this image contains text
lord xander speaks..
Please, I am flattered that you drew this for me, but please DO NOT
call me by my name alex or scott.. or diez, noot, dieznyik, xanderthon,
xandernoot, nootropic, nooter, nooty noot noot, diznootropic, nootxander,
scotttropic, scottnootropic dieznscoot, alexnootrodiezdoo, dooey doo do,
alenootscoot, tropscot, diezscottropznik, scottydieztropnootic,
tropnootalexandermanthong, nootalexanderscottopic, scottrop, dieznoot,
deeznuts, nooterscooter, scooner, joey jo jo, alotta noot, xanxannootnoot
alexanscottropicnootnyik, or dieznootxandernyik.
But im not going to sit here and let you dumbfounded peasants mock me
OR MY legacy. Call me Xander just that its all i command from you. I
know when im being made fun out of and xander is not okay with that,
the idiodic, hurtful, stupid names you are caling me now will jeopardize
my career as a world famous instagram filter photographer.
you know my career was built on out-doing all you bottom feeding ansi
n00bs.. how dare you insult me.
you could never be me.. xander vanish
lord xander speaks..
Please, I am flattered that you drew this for me, but please DO NOT
call me by my name alex or scott.. or diez, noot, dieznyik, xanderthon,
xandernoot, nootropic, nooter, nooty noot noot, diznootropic, nootxander,
scotttropic, scottnootropic dieznscoot, alexnootrodiezdoo, dooey doo do,
alenootscoot, tropscot, diezscottropznik, scottydieztropnootic,
tropnootalexandermanthong, nootalexanderscottopic, scottrop, dieznoot,
deeznuts, nooterscooter, scooner, joey jo jo, alotta noot, xanxannootnoot
alexanscottropicnootnyik, or dieznootxandernyik.
But im not going to sit here and let you dumbfounded peasants mock me
OR MY legacy. Call me Xander just that its all i command from you. I
know when im being made fun out of and xander is not okay with that,
the idiodic, hurtful, stupid names you are caling me now will jeopardize
my career as a world famous instagram filter photographer.
you know my career was built on out-doing all you bottom feeding ansi
n00bs.. how dare you insult me.
you could never be me.. xander vanish
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