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Ill bleed Question Master u out pig.. Attack! View Heroes Retreat tcf
Archangel Deterrence Bargain Legendaries Surrender Epic Your Stats Retreat tcf
You sit next to the head that smells of dried blood. I was once a beautiful young woman and I.. You sure aint now. you interrupt rudely. Save your sarcasm. My name is Olivia. I was accused of witchcraft and beheaded without trial!
Weapon . Price
1. Stick...............................200 2. Dagger............................1,000 3. Short Sword......... ..............3,000 4. Long Sword.......... .............10,000 5. Huge Axe........... ............30,000 6. Bone Cruncher .100,000 7. Twin Swords........ ..........150,000 8. Power Axe........... ............200,000 9. Ables Sword....................400,000 10. Wans Weapon..................1,000,000 11. Spear Of Gold.................4,000,000 12. Crystal Shard................10,000,000 13. Nirass Teeth................40,000,000 14. Blood Sword.................100,000,000 15. Death Sword.................400,000,000 . tcf Accursed be he that first invented war
BLACK LAG - CREEPY EVENT Your quest is interrupted by a strange noise. The eerie howl seems to be coming from a nearby cave.
You reach the castle and fight to the tower! Blindly slashing at any who stand in your path screaming to find the prisoner you seek the jailer of your heart. tcf
King Hawks Arsenal Bid Sell Refrain Did someone say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker? tcf
A SPECIAL EVENT! You are interrupted by
the sound of many tiny
voices squealing in
delight.It seems youve happened upon a group of beautiful little AIRIES bathing each other.
Archangel Deterrence Bargain Legendaries Surrender Epic Your Stats Retreat tcf
You sit next to the head that smells of dried blood. I was once a beautiful young woman and I.. You sure aint now. you interrupt rudely. Save your sarcasm. My name is Olivia. I was accused of witchcraft and beheaded without trial!
Weapon . Price
1. Stick...............................200 2. Dagger............................1,000 3. Short Sword......... ..............3,000 4. Long Sword.......... .............10,000 5. Huge Axe........... ............30,000 6. Bone Cruncher .100,000 7. Twin Swords........ ..........150,000 8. Power Axe........... ............200,000 9. Ables Sword....................400,000 10. Wans Weapon..................1,000,000 11. Spear Of Gold.................4,000,000 12. Crystal Shard................10,000,000 13. Nirass Teeth................40,000,000 14. Blood Sword.................100,000,000 15. Death Sword.................400,000,000 . tcf Accursed be he that first invented war
BLACK LAG - CREEPY EVENT Your quest is interrupted by a strange noise. The eerie howl seems to be coming from a nearby cave.
You reach the castle and fight to the tower! Blindly slashing at any who stand in your path screaming to find the prisoner you seek the jailer of your heart. tcf
King Hawks Arsenal Bid Sell Refrain Did someone say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker? tcf
A SPECIAL EVENT! You are interrupted by
the sound of many tiny
voices squealing in
delight.It seems youve happened upon a group of beautiful little AIRIES bathing each other.
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