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: ..::. ,...oO,. ..::. oO, :: .::. : ..:::::.. .
--l- ::. ..::::::. .. ..,,aO,. :: -- :-
b@-O :: . .Oo,@L
. ,.o : . ... .. , : :.. . :::: Oa ::l.a:::l ::: . ..: : U+-!O o!o !O EX .oO!o . +R : ..:? .......:OooO. .Oo :o::. .............l..
..:.. ..... :...:::.::..:O.:::.: .........: :..: : +. : : : !bbLLUURR ... coming str8 from your eyes: : : . : :: :.. . .:.: :...:.........: ::... :....: . :....... : ..: --.--- - -- - ---.-
. . : founder . . . . . l . mr. sandman ms!...sandman@inow.com l . .. ...:.. . .. . .+ : + ansi division .: . :.+ mr. sandman exultedeX. prestige pT + : . ascii division . . cynical cy exulted prestige . cerebus cs....cerebus@bbs.tsoft.net .+ . + : rip division . .+ exulted mr. sandman + . vga division .+ + exulted cynical . . . literature division : . ..:.. . . . cynical mr.sandman exulted cerebus . . .. . + obv/2 modders :. : . exulted cerebus mr.sandman + . . . +. . coding division . . . .:. .. . . : cerebus mr.sandman alias pending ap . . l .. . head!quarters .: l :. stone chapel cerebus +1-408-453-3114 world hq .:
-X -- ascii by exulted --X
If you are on the internet, and need more information, join the channel
blurproductionz or just send me some email...
--l- ::. ..::::::. .. ..,,aO,. :: -- :-
b@-O :: . .Oo,@L
. ,.o : . ... .. , : :.. . :::: Oa ::l.a:::l ::: . ..: : U+-!O o!o !O EX .oO!o . +R : ..:? .......:OooO. .Oo :o::. .............l..
..:.. ..... :...:::.::..:O.:::.: .........: :..: : +. : : : !bbLLUURR ... coming str8 from your eyes: : : . : :: :.. . .:.: :...:.........: ::... :....: . :....... : ..: --.--- - -- - ---.-
. . : founder . . . . . l . mr. sandman ms!...sandman@inow.com l . .. ...:.. . .. . .+ : + ansi division .: . :.+ mr. sandman exultedeX. prestige pT + : . ascii division . . cynical cy exulted prestige . cerebus cs....cerebus@bbs.tsoft.net .+ . + : rip division . .+ exulted mr. sandman + . vga division .+ + exulted cynical . . . literature division : . ..:.. . . . cynical mr.sandman exulted cerebus . . .. . + obv/2 modders :. : . exulted cerebus mr.sandman + . . . +. . coding division . . . .:. .. . . : cerebus mr.sandman alias pending ap . . l .. . head!quarters .: l :. stone chapel cerebus +1-408-453-3114 world hq .:
-X -- ascii by exulted --X
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blurproductionz or just send me some email...
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