this image contains text
News of the Wierd Issue 2
-words from ye ole founder. . .
Welcome to another issue of News of the Wierd! Blur is still here, so hold yourbreath. Were not going anywhere. This month has been a very hectic one for blur and I. I really didnt have as much time as I would have liked to. Lets
not get into that. I suppose our first release was pretty successful, we did
have very many compliments, and even a merger was suggested. Although this
months pack is not as large as our first one, I do believe you will find that
this pack has more quality over our premier. Well, Im not planning on writing
too much for this issue, so Ill just leave you with this. Blah. Forget it!
If youd like to join this kick ass group, then look for us in the IRC and in
AREA CODE 408. Who the fuck really reads this shit anyway, besides our members?I could just talk nonsense and waste my damn time, no one would notice. To all
you good people out there, youre probably blur material. P To all you shittyguys, go join some other fucked up group. Heres my greets, just for the hell
of it.
SHOUTS: cerebus, exulted, cynical, prestige, alias pending, outkast, bloodlore,
sinister, lint, all other blur members that I forgot, suicidal snowman,
betrayer, prisoner1, flame, TS, meltdown, pspade, bedlam, ACiD, ICE,
RILE, BLADE, MOP, ODIUM, all the damn people in ansi, all you other
dudes that I forgot to mention.
-blur founder
-odium member
-crap from that senior staff guy cerebus. . .
if youve actually read this far, heres the info on blur for what has happened during the month of march besides drawing and shit. from what mr.sandman has
written so far, hes pretty much said everything that was needed to be done
except the other stuff and info. mr.sandman let me take over the group for now
because he and his girlfriend have decided to waste their money by throwing it
in machines that are rigged hes gone to Las Vegas. there was also one thing
that mr.sandman neglected to say, we were to have a very VERY talented rip
artist to draw for blur but has either decided not to draw or has very little
time to draw for the groups hes in and for blur. other than that, i hope he
decides to draw for blur. on to the regular info, so, heres da shit
-members. . .
weve never gotten much attention towards the groups member listings. we got a
few new members thanks to myself and the members of the group. but sadly, we saygoodbye to our departing member prestige. he had left the group for personal
reasons in a way, but he will not be entirely gone. he left to pursue his other
interests such as school, but will still draw for blur when he comes back from
time to time. on another note we received several ascii artists, a very talentedartist with many mediums, a courier, and a few new ansi artists. outkast from
the group saga which is long gone and is currently a member of odium, joins us
with his many mediums such as his incredible vga and rip art, his art will help blur greatly. sinister, our first courier will help the group to get the memberswork who have not yet sent their work in or have no contact at all with the
founders and senior staff. now on to the ascii artists. guido of order and punc
joins us help out the ascii department as a trial member for now. lint of apathycomes to the group also to join the ascii department and also create are web
page if he decides to. he has potential to do great work and we welcome him to
the group. finally, the ansi applicants. bloodlore, from the long gone groups ofsam and end joins blur to help out our small ansi department. he does great picsand adequate fonts. a not so new comer to blur to also help the ansi department.traceback who can do great ansi fonts comes to the group to help us out to get
the group going. thanks to the new ansi members, the ansi department is steadilygrowing. thats about it fer now so new members will hopefully be added soon in
the upcoming months of 1996
-groups ratings. . .
well, most people have noticed this group, giving us compliments on our work forour first pack. heck, we were even obligated to merge with another group, and i
am not sure if there was also another group who wanted us to merge with them.
even an acid member, who will remain nameless hes in many good groups said
that blur had a good first pack and if people noticed blur, it will turn out to be a greater group. in all, this group is alive, and is not giving up on its
members...and its art
-applying for blur. . .
there have been problems with the blur application program. we neglected on
means of contact after sending your app to one of the blur staff. those applyingto blur PLEASE check your email and put your correct home phone number so we
have some way to contact you. weve had this problem occur already and we dont
want this to happen again. as for where to send and who to send the app to, you
can call the blur WHQ, stone chapel +1-408-453-3114, send email to mr.sandman ormyself cerebus and upload your app in email, or catch any of the blur senior
staff or the found on the irc at ansi or blurproductionz and dcc it to us. if
you want to join blur, just run the blur-app.exe and fill it out. its pretty
self explanitory if you read what we wrote in there. when youve filled it out,
you will receive a reply in a few days or a week from the founder or one of the
senior staff me and exulted. WE CURRENTLY HAVE NO MUSICIANS, so if you qualifyfor this position, apply now!! as for other positions ascii seems to be filling
up so if you want to join the ascii department, you better be good. our ansi
department is going pretty slow, so if you do ansi pretty good, then apply and
be a part of this growing group! vga is also open since we have only few membersto do vgas, modding is open to people who can release menu sets or 100 originalmods. coding is open to anyone out there who can take care of some other stuff
we still need to make for blur i.e. blurview, and stuff. telecom what the fukis telecom is open, im not even sure what telecom is, but its open. couriers
are also welcome to join and grab our peoples work. and dont be asking us for
distros because we just plainly wont have any. headquarters will be closed for
now and will probably be open later in the future as the group grows. thats it
for now
-last words from cerebus, REALLY. . .
oh well, this is end of what i have to say, im not sure if exulted wants to
write something in here so ill leave him to finish up the writing in here. i
have planned more coding work to be scheduled soon to start the blurview and
something else we are working on. one more thing i would like to say to all blurmembers, MAKE SURE YOU TURN IN YOUR WORK A WEEK BEFORE THE FIRST OF THE MONTH.
people dont understand that we dont want to be slow releasers who release likeat the half of the month. if you need to contact me, you can find me on the irc
in the ansi channel, call my board stone chapel 408453-3114, or email me at
cerebus@easyaccess.com. thanks to all the blur members who contributed to this
months pack and to the new members, good luck with your art. im outtie, latez..
-i lied, these are my last words. . .
i recognize the following people greetz foo mr.sandman, exulted, cynical, p1,prestige, outkast, betrayer, suicidal snowman, bedlam, warp, flame, whore, lint,amnesia, the crow, spear, bloodlore, traceback, guido, and ppl i left out. groupshouts to: acid, ice, teklordz, retro emag, odium, blur, codine, rile, fire,
mop, wicked, trank, blade, legendrest in piece and the other groups i left out
-blur senior staff
-odium member
-retro emag member
-codine member
-a brief comment from exulted. . .
if you dont know that im the other senior staff, now you know. since mr.sandmanand cerebus nearly pointed out everything about blur ill keep it short. i just
like to congrats the blur artists for another commendable pak and all the othergroups always trying to bring the best in the art scene. our group is still
growing little by little so if you would like to join and be a part of blur or
have a request you can contack me on irc in blurproductionz and if im not theresend an email at exulted@easyaccess.com.
News of the Wierd Issue 2
-words from ye ole founder. . .
Welcome to another issue of News of the Wierd! Blur is still here, so hold yourbreath. Were not going anywhere. This month has been a very hectic one for blur and I. I really didnt have as much time as I would have liked to. Lets
not get into that. I suppose our first release was pretty successful, we did
have very many compliments, and even a merger was suggested. Although this
months pack is not as large as our first one, I do believe you will find that
this pack has more quality over our premier. Well, Im not planning on writing
too much for this issue, so Ill just leave you with this. Blah. Forget it!
If youd like to join this kick ass group, then look for us in the IRC and in
AREA CODE 408. Who the fuck really reads this shit anyway, besides our members?I could just talk nonsense and waste my damn time, no one would notice. To all
you good people out there, youre probably blur material. P To all you shittyguys, go join some other fucked up group. Heres my greets, just for the hell
of it.
SHOUTS: cerebus, exulted, cynical, prestige, alias pending, outkast, bloodlore,
sinister, lint, all other blur members that I forgot, suicidal snowman,
betrayer, prisoner1, flame, TS, meltdown, pspade, bedlam, ACiD, ICE,
RILE, BLADE, MOP, ODIUM, all the damn people in ansi, all you other
dudes that I forgot to mention.
-blur founder
-odium member
-crap from that senior staff guy cerebus. . .
if youve actually read this far, heres the info on blur for what has happened during the month of march besides drawing and shit. from what mr.sandman has
written so far, hes pretty much said everything that was needed to be done
except the other stuff and info. mr.sandman let me take over the group for now
because he and his girlfriend have decided to waste their money by throwing it
in machines that are rigged hes gone to Las Vegas. there was also one thing
that mr.sandman neglected to say, we were to have a very VERY talented rip
artist to draw for blur but has either decided not to draw or has very little
time to draw for the groups hes in and for blur. other than that, i hope he
decides to draw for blur. on to the regular info, so, heres da shit
-members. . .
weve never gotten much attention towards the groups member listings. we got a
few new members thanks to myself and the members of the group. but sadly, we saygoodbye to our departing member prestige. he had left the group for personal
reasons in a way, but he will not be entirely gone. he left to pursue his other
interests such as school, but will still draw for blur when he comes back from
time to time. on another note we received several ascii artists, a very talentedartist with many mediums, a courier, and a few new ansi artists. outkast from
the group saga which is long gone and is currently a member of odium, joins us
with his many mediums such as his incredible vga and rip art, his art will help blur greatly. sinister, our first courier will help the group to get the memberswork who have not yet sent their work in or have no contact at all with the
founders and senior staff. now on to the ascii artists. guido of order and punc
joins us help out the ascii department as a trial member for now. lint of apathycomes to the group also to join the ascii department and also create are web
page if he decides to. he has potential to do great work and we welcome him to
the group. finally, the ansi applicants. bloodlore, from the long gone groups ofsam and end joins blur to help out our small ansi department. he does great picsand adequate fonts. a not so new comer to blur to also help the ansi department.traceback who can do great ansi fonts comes to the group to help us out to get
the group going. thanks to the new ansi members, the ansi department is steadilygrowing. thats about it fer now so new members will hopefully be added soon in
the upcoming months of 1996
-groups ratings. . .
well, most people have noticed this group, giving us compliments on our work forour first pack. heck, we were even obligated to merge with another group, and i
am not sure if there was also another group who wanted us to merge with them.
even an acid member, who will remain nameless hes in many good groups said
that blur had a good first pack and if people noticed blur, it will turn out to be a greater group. in all, this group is alive, and is not giving up on its
members...and its art
-applying for blur. . .
there have been problems with the blur application program. we neglected on
means of contact after sending your app to one of the blur staff. those applyingto blur PLEASE check your email and put your correct home phone number so we
have some way to contact you. weve had this problem occur already and we dont
want this to happen again. as for where to send and who to send the app to, you
can call the blur WHQ, stone chapel +1-408-453-3114, send email to mr.sandman ormyself cerebus and upload your app in email, or catch any of the blur senior
staff or the found on the irc at ansi or blurproductionz and dcc it to us. if
you want to join blur, just run the blur-app.exe and fill it out. its pretty
self explanitory if you read what we wrote in there. when youve filled it out,
you will receive a reply in a few days or a week from the founder or one of the
senior staff me and exulted. WE CURRENTLY HAVE NO MUSICIANS, so if you qualifyfor this position, apply now!! as for other positions ascii seems to be filling
up so if you want to join the ascii department, you better be good. our ansi
department is going pretty slow, so if you do ansi pretty good, then apply and
be a part of this growing group! vga is also open since we have only few membersto do vgas, modding is open to people who can release menu sets or 100 originalmods. coding is open to anyone out there who can take care of some other stuff
we still need to make for blur i.e. blurview, and stuff. telecom what the fukis telecom is open, im not even sure what telecom is, but its open. couriers
are also welcome to join and grab our peoples work. and dont be asking us for
distros because we just plainly wont have any. headquarters will be closed for
now and will probably be open later in the future as the group grows. thats it
for now
-last words from cerebus, REALLY. . .
oh well, this is end of what i have to say, im not sure if exulted wants to
write something in here so ill leave him to finish up the writing in here. i
have planned more coding work to be scheduled soon to start the blurview and
something else we are working on. one more thing i would like to say to all blurmembers, MAKE SURE YOU TURN IN YOUR WORK A WEEK BEFORE THE FIRST OF THE MONTH.
people dont understand that we dont want to be slow releasers who release likeat the half of the month. if you need to contact me, you can find me on the irc
in the ansi channel, call my board stone chapel 408453-3114, or email me at
cerebus@easyaccess.com. thanks to all the blur members who contributed to this
months pack and to the new members, good luck with your art. im outtie, latez..
-i lied, these are my last words. . .
i recognize the following people greetz foo mr.sandman, exulted, cynical, p1,prestige, outkast, betrayer, suicidal snowman, bedlam, warp, flame, whore, lint,amnesia, the crow, spear, bloodlore, traceback, guido, and ppl i left out. groupshouts to: acid, ice, teklordz, retro emag, odium, blur, codine, rile, fire,
mop, wicked, trank, blade, legendrest in piece and the other groups i left out
-blur senior staff
-odium member
-retro emag member
-codine member
-a brief comment from exulted. . .
if you dont know that im the other senior staff, now you know. since mr.sandmanand cerebus nearly pointed out everything about blur ill keep it short. i just
like to congrats the blur artists for another commendable pak and all the othergroups always trying to bring the best in the art scene. our group is still
growing little by little so if you would like to join and be a part of blur or
have a request you can contack me on irc in blurproductionz and if im not theresend an email at exulted@easyaccess.com.
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