this image contains text
.,a! .o.
-------- ,. -,ata, - .,a!, -,ata, -,ata, --------- ,t S t ta,.aS
S,.,s ! ! ,aaa.! ,aaa. -vc!bm---- -- @tat@ -, - tat@ -@tat@ --------- I
a n s i c l u s t e r
--- the seventh seal - for ironghost of stab ---------------------------------
God, I feel so
Im sitting here
drawing this pic and vc!bm
Im almost
Listening to
Bif Naked...
I feel so
t h e s e v e n t h s e a l : n u c l e a r s u n r i s e
o p : i r o n g h o s t s t a b
I am alone. b l a c k m a i d e n d i s t r o
--- doink - for cheeze of cia/plain ------------------------------------------
--- paint in black - for coke of black maiden --------------------------------
--- color shock - for exulted of blur ----------------------------------------
c o l o r s h o c k
--- saturn 7 - for hex of teklordz -------------------------------------------
--- end - thats it for the logos : -----------------------------------------
Well, not much art from me this time, but the exams really kept me from doing
any greater works. I hope though that you like the bits I did :
Greetings go to the following people:
ts - the interview was really great fun
trip - thanx for the interview anyway
creator - you still owe me a logo :
tricycle - your new style really rocks pics, at last :
sky - what about a dsr project? any ideas?
avenger - youre going to be top-class
balistic - sorry i hope to get real 100 working email soon
balistix - that handle was just too damn close to the above. sorry for the
ironghost - hey pal, what about a joint-ansi?
matrix - after the exams well do this greece-thing, right?
rd-d - i cant come to uc, its in the midst of my exams :
shy - work hard for warriors
kyp - can you beat 400 lines? :
rascal - welcome!
ne1 - we get that group together.... somehow.
radioactive man - when does the next witchblade come?
coke - superskunk is not that bad a handle is it? :-
andromede - dont forget to write your pal for prag
deep - no bot then? :
maestro - well do the interview sometime
screamager - the best are from luxembourg anyway
aM - trading ansi for code?
hex - how did you like the logo?
hellbeast - hows tekview going?
bk - that 200+ ascii fucking ruled!
blade - whats up?
scavenger - is worldwide far enough? :
bad blood - didnt hear much from you these times... call earlier! :
sparrow - like to write something for crescent?
merciless devil - is your new email stable?
tex - what about the gargoyle vga then? :
cheeze - now was it toon enough?
exulted - exulted one? --elf, in warcraft 2 :
bkc - hope you make the exams this time wish me luck too :
satanic sly - its difficult to get in touch with you
darkheart - when are you on irc?
ds - hows distribution in canada going?
mercury fear - i still didnt find any mystic packs :
black muzi - whats the scene like in belgium?
crack - crack, dope, whats next? :
gunman - hey, i thought you wanted to crash me the fbk-stuff?
trate - whens the next fbk-artpack coming?
jey - thanx for bloodview
buster - what was your party like?
fonebone - get in touch more often :
lithium - where the heck are you? ive got your ascii man... :
fuck, im sure i forgot half the people i initially wanted to greet....
..... shouts to everybody in the scene anyway!
some group shouts go to:
teklordz, apathy, fire, ice, phat, blood, dark, fbk, stab.
-------------- B L A C K M A i D E N P R O D U C T i O N S 1 9 9 6
.,a! .o.
-------- ,. -,ata, - .,a!, -,ata, -,ata, --------- ,t S t ta,.aS
S,.,s ! ! ,aaa.! ,aaa. -vc!bm---- -- @tat@ -, - tat@ -@tat@ --------- I
a n s i c l u s t e r
--- the seventh seal - for ironghost of stab ---------------------------------
God, I feel so
Im sitting here
drawing this pic and vc!bm
Im almost
Listening to
Bif Naked...
I feel so
t h e s e v e n t h s e a l : n u c l e a r s u n r i s e
o p : i r o n g h o s t s t a b
I am alone. b l a c k m a i d e n d i s t r o
--- doink - for cheeze of cia/plain ------------------------------------------
--- paint in black - for coke of black maiden --------------------------------
--- color shock - for exulted of blur ----------------------------------------
c o l o r s h o c k
--- saturn 7 - for hex of teklordz -------------------------------------------
--- end - thats it for the logos : -----------------------------------------
Well, not much art from me this time, but the exams really kept me from doing
any greater works. I hope though that you like the bits I did :
Greetings go to the following people:
ts - the interview was really great fun
trip - thanx for the interview anyway
creator - you still owe me a logo :
tricycle - your new style really rocks pics, at last :
sky - what about a dsr project? any ideas?
avenger - youre going to be top-class
balistic - sorry i hope to get real 100 working email soon
balistix - that handle was just too damn close to the above. sorry for the
ironghost - hey pal, what about a joint-ansi?
matrix - after the exams well do this greece-thing, right?
rd-d - i cant come to uc, its in the midst of my exams :
shy - work hard for warriors
kyp - can you beat 400 lines? :
rascal - welcome!
ne1 - we get that group together.... somehow.
radioactive man - when does the next witchblade come?
coke - superskunk is not that bad a handle is it? :-
andromede - dont forget to write your pal for prag
deep - no bot then? :
maestro - well do the interview sometime
screamager - the best are from luxembourg anyway
aM - trading ansi for code?
hex - how did you like the logo?
hellbeast - hows tekview going?
bk - that 200+ ascii fucking ruled!
blade - whats up?
scavenger - is worldwide far enough? :
bad blood - didnt hear much from you these times... call earlier! :
sparrow - like to write something for crescent?
merciless devil - is your new email stable?
tex - what about the gargoyle vga then? :
cheeze - now was it toon enough?
exulted - exulted one? --elf, in warcraft 2 :
bkc - hope you make the exams this time wish me luck too :
satanic sly - its difficult to get in touch with you
darkheart - when are you on irc?
ds - hows distribution in canada going?
mercury fear - i still didnt find any mystic packs :
black muzi - whats the scene like in belgium?
crack - crack, dope, whats next? :
gunman - hey, i thought you wanted to crash me the fbk-stuff?
trate - whens the next fbk-artpack coming?
jey - thanx for bloodview
buster - what was your party like?
fonebone - get in touch more often :
lithium - where the heck are you? ive got your ascii man... :
fuck, im sure i forgot half the people i initially wanted to greet....
..... shouts to everybody in the scene anyway!
some group shouts go to:
teklordz, apathy, fire, ice, phat, blood, dark, fbk, stab.
-------------- B L A C K M A i D E N P R O D U C T i O N S 1 9 9 6
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