this image contains text
Ss m e rr y
y ,ySP4b. ,ySP4 4b. 5minlogoDKL
,ySP4b. dl dl ,yS
dl : : : : :
: : ,dS Sy,dS S,dS
This month has been strange. After making the eden fileid.diz I didnt work
at all, and the one logo I did, was really bad. I have some ideas and some
not-finished logos, and I think I will do lot of stuff for the next pack.
Greets go out to: Senile, Pyx, Tektronix, React, Head Monk, Ezy, Intellius,
Phobic, Dreamer Dram, Rexazy, Slash, Kelthar, Phlare, Dfuse,
Rex, Ize, Id X, Vermin, Joda, Dee Jay and all the other ones.
Requests should be mailed to tbakkevi@sn.no or at my board Slam City at
---------Head Monk----------------------------------Monk-------------------
,siSP4P4Sis. ,siSP4Sis. ,siSP4Sis. ,siS
b. b. b. ,.
---------Coroner------------------------------------The Nocturnal Trip-----
: l , l
, yyyy ll yyyy ll yyS yy l s.
. i : S i : S ..S i l
Syyyy.SS y.Ss y.S SsS
l : yy , : , yyyy Ss.
, yyyy ll ll yyyy ll yysl yyyy l
.S i : .S . i : . i: .S i l
Ss.Ss s. Syyyy.SS Syyyy SS s.S: Ss.
I dunno what I was trying to do when I made this logo.. I dont even know if I
like it or not.. Its kinda weird ...
---------Coroner------------------------------------The Nocturnal Trip-----
Sy. ,ySSy. ,ySSy. ,yS ,yS Sy. ,ySPy. :
-- -- -- -- - y --:---- -- -
. yyyyy :
y : yyy yy :yyyy S :
bsss ssss sssd ssss dkl :
mice wannabe logo by darklord ,yS ,ySSy. ,yS ,ySSy.
of bamboosh, space for info here! yyyyy :
the nocturnal trip, op is coroner S yy : : :y
- -- - ----------------------------- yyyy -- - lS sssdS - -
---------Me-----------------------------------------Slam City--------------
yyyy yyyy
l yyyy
sS l ,sSs.
l l l
l . l . S
. l .yS Sy. lS
. l l l .sy
Sy. .yS . l
: yyy SS
S yyy a bit too big, but who
s. yyyy cares, I think this is
lSs. dkl one of my better logos!
yyyy S l for slam city, my
,sS yyyy yyyy , ,sSSs. own board, leetest
l yyyy yyy S around ...
S l l .yyy
y . . l l dl
ll . l .yS Sy. sS
yyyyy . l l l S
S Sy. .yS .
: yyy
l yyy
S yyy
---------Flux---------------------------------------Psychic Release--------
,yyyy ,yyyyy
l l ::: l l
. y. .y .
:yyyP S
S dklbmb S
---------Rexazy-------------------------------------Eden diz---------------
,sSYSs. Ss. ,sSYSs.
. d . . d
dkl l l lbmb
Sl Sl Sl
eden artpack number 1
,sSPYSs. ,sS :Ss. ,sSPYSs. ,sS
- -- - ,db l : ,db.d---- -- -
::::::b S l b b l ::::::::
:::::: , S lb b. , S , . :::::::
- -- -- ----- d :Sy,. - :--- -- -
SS SbyS Sbs yydS
dkl.bmb SS SS
Fuck, I really hate this logo. I spent hours working on it, and still it looked
like shit when i was finished. Maybe Ill draw Cocaine another logo later,
right now Im totally burnt out.
--------Shows over---------------------------------Guess------------------
That it. Watch out for more work next month...
dkl.bmb/shade - tbakkevi@sn.no
Ss m e rr y
y ,ySP4b. ,ySP4 4b. 5minlogoDKL
,ySP4b. dl dl ,yS
dl : : : : :
: : ,dS Sy,dS S,dS
This month has been strange. After making the eden fileid.diz I didnt work
at all, and the one logo I did, was really bad. I have some ideas and some
not-finished logos, and I think I will do lot of stuff for the next pack.
Greets go out to: Senile, Pyx, Tektronix, React, Head Monk, Ezy, Intellius,
Phobic, Dreamer Dram, Rexazy, Slash, Kelthar, Phlare, Dfuse,
Rex, Ize, Id X, Vermin, Joda, Dee Jay and all the other ones.
Requests should be mailed to tbakkevi@sn.no or at my board Slam City at
---------Head Monk----------------------------------Monk-------------------
,siSP4P4Sis. ,siSP4Sis. ,siSP4Sis. ,siS
b. b. b. ,.
---------Coroner------------------------------------The Nocturnal Trip-----
: l , l
, yyyy ll yyyy ll yyS yy l s.
. i : S i : S ..S i l
Syyyy.SS y.Ss y.S SsS
l : yy , : , yyyy Ss.
, yyyy ll ll yyyy ll yysl yyyy l
.S i : .S . i : . i: .S i l
Ss.Ss s. Syyyy.SS Syyyy SS s.S: Ss.
I dunno what I was trying to do when I made this logo.. I dont even know if I
like it or not.. Its kinda weird ...
---------Coroner------------------------------------The Nocturnal Trip-----
Sy. ,ySSy. ,ySSy. ,yS ,yS Sy. ,ySPy. :
-- -- -- -- - y --:---- -- -
. yyyyy :
y : yyy yy :yyyy S :
bsss ssss sssd ssss dkl :
mice wannabe logo by darklord ,yS ,ySSy. ,yS ,ySSy.
of bamboosh, space for info here! yyyyy :
the nocturnal trip, op is coroner S yy : : :y
- -- - ----------------------------- yyyy -- - lS sssdS - -
---------Me-----------------------------------------Slam City--------------
yyyy yyyy
l yyyy
sS l ,sSs.
l l l
l . l . S
. l .yS Sy. lS
. l l l .sy
Sy. .yS . l
: yyy SS
S yyy a bit too big, but who
s. yyyy cares, I think this is
lSs. dkl one of my better logos!
yyyy S l for slam city, my
,sS yyyy yyyy , ,sSSs. own board, leetest
l yyyy yyy S around ...
S l l .yyy
y . . l l dl
ll . l .yS Sy. sS
yyyyy . l l l S
S Sy. .yS .
: yyy
l yyy
S yyy
---------Flux---------------------------------------Psychic Release--------
,yyyy ,yyyyy
l l ::: l l
. y. .y .
:yyyP S
S dklbmb S
---------Rexazy-------------------------------------Eden diz---------------
,sSYSs. Ss. ,sSYSs.
. d . . d
dkl l l lbmb
Sl Sl Sl
eden artpack number 1
,sSPYSs. ,sS :Ss. ,sSPYSs. ,sS
- -- - ,db l : ,db.d---- -- -
::::::b S l b b l ::::::::
:::::: , S lb b. , S , . :::::::
- -- -- ----- d :Sy,. - :--- -- -
SS SbyS Sbs yydS
dkl.bmb SS SS
Fuck, I really hate this logo. I spent hours working on it, and still it looked
like shit when i was finished. Maybe Ill draw Cocaine another logo later,
right now Im totally burnt out.
--------Shows over---------------------------------Guess------------------
That it. Watch out for more work next month...
dkl.bmb/shade - tbakkevi@sn.no
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