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Phew, hello and welcome to Black Maidens 9th pack, furthermore referred to as book 9. More about this new nomenclature later.
Well, exams are gone so are the hopes for university next year, but nevermind :. We at Black Maiden stay determined to produce the highest quality within our means, and to develop further with each release. Our members surpassed themselves this time, I think. Have a look at the creations and judge for yourself!
I am writing this as last minute, just before I go on and finish my ansis for the pack :, so Hm, voice was in a hurry Ill keep it short.
when he wrote this
introduction, it seems... Well, look forward to the release of Crescent, our very own e-mag, which will come out thismonth! It will be available at all our distribution sites throughout the world.I am not telling you that this emag is so different from the others - the lastmag I saw that in was absolute crap. I am not giving any names, but you knowanyway. People! If youre doing an emag, then reflect both on the interface,graphics, etc. AND the content! Im great today, Im giving advices for free :.Anyway, read on about changes in our listings, watch our art productions andDONT forget the fill out the accompaning voting sheet for Crescent. Please doso. Your name will then of course figure in the mag. Later, people.
As if we were not already kick ass enough, Kyp fetched us another tremendous ansi-artist from Germany. I am speaking of Leonardo, who now strengthens the ansi section of Black Maiden even more! Just behold his wonderful pictures. Besides his great talent, this guy is also kinda workaholic :. Look at the amount of ansis he painted! I am glad to say that Black Maiden could it be else lost not a single member over the last two month. Another major change happenend in Black Maiden, and that being the nomenclature. Were not releasing packs or acquisitions anymore. Instead, I love Black Maiden Art we call the whole of our creations The Black Productions! sob Maiden Compendium! All the packs released are just books thereof, and the different sections are chapters. So the is book nine, andchapter one is about ansi! Got it? I was sure you did. :-P
Have a look at our listing ansi for details on members and distribution sites.
Signing off,
VOiCE of Black Maiden Art Productions.
Phew, hello and welcome to Black Maidens 9th pack, furthermore referred to as book 9. More about this new nomenclature later.
Well, exams are gone so are the hopes for university next year, but nevermind :. We at Black Maiden stay determined to produce the highest quality within our means, and to develop further with each release. Our members surpassed themselves this time, I think. Have a look at the creations and judge for yourself!
I am writing this as last minute, just before I go on and finish my ansis for the pack :, so Hm, voice was in a hurry Ill keep it short.
when he wrote this
introduction, it seems... Well, look forward to the release of Crescent, our very own e-mag, which will come out thismonth! It will be available at all our distribution sites throughout the world.I am not telling you that this emag is so different from the others - the lastmag I saw that in was absolute crap. I am not giving any names, but you knowanyway. People! If youre doing an emag, then reflect both on the interface,graphics, etc. AND the content! Im great today, Im giving advices for free :.Anyway, read on about changes in our listings, watch our art productions andDONT forget the fill out the accompaning voting sheet for Crescent. Please doso. Your name will then of course figure in the mag. Later, people.
As if we were not already kick ass enough, Kyp fetched us another tremendous ansi-artist from Germany. I am speaking of Leonardo, who now strengthens the ansi section of Black Maiden even more! Just behold his wonderful pictures. Besides his great talent, this guy is also kinda workaholic :. Look at the amount of ansis he painted! I am glad to say that Black Maiden could it be else lost not a single member over the last two month. Another major change happenend in Black Maiden, and that being the nomenclature. Were not releasing packs or acquisitions anymore. Instead, I love Black Maiden Art we call the whole of our creations The Black Productions! sob Maiden Compendium! All the packs released are just books thereof, and the different sections are chapters. So the is book nine, andchapter one is about ansi! Got it? I was sure you did. :-P
Have a look at our listing ansi for details on members and distribution sites.
Signing off,
VOiCE of Black Maiden Art Productions.
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