this image contains text
V O i C E S L O G O C L U S T E R
-- Arcane --------------------------------------------------------------------
a r c a n e
b l a c k m a i d e n a u s t r a l i a n h q
-- Mozka ---------------------------------------------------------------------
m o z k a vc!bm
- -- b l a c k - m a i d e n - b r a z i l i a n - h q -- -
-- End -----------------------------------------------------------------------
That was it for the logos already. Didnt have much time to do more on one
hand, but on the other hand didnt have more requests either. :
-- Arcane --------------------------------------------------------------------
a r c a n e
b l a c k m a i d e n a u s t r a l i a n h q
-- Mozka ---------------------------------------------------------------------
m o z k a vc!bm
- -- b l a c k - m a i d e n - b r a z i l i a n - h q -- -
-- End -----------------------------------------------------------------------
That was it for the logos already. Didnt have much time to do more on one
hand, but on the other hand didnt have more requests either. :
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