ::
a stupid attempt to do something creative, ::
redrum will never use this shit anyway.
------------------------------------Slam City--------------------------------
,sSPSs. . .. .P
YSs. .sS P Ss. .sSPSs.
4Ss. : .sSP : l slamcity +47-22509492
,d : : l : : ops: darklord slash
- -- :l l l : l : --------------------- -- -
Sby. : : dklBMB
S.S S,.dS S :
,P jS
Done, finito, etcetc.
inspiration all month, and except for the two joints this is all Ive made.
I owe a shitload of people asciis, but youll just have to be patient,
because I find drawing newschool completely boring right now.
So enjoy what Ive done, dont complain.
I am available at tbakkevi@sn.no, though it would be stupid to request
anything, as there is only a 1 chance of it getting done, except if you
want to do a little trade, or do something for my e-mag Pancake.
Goodbye, also check out my work in Shade pack 5.
: :: :: :: :: :: :.sdS
.sdSSbs.: lS.sdSSbs.: l: .yyy.
dklBMB S SSbs.
The outline for the Darklord/Vermin Pancake joint. Check out us-pck!.asc later
in the pack also.
yyyssssssssyyy ::::::
:: Sy :: yyy sssyyy g l 0 0 m
:: :: y :: op: d74
yyyyy :: :: ::
ssssssss :: yysssssssyyy
yyyssssssss sS :: :: ssss
dklBMB ssssssss ::
Sy :: yyy ::
a stupid attempt to do something creative, ::
redrum will never use this shit anyway.
------------------------------------Slam City--------------------------------
,sSPSs. . .. .P
YSs. .sS P Ss. .sSPSs.
4Ss. : .sSP : l slamcity +47-22509492
,d : : l : : ops: darklord slash
- -- :l l l : l : --------------------- -- -
Sby. : : dklBMB
S.S S,.dS S :
,P jS
Done, finito, etcetc.
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