this image contains text
- ----sssssssssssssasssssssssssssssssssssssssssss---- -
-one of the many sigs i tried------------------------------------------------
// / .,a! .o. // / // // / voiceblackmaiden/designreligion / /
- ---,. -,ata, ----------------------------------------- -
,d FidoNet - 2:270/26.6
- ------,.,s-? - ,aaa. ------------ - InterNet - fraenk@xxxxxx.xx
-invitation logo for the first lsg-------------------------------------------
v / : / : : :
C / /
---- G - A - T - H - E - R - I - N - G /- 1 - 9 - 9 - 6 -------
-fileid.diz for screamager--------------------------------------------------
, - -- S C R E A M A G E R -- - ,
:,-vc!bm--- ,a!, ,.aa,. --.:
, ,aa, ,
db , ss,ss ,
?ss! , ! sb,.
, - - .b,. -----
. presents a .,:
, R A D I C A L R H Y T H M S
Title :
Channels, ...
Description, ... :
-another of those sigs-------------------------------------------------------
.,: aa aaaaaaat, :S ss:,.
dssssss S , daas
,s :. vc!bmdsr ,
ss baabaaaaaaaasssssasss
,. voice.2:270/26.6..fraenk@xxxxxx.xxx.xx .,
-the last one in the series--------------------------------------------------
/ / vc!bmdsr
-sig for sparrow-------------------------------------------------------------
vC I
..... .. . . ,/ ,/ ....... .. bl a ck ma i d en .
-definately the last---------------------------------------------------------
., , / bl a ck m a i d en
! fraenk@xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx.xxx - vc!bm
-fileid.diz for art---------------------------------------------------------
Author: ....................
Title: .....................
Style: .....................
Date: ......................
XM 500kb blahh
-little ascii for art too----------------------------------------------------
v : /
-that was it!----------------------------------------------------vc!bmdsr-
the best sig i ever did : ---
- ----sssssssssssssasssssssssssssssssssssssssssss---- -
-one of the many sigs i tried------------------------------------------------
// / .,a! .o. // / // // / voiceblackmaiden/designreligion / /
- ---,. -,ata, ----------------------------------------- -
,d FidoNet - 2:270/26.6
- ------,.,s-? - ,aaa. ------------ - InterNet - fraenk@xxxxxx.xx
-invitation logo for the first lsg-------------------------------------------
v / : / : : :
C / /
---- G - A - T - H - E - R - I - N - G /- 1 - 9 - 9 - 6 -------
-fileid.diz for screamager--------------------------------------------------
, - -- S C R E A M A G E R -- - ,
:,-vc!bm--- ,a!, ,.aa,. --.:
, ,aa, ,
db , ss,ss ,
?ss! , ! sb,.
, - - .b,. -----
. presents a .,:
, R A D I C A L R H Y T H M S
Title :
Channels, ...
Description, ... :
-another of those sigs-------------------------------------------------------
.,: aa aaaaaaat, :S ss:,.
dssssss S , daas
,s :. vc!bmdsr ,
ss baabaaaaaaaasssssasss
,. voice.2:270/26.6..fraenk@xxxxxx.xxx.xx .,
-the last one in the series--------------------------------------------------
/ / vc!bmdsr
-sig for sparrow-------------------------------------------------------------
vC I
..... .. . . ,/ ,/ ....... .. bl a ck ma i d en .
-definately the last---------------------------------------------------------
., , / bl a ck m a i d en
! fraenk@xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx.xxx - vc!bm
-fileid.diz for art---------------------------------------------------------
Author: ....................
Title: .....................
Style: .....................
Date: ......................
XM 500kb blahh
-little ascii for art too----------------------------------------------------
v : /
-that was it!----------------------------------------------------vc!bmdsr-
the best sig i ever did : ---
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