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If you would like an ANSi from me, contact
me at ThE BLACK MAiDEN PiT or at 2:270/26.6
CokeLone WolfAll from BLCK MiDENAlain Fontaine
Greetz Last V8BusterFiReXTCScreamagerMikiThe FidoDudes
RadioActive ManAll my UsersMrInCoGniTOEveryone else
A P R O D U C T i O N
I N T H E N E i G H B O R H O O D - by VOiCE9
Just around the corner of my balcony,
Two chambers farther away I can see
Nothing. There is no one on that balcony -
Theres no one there no one for me.
I wonder what if there would be
In the dim, on that balcony,
Waiting there for me to see,
One single soul - what would that be?
I know there is one, but not only for me,
Why this? As well it can be
That there is one, and just for me!
Is that real? Could that be?
The question subsides constantly
Is there one, one there for me?
Please good Lord, could it be -
That there is someone who cant see?
Why cant you see me?
I am there, even free
I write poems that might be
Miraculous, and hold the key...
B L A C K M A i D E N P R O D U C T i O N S
This ANSi is dedicated to Beauty, in all its forms
me at ThE BLACK MAiDEN PiT or at 2:270/26.6
CokeLone WolfAll from BLCK MiDENAlain Fontaine
Greetz Last V8BusterFiReXTCScreamagerMikiThe FidoDudes
RadioActive ManAll my UsersMrInCoGniTOEveryone else
A P R O D U C T i O N
I N T H E N E i G H B O R H O O D - by VOiCE9
Just around the corner of my balcony,
Two chambers farther away I can see
Nothing. There is no one on that balcony -
Theres no one there no one for me.
I wonder what if there would be
In the dim, on that balcony,
Waiting there for me to see,
One single soul - what would that be?
I know there is one, but not only for me,
Why this? As well it can be
That there is one, and just for me!
Is that real? Could that be?
The question subsides constantly
Is there one, one there for me?
Please good Lord, could it be -
That there is someone who cant see?
Why cant you see me?
I am there, even free
I write poems that might be
Miraculous, and hold the key...
B L A C K M A i D E N P R O D U C T i O N S
This ANSi is dedicated to Beauty, in all its forms
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