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: b u
by Exulted ,. 96! . bLUR newsletter of august 96
Introduction.. .
its that time again. the time where we get off our asses from drawing and sit upin our chairs to write something worth reading. not much to say so far. but
exulted and myself might be losing our internet access, so to compensate for
everyone who needs to talk to exulted or myself. in the event that we actually
LOSE our email, please email mr.sandman instead until we both get a NEW email.
i have another email setup, but i rather not want to use it. so if you dont see
me or exulted on the irc as much, we lost out inet access. so email mr.sandman
in the event that happens.
Members.. coming and going.. .
needless to say, we regret to say goodbye to endotoxin. he was recently acceptedinto dark as vga and we say goodbye to him and wish him luck at dark. we picked
up a few new members, but since i lack ability to keep in touch with members,
its hard to say, whos still in and who isnt. bacteria, from south the equator
comes to bLUR to courier for us to further spread our packs and collect work forus. da drug from north the equator came to bLUR to draw ansi and write some litsfor bLUR. and new to the ascii division, comes primordial soup and rage, theyretalents in anscii and ascii will add to our ascii division. we are still lookingfor new and talented artists, if you would like to join bLUR, you can find
exulted, mr.sandman or myself on the irc. if not just send us your app in email.
Submissions.. AGAIN.. .
once again i have this problem, but also, problems of contacting. i would like
to request that all bLUR members that have email please email mr.sandman so thati know i have a means of contacting you. if you dont have email call my board
and leave me feedback on how i can find or contact you. as for submissions,
please tell me how you want us to pick up your work, like we call your board to
pick up work or email it to one of us. please do this ASAP.
Irc meetings?.. .
ok, we were thinking of having an irc meeting to chat with the bLUR members one of these days. we still need to think about the date and time yet. but if anyoneelse thinks this is a good idea and want to help me set it up, email me.
Bye bye.. .
im done and im glad that i am done. you want to talk to us? you know what to
do.. .email.
: b u
by Exulted ,. 96! . bLUR newsletter of august 96
Introduction.. .
its that time again. the time where we get off our asses from drawing and sit upin our chairs to write something worth reading. not much to say so far. but
exulted and myself might be losing our internet access, so to compensate for
everyone who needs to talk to exulted or myself. in the event that we actually
LOSE our email, please email mr.sandman instead until we both get a NEW email.
i have another email setup, but i rather not want to use it. so if you dont see
me or exulted on the irc as much, we lost out inet access. so email mr.sandman
in the event that happens.
Members.. coming and going.. .
needless to say, we regret to say goodbye to endotoxin. he was recently acceptedinto dark as vga and we say goodbye to him and wish him luck at dark. we picked
up a few new members, but since i lack ability to keep in touch with members,
its hard to say, whos still in and who isnt. bacteria, from south the equator
comes to bLUR to courier for us to further spread our packs and collect work forus. da drug from north the equator came to bLUR to draw ansi and write some litsfor bLUR. and new to the ascii division, comes primordial soup and rage, theyretalents in anscii and ascii will add to our ascii division. we are still lookingfor new and talented artists, if you would like to join bLUR, you can find
exulted, mr.sandman or myself on the irc. if not just send us your app in email.
Submissions.. AGAIN.. .
once again i have this problem, but also, problems of contacting. i would like
to request that all bLUR members that have email please email mr.sandman so thati know i have a means of contacting you. if you dont have email call my board
and leave me feedback on how i can find or contact you. as for submissions,
please tell me how you want us to pick up your work, like we call your board to
pick up work or email it to one of us. please do this ASAP.
Irc meetings?.. .
ok, we were thinking of having an irc meeting to chat with the bLUR members one of these days. we still need to think about the date and time yet. but if anyoneelse thinks this is a good idea and want to help me set it up, email me.
Bye bye.. .
im done and im glad that i am done. you want to talk to us? you know what to
do.. .email.
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