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filth -1987
um, im not sure what to do at this point
since i usually have a logo at the bottom
of my drawings. i feel sort of awkward.
sort of like certain social situations when
you hang out with someone you work with. it
seems like a fun idea at the time. but then
conversation goes a little stale since you
already talk all day at work. and you both
sort of know it, yet, never really mention
it. seconds seem to crawl by and you start
taking those weird beer appreciation sips.
you know what i mean. theres that silence
and then you take a sip of beer and go:
with your mouth slightly open. then you
just absently stare at the beer and make
make that weird face as if its the first
fuckin time you ever had a sip of beer.
this weird beer sipping agony goes on for
a while until you both start looking around
and see everyone having a good time. and
for some ungodly reason, you both kind of
chuckle at each other as if you were both
totally included in the conversation and
not two awkward and creepy dudes sitting
at a table NOT TALKING and being overly
emphatic about the beer sips.
which is sad.
then things really start falling apart. that
dreaded double icebreaker move happens.
where you both try to break the silence and
end up BOTH saying something at the same time.
then you BOTH abruptly stop signaling for the
other to continue hoping that they have
something interesting to say because you were
just gonna throw something out there.
now your stuck in the silent sausage party.
the end. for some reason.
filth -1987
um, im not sure what to do at this point
since i usually have a logo at the bottom
of my drawings. i feel sort of awkward.
sort of like certain social situations when
you hang out with someone you work with. it
seems like a fun idea at the time. but then
conversation goes a little stale since you
already talk all day at work. and you both
sort of know it, yet, never really mention
it. seconds seem to crawl by and you start
taking those weird beer appreciation sips.
you know what i mean. theres that silence
and then you take a sip of beer and go:
with your mouth slightly open. then you
just absently stare at the beer and make
make that weird face as if its the first
fuckin time you ever had a sip of beer.
this weird beer sipping agony goes on for
a while until you both start looking around
and see everyone having a good time. and
for some ungodly reason, you both kind of
chuckle at each other as if you were both
totally included in the conversation and
not two awkward and creepy dudes sitting
at a table NOT TALKING and being overly
emphatic about the beer sips.
which is sad.
then things really start falling apart. that
dreaded double icebreaker move happens.
where you both try to break the silence and
end up BOTH saying something at the same time.
then you BOTH abruptly stop signaling for the
other to continue hoping that they have
something interesting to say because you were
just gonna throw something out there.
now your stuck in the silent sausage party.
the end. for some reason.
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