this image contains text
Dont jizz just yet...
ms! ms!
ms! ms!
Jizz NOW!
Jizz aint your ordinary board
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------This ansi was done for Jizz, Outkasts board, so if hes not you, then dont be
a dick and rip. oK, you can just go ahead and add all the other stats. If you
need to get a hold of me just to tell me I suck then you can get a hold of me onmy board, Stone Chapel 408.453.3114 BLUR WHQ ODIUM MEM BOARD, The Dark Society,
or the IRC on blurproductionz, ansi, and most cool channels. Send all hate
mail to sandman@inow.com.
Blur Productionz 96
ms! ms!
ms! ms!
Jizz NOW!
Jizz aint your ordinary board
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------This ansi was done for Jizz, Outkasts board, so if hes not you, then dont be
a dick and rip. oK, you can just go ahead and add all the other stats. If you
need to get a hold of me just to tell me I suck then you can get a hold of me onmy board, Stone Chapel 408.453.3114 BLUR WHQ ODIUM MEM BOARD, The Dark Society,
or the IRC on blurproductionz, ansi, and most cool channels. Send all hate
mail to sandman@inow.com.
Blur Productionz 96
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