this image contains text
the end of a triumph is the beginning of a legend.
- made up quote
s e n s e t r o n i c s
absent spinster aesthetic ansichrist argyle arrogance avenging angel
barium character zero cleaner criminal cyberfreak cryogenic drugula
enzo fever fusion the fix grymmjack h7 hexed human nature
sodium indecent jashin keetar klumzee luminator m0lo maruader
maytag man mega trash noche orange pest pestiferous plazz
plowman portia proctologist project x propane prowler prostethis
rage rebal reanimator retribution roodolph ruiner reznor scyre
sephiroth sinister x spearfx tracker 1 tainted x textorcist t.g.p
trANSIent two11two unsane untamed useless ville vel drome zerostar
zerovision zhixel zenophobe
if i have misspelled any names, and/or forgot someone, i apologize.
so to make up for it, heres an embarassing story about two girls forgetting
my name...
/me/ ...im tellin you yo, both of those girls keep looking at me and
doing the cute point n giggle at me!
/friends/ yo, youre in dude! go talk to them!
i get up and work my way over knowing im going to say fuck all to these
gals, and just hope they say something to me. im just trying to look cool
in front of my friends. but they know i wont say anything unless the girls
say something to me. so really im just a jackass getting up walking and
most likely walking in a circle then sitting back down. but alas!...
/cute girl 1/ ehehehe hey!
/cute girl 2/ ehehehehe!!
yeah, im using my outside voice. i guess i figured since there were two
of them, i had to talk twice as loud. ?
/cute girl 1/ okay, listen.... we saw you earlier and you TOTALLY look like
this guy from a movie. but we cant think of his real name.
/me/ well now, i happen to be a big movie buff! whats the movie?
/cute girl 2/ ehehehe, well, ehehehe, you ever see that Howard Stern movie?
/cute girl 1/ yeah!! ehehehehe!! Private Parts!
/me/ heh, well, sure. but i dont remember Brad Pitt in that movie! ehehehe!
/cute girls 1 and 2/ ehehehehe!! no no!! oh... whats his name?? we cant
think of his real name, just what they called him in
Private Parts...and we dont wanna say THAT name.
/me/ Captain Jack Sparrow? ehehehe?
/cute girl 1/ ehehehe, no. wrong movie.
/me/ ah. ehehehehe?
/cute girl 2/ mkay, i cant remember. but he was the guy who was trying
to stop Howard Stern from broadcasting over the radio station,
/me/ oh, uh, i realize who theyre talking about, i know his real name too,
but i too cant remember his characters name. this is where
the conversation took a turn for the worse. or so i thought.
/me/ you mean Paul Giamatti? him??
/cute girl 2/ YES! oh, but in the movie he had a name. but Howard Stern
called him by a nickname... umm.. ehehehehe!!!
/me/ ehehehe? well, ill take what i can get. my name is Josh and----
/cute girl 2/ ehehehehe!! yeah!! pig vomit!!
/me/ well, my name is Josh, and uh, ill see ya around.
/cute girl 2/ oh, ehehehe, sorry!! that was the only name we could think
of. you dont really look like pig vomit!! ehehehe.
/me/ ehehehehe. well, uh, i gotta get back to my friends.
** so i obviously go back to my friends and told them that they thought i
looked like Elijah Wood. soon after, we go to depart. as were walking
out i pass the sea beasts and give them a wave hoping they can save this
burning ship of an evening.
/me/ *nod* ladies!
/sea beast 1/ see ya, uh, *whispers to friend whats his actual name?*
/sea beast 2/ *whishpers back ehehehehe!! i forgot!*
/sea beasts 1 2/ see ya, pig vomit!! eheheheheheheheheh!!!!
and thats how that went. ehehehehe!!
100 original ansi/tribute by pig vomit of sensetronics 20I3
quick greet: misfit / who actually tattoos for a living and can probably
point out a multitude of things how this tattoo layout is
absolutely incorrect. : who also is from the same ac im
from - 717 nowhere, pennsylvania. whom i may have never
met face to face technicaly, but may have shared the same
sweat of a sea of punk rock assholes at a punk rock show back
in the late 90s. AMiSH REPREZENT!
- made up quote
s e n s e t r o n i c s
absent spinster aesthetic ansichrist argyle arrogance avenging angel
barium character zero cleaner criminal cyberfreak cryogenic drugula
enzo fever fusion the fix grymmjack h7 hexed human nature
sodium indecent jashin keetar klumzee luminator m0lo maruader
maytag man mega trash noche orange pest pestiferous plazz
plowman portia proctologist project x propane prowler prostethis
rage rebal reanimator retribution roodolph ruiner reznor scyre
sephiroth sinister x spearfx tracker 1 tainted x textorcist t.g.p
trANSIent two11two unsane untamed useless ville vel drome zerostar
zerovision zhixel zenophobe
if i have misspelled any names, and/or forgot someone, i apologize.
so to make up for it, heres an embarassing story about two girls forgetting
my name...
/me/ ...im tellin you yo, both of those girls keep looking at me and
doing the cute point n giggle at me!
/friends/ yo, youre in dude! go talk to them!
i get up and work my way over knowing im going to say fuck all to these
gals, and just hope they say something to me. im just trying to look cool
in front of my friends. but they know i wont say anything unless the girls
say something to me. so really im just a jackass getting up walking and
most likely walking in a circle then sitting back down. but alas!...
/cute girl 1/ ehehehe hey!
/cute girl 2/ ehehehehe!!
yeah, im using my outside voice. i guess i figured since there were two
of them, i had to talk twice as loud. ?
/cute girl 1/ okay, listen.... we saw you earlier and you TOTALLY look like
this guy from a movie. but we cant think of his real name.
/me/ well now, i happen to be a big movie buff! whats the movie?
/cute girl 2/ ehehehe, well, ehehehe, you ever see that Howard Stern movie?
/cute girl 1/ yeah!! ehehehehe!! Private Parts!
/me/ heh, well, sure. but i dont remember Brad Pitt in that movie! ehehehe!
/cute girls 1 and 2/ ehehehehe!! no no!! oh... whats his name?? we cant
think of his real name, just what they called him in
Private Parts...and we dont wanna say THAT name.
/me/ Captain Jack Sparrow? ehehehe?
/cute girl 1/ ehehehe, no. wrong movie.
/me/ ah. ehehehehe?
/cute girl 2/ mkay, i cant remember. but he was the guy who was trying
to stop Howard Stern from broadcasting over the radio station,
/me/ oh, uh, i realize who theyre talking about, i know his real name too,
but i too cant remember his characters name. this is where
the conversation took a turn for the worse. or so i thought.
/me/ you mean Paul Giamatti? him??
/cute girl 2/ YES! oh, but in the movie he had a name. but Howard Stern
called him by a nickname... umm.. ehehehehe!!!
/me/ ehehehe? well, ill take what i can get. my name is Josh and----
/cute girl 2/ ehehehehe!! yeah!! pig vomit!!
/me/ well, my name is Josh, and uh, ill see ya around.
/cute girl 2/ oh, ehehehe, sorry!! that was the only name we could think
of. you dont really look like pig vomit!! ehehehe.
/me/ ehehehehe. well, uh, i gotta get back to my friends.
** so i obviously go back to my friends and told them that they thought i
looked like Elijah Wood. soon after, we go to depart. as were walking
out i pass the sea beasts and give them a wave hoping they can save this
burning ship of an evening.
/me/ *nod* ladies!
/sea beast 1/ see ya, uh, *whispers to friend whats his actual name?*
/sea beast 2/ *whishpers back ehehehehe!! i forgot!*
/sea beasts 1 2/ see ya, pig vomit!! eheheheheheheheheh!!!!
and thats how that went. ehehehehe!!
100 original ansi/tribute by pig vomit of sensetronics 20I3
quick greet: misfit / who actually tattoos for a living and can probably
point out a multitude of things how this tattoo layout is
absolutely incorrect. : who also is from the same ac im
from - 717 nowhere, pennsylvania. whom i may have never
met face to face technicaly, but may have shared the same
sweat of a sea of punk rock assholes at a punk rock show back
in the late 90s. AMiSH REPREZENT!
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