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Leviathan: 12500020
Your FT HP: 1400
Turns Left Today: 3
Over the years since the world has moved on, the slow mutants
have evolved into monsterous creatures ten times the size of
men. Its long been whispered of a series of tracks that run
beneath a mountain which hold great riches!
In the distance you spot the mountain. Fearlessly you enter
the mouth and follow the dark tracks until you reach a room
dimly lit by flashing lights of a world that flourished long
before you came here.
From far away you spot the treasure, a treasure chest full of
American cash. Between you and this cash bounty stands the
Leviathan, a slow mutant the size of which is unlike anything
youve ever seen. It will surely take many warriors to bring
this monster down.
He who casts the last blow shall receive this bounty!
Info text goes here Info text goes here
Welcome to Bit Sunrise Bulletin Board Service
Located in Los Angeles, CA
World Headquarters of Black Country Rock, a multi-format media company
Open 24/7 and we carry: Fidonet AgoraNet DoRENet DixieNet WinsNet
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+o: Terra-X
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KFC - Chicken this !
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
X Drop a line? YES NO
Leviathan: 12500020
Your FT HP: 1400
Turns Left Today: 3
Over the years since the world has moved on, the slow mutants
have evolved into monsterous creatures ten times the size of
men. Its long been whispered of a series of tracks that run
beneath a mountain which hold great riches!
In the distance you spot the mountain. Fearlessly you enter
the mouth and follow the dark tracks until you reach a room
dimly lit by flashing lights of a world that flourished long
before you came here.
From far away you spot the treasure, a treasure chest full of
American cash. Between you and this cash bounty stands the
Leviathan, a slow mutant the size of which is unlike anything
youve ever seen. It will surely take many warriors to bring
this monster down.
He who casts the last blow shall receive this bounty!
Info text goes here Info text goes here
Welcome to Bit Sunrise Bulletin Board Service
Located in Los Angeles, CA
World Headquarters of Black Country Rock, a multi-format media company
Open 24/7 and we carry: Fidonet AgoraNet DoRENet DixieNet WinsNet
To create a new account, choose a login name and enter it below!
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+o: Terra-X
c chat menu n note to sysop y your info
d doors o oneliners p page node
f file menu r rumors ! history of clutch
h help menu u utilities global oneliners
m message area w whois online @ art gallery
KFC - Chicken this !
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
thedevil Tonight, we dine in hell! This is Sparta! Kill them all!
X Drop a line? YES NO
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