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. ripbym . . . . . -- - .
. . : . . . . . . . . . T/ - -, - .
1980 - 2014
BYM was a talented guy, with a style all his own.
he will be sadly missed.
Good luck on the next plane art brother.
well meet for the mandatory barbecue, up there,
with beers and ansis. love forever, bym.
- irokos
Fredrik was an inspiration to us all.
He brought a sense of wonderment and whimsy that was often
lacking in an art form geared toward pop culture.
He unknowingly bridged the gap of adolescent doodling to the
true art form this medium has become for us all in adulthood.
We will all miss you, Fredrik.
Your spirit lives on through the art
that poured from your fingertips.
- lordScarlet
I never knew Fredrik personally but I can attest to the
impact that his art had on all of us.
The style and imagination that he brought to the table
cant be understated.
He is and always will be missed.
- Misfit
Meu amigo, sua passagem aqui na Terra trouxe alegria e
inspiraao para todos ns. Desejo paz, harmonia e equilbrio
na sua passagem e quem sabe, se assim for a vontade de Deus,
todos ns nos reencontraremos um dia.
As boas recordaoes e lembranas permanecem para sempre.
- Luciano Ayres
Never had a chance to meet Fredrik. Or even talk to him on FB.
But his work was one of a handful that was instrumental
in getting me to give ANSI another chance.
Its hard to put into words what Fredriks work has meant to me,
but essentially it allowed me rekindle my passion
for art after a two year break: for that,
I will be forever grateful.
- mattmatthew
Artwork dedicated to Fredrik Olsson aka. BYM
Created by Blocktronics Artists
mattmatthew Zeus II Avenging Angel TCF RaD MaN ironghost
ANT Argon mypalGOO Filth reset survivor Luciano Ayres
JAN 27 2015
. . : . . . . . . . . . T/ - -, - .
1980 - 2014
BYM was a talented guy, with a style all his own.
he will be sadly missed.
Good luck on the next plane art brother.
well meet for the mandatory barbecue, up there,
with beers and ansis. love forever, bym.
- irokos
Fredrik was an inspiration to us all.
He brought a sense of wonderment and whimsy that was often
lacking in an art form geared toward pop culture.
He unknowingly bridged the gap of adolescent doodling to the
true art form this medium has become for us all in adulthood.
We will all miss you, Fredrik.
Your spirit lives on through the art
that poured from your fingertips.
- lordScarlet
I never knew Fredrik personally but I can attest to the
impact that his art had on all of us.
The style and imagination that he brought to the table
cant be understated.
He is and always will be missed.
- Misfit
Meu amigo, sua passagem aqui na Terra trouxe alegria e
inspiraao para todos ns. Desejo paz, harmonia e equilbrio
na sua passagem e quem sabe, se assim for a vontade de Deus,
todos ns nos reencontraremos um dia.
As boas recordaoes e lembranas permanecem para sempre.
- Luciano Ayres
Never had a chance to meet Fredrik. Or even talk to him on FB.
But his work was one of a handful that was instrumental
in getting me to give ANSI another chance.
Its hard to put into words what Fredriks work has meant to me,
but essentially it allowed me rekindle my passion
for art after a two year break: for that,
I will be forever grateful.
- mattmatthew
Artwork dedicated to Fredrik Olsson aka. BYM
Created by Blocktronics Artists
mattmatthew Zeus II Avenging Angel TCF RaD MaN ironghost
ANT Argon mypalGOO Filth reset survivor Luciano Ayres
JAN 27 2015

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- 2014-10-31
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