this image contains text
news of info.
issue numba five
the beginning
another month has gone by and, here i am again, writing this newsletter up, but atleast this time, i wont be the only one writing stuff in here. we got an
increase in members and exulted is here to say something later on in the
newsletter i still dont know much to write in here, so every time i write this
beginning part, it seems shorter. heh, doubt you guys are even reading this, so
if you are, read on.
bLUR home page
we need vgas for our bLUR home page so we can begin to put it up. so far, we
only have a few, and thats not enough to really begin, so draw up some bLUR
fonts in vga. send them to me cerebus or exulted at
cerebus OR exulted@easyaccess.com. we have the same email, so you can just
change the name and add the rest of the email. the sooner we have more vgas, thefaster the bLUR home page will be up.
members.. .incoming
ok, one of our old members, prestige, comes back from where ever the hell he
went to enjoy his time here and draw for blur. sadly we only lost one member
cynical, who decides to quit the scene. cynical was with us from the beginning
of bLUR and we all hope him good luck whatever hes gonna do. ok so on with the
newbies of this month. we aquired many talented ansiasciivga artists who decided to join. let me start out in no particular order, mass hypnosis comes
out strong with his ansis and asciis, keep an eye out on this guy. rip-saw
joins, his lit skills are impressive, not only that but he also does ansis and
asciis. next up is evil empire, who puts some flava in his ansis, toadie and
xenocide comes from score, a group that was about to be form but decided to
merge into us. majick who did some crazy ansi fonts joins in. lord, a great ansilogo artist, were happy that he is releasing with us. now as for the ascii
division we gain risu, a newschool ascii artist straight from the 510 whos colored asciis are sweet. tzeentch, oldschool and newschool ascii artist comes
from wicked that release some elite fonts. kronic khaos is another fine newschool artist, we just recruited him and he still manage to release with us. our vga department is growing and to help out endotoxin and outkast, phantom
who came from senile joins. ok so thats it for this month, were still growing little by little. so interested, fill out an app and send it to your nearest
blur board or email it to cerebus or me exulted.
irc.. .god damn it.. .someone op the fuckin bot!
well, for a short time, we ACTUALLY had a bot setup in blur! but were not sureabout the bot yet, we still need to talk to the guy who set it up. but if it
goes back up, just drop in and chat with exulted or me cerebus. if any of you
other bLUR members know how to setup an eggdrop bot, just notify me cerebus or
why you still here reading this?
this didnt take me that long to write, probably like only 15 minutes, heh, if
you need to contact us, just email cerebus or exulted. you wanna join? look for
exulted on the irc, hes most likely always there, . im outta here.
cerebus exulted
news of info.
issue numba five
the beginning
another month has gone by and, here i am again, writing this newsletter up, but atleast this time, i wont be the only one writing stuff in here. we got an
increase in members and exulted is here to say something later on in the
newsletter i still dont know much to write in here, so every time i write this
beginning part, it seems shorter. heh, doubt you guys are even reading this, so
if you are, read on.
bLUR home page
we need vgas for our bLUR home page so we can begin to put it up. so far, we
only have a few, and thats not enough to really begin, so draw up some bLUR
fonts in vga. send them to me cerebus or exulted at
cerebus OR exulted@easyaccess.com. we have the same email, so you can just
change the name and add the rest of the email. the sooner we have more vgas, thefaster the bLUR home page will be up.
members.. .incoming
ok, one of our old members, prestige, comes back from where ever the hell he
went to enjoy his time here and draw for blur. sadly we only lost one member
cynical, who decides to quit the scene. cynical was with us from the beginning
of bLUR and we all hope him good luck whatever hes gonna do. ok so on with the
newbies of this month. we aquired many talented ansiasciivga artists who decided to join. let me start out in no particular order, mass hypnosis comes
out strong with his ansis and asciis, keep an eye out on this guy. rip-saw
joins, his lit skills are impressive, not only that but he also does ansis and
asciis. next up is evil empire, who puts some flava in his ansis, toadie and
xenocide comes from score, a group that was about to be form but decided to
merge into us. majick who did some crazy ansi fonts joins in. lord, a great ansilogo artist, were happy that he is releasing with us. now as for the ascii
division we gain risu, a newschool ascii artist straight from the 510 whos colored asciis are sweet. tzeentch, oldschool and newschool ascii artist comes
from wicked that release some elite fonts. kronic khaos is another fine newschool artist, we just recruited him and he still manage to release with us. our vga department is growing and to help out endotoxin and outkast, phantom
who came from senile joins. ok so thats it for this month, were still growing little by little. so interested, fill out an app and send it to your nearest
blur board or email it to cerebus or me exulted.
irc.. .god damn it.. .someone op the fuckin bot!
well, for a short time, we ACTUALLY had a bot setup in blur! but were not sureabout the bot yet, we still need to talk to the guy who set it up. but if it
goes back up, just drop in and chat with exulted or me cerebus. if any of you
other bLUR members know how to setup an eggdrop bot, just notify me cerebus or
why you still here reading this?
this didnt take me that long to write, probably like only 15 minutes, heh, if
you need to contact us, just email cerebus or exulted. you wanna join? look for
exulted on the irc, hes most likely always there, . im outta here.
cerebus exulted
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