this image contains text
FEB 28 2014 000I LINE0074 Memberlist Websites 00II LINE0290 How to join Blocktronics 0III LINE0310 ANSi Art Drawing Resources 00IV LINE0349 ANSi Facebook Groups 000V LINE0372 Web and Telnet BBS List 00VI LINE0431 ACiD Trip:Top 5 Pics 0VII LINE0453 ACiD Trip:Top 5 Fonts VIII LINE0476 Blocktronics Artist Stats 00IX LINE0553 Blocktronics Awards, Results, Other Information 000X LINE0570 Memorial
Members List Websites
ABR Nickname Real Name Website
2m Mattmatthew Matthew Yee Matt Yee on Behance
Hawaii, USA behance.net/mattmatthew
ao AOX Unknown Guest Artist
ant ANT Anthony Schiller Artist
Michigan, USA
asx Asphyx Unknown Artist
France www.asphyx.fr
avg Avenging Angel Ivan Segaric Apple
Australia www.apple.com
aw Abdully Wahaa Unknown Guest Artist
axd Access Denied Nick Boel Pharcyde BBS
Wisconsin, USA bbs.pharcyde.org
biz Bizarro Mikael Aspling Artist
bw Binary Walker Florian Ochmann Artist
Germany binarywalker.deviantart.com
bym Big Yellow Man Fredrick Olsson Artist
cap Captain Hood Hawk Hubbard Black lag BBS
Florida, USA blackflag.acid.org
cat Catbones Cat Spencer Artist
Missouri, USA catbones.com
cbn Cubon Unknown Artist
cl! Cleaner Frederic Cambus Cleaner Alternative Museum
France cleaner.untergrund.net
cr Cryogenic Karl Grenet Artist
Australia crs Crasher Unknown Artist Russia cx Cyonx Pat Swanson Artist Raleigh, NC, USA cyonx.deviantart.com dd Deeply Disturbed Unknown Artist Quebec, Canada del Delicious Jamie Martin Live Jamie Arizona, USA livejamie.com dman dman Dmitry Kalinin Artist
dvn dVn Devin Davidson Artist
Alberta, Canada
eto ETO Curtis Wensley Picoe Software Solutions
Vancouver, Canada picoe.ca
fil Filth Joshua Hillyard Distortion BBS
Pennsylvania, USA http://d1st.org
fs F0sT Unknown Artist France fx Ferrex Unknown Artist Germany ferrex.deviantart.com gj Grymmjack Rick Christy Artist Michigan, USA
goo mypalgoo Unknown Artist Switzerland hx Haliphax Unknown Artist Missouri, USA h7 h7 Antii Kiuru Haciend BBS Finland haciend.bbs.fi ig Ironghost Matthew Kemp Artist
Illinois, USA
iks irokos Unknown Artist
jp! Jack Phlash Jay Phillips Distortion BBS
Tennessee, USA http://d1st.org
k1 Knocturnal Unknown Artist Georgia, USA
ls Lord Scarlet Doug Moore Sixteen Colors
Washington, D.C. sixteencolors.net
may maytag man Lukos Weigandt Artist Ontario, Canada mi Mongi Patrick Liu Artist Sweden twitter.com/pottan
med medium Unknown Artist
mr Mr.Wrong Unknown Artist
mt Misfit James Bodie Bodhi Tree Studio Tattoos+Illustr
West Virginia, USA facebook.com/Bodhi.Tree.Studio
no Noches Unknown Artist
ns Ansichrist Unknown Artist Finland twitter.com/ansichrist pm Piano Man Kristian Ducharme Musician California, USA http://youtu.be/MVBOy7UF-XQ pm Polymorph Unknown Artist Sweden pn Pandur Thomas Kombuechen Artist Germany tom.drastic.net
r5 Reset Survivor Unknown Artist
USA resetsurvivor.com
rad RaD Man Christian Wirth ACiD Productions California, USA facebook.com/ACiD.Productions
ret Retribution Unknown Artist
Kentucky, USA
rev REV Niklas Brodin Artist
rod Rodamned Rodman Lau Artist
Connecticut, USA rodamn.deviantart.com
sa Sassafras Unknown Artist
Canada sc Sonic Steve Mason Artist California, USA sk!n art of sk!n Michael Hischer Art of sk!n ASCII Artist Germany DeZign - The Way We Walk FB sm Smoke Yahwe Chao Artist California, USA sm Smooth Lawrence T Manuel Artist California, USA lmanuel.deviantart.com sp Spear Mark Pendell Artist New York, USA
sph Sephiroth Hin Hale Artist
sz Skuz Leslie Given Fluph BBS
West Virginia, USA fluph.darktech.org
tas Tasmaniac Olivier Reubens Coder
tcf Fever Aaron Frick Aaron Frick Art Georgia, USA facebook.com/aaronfrickart tna The Night AngelAlexandre Mnard Artist Quebec, Canada txt Textmode Exorcist Keith Nadolny Artist New York, USA ung Ungenannt Unknown Artist Georgia, USA wz Whazzit Mage Chris Brunjes Artist Korea zii Zeus II Joel Brjel Artist Sweden zO Enzo Luciano Ayres Artist
Brazil enzo.deviantart.com
zv Zerovision Unknown Artist
Georgia, USA
Members, if you would like any information added or omitted in future
releases send said information to Aaron Frick or frick@insidehoops.net
How to join Blocktronics.
You can become a member of Blocktronics by speaking to Luciano Ayres
aka Enzo on Facebook. We have a secret FB group with a very large
amount of scene and art related activity posted on a regular basis.
They also discuss other interesting topics such as koala bears and twerking. The only two requirements of membership are an interest in low resolution art and dont be a shitty person. Being a shitty artist is fine avg but not a shitty person. If you would rather lay low and draw without bothering to join send guest submissions to Aaron Frick or Luciano Ayres via submit@blocktronics.org. ANSi Art Drawing Resources Here are links to your ANSi art drawing resources. Pablodraw 3.2 - Pablodraw v.3.2 is an ANSi/ASCii text and RIPscrip vector graphic art editor/viewer with multi-user
capabilities. PabloDraw uses the awesome Eto.Forms
cross-platform framework to provide native UI for
Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Features - Draw ANSI and ASCII with your mouse
- Load save 24-bit colour ANSi files
- Support for SAUCE 00.5 descriptions
- New configurable ANSI/ASCII brush
- New colour brush
- New text drawing tools: pencil, line, circle
box, ink dropper
- Many Amiga and DOS fonts added
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements
Blocktronics.org - A very in depth website with Blocktronics services, links, art requests, tutorials, art releases, and much fucking more. Sixteen Colors - sixteencolors.net is the most comprehensive collection of low resolution textmode art in the world. Download artpacks from 1990 to current or view them online. Syncterm - syncterm.bbsdev.net, a telnet client to visit the bulletin board systems listed below. I recommend visiting through a web browser if the sysop has made that option available. ANSi Facebook Groups Here are some Facebook groups Blocktronics members are currently involved with in some way. Some of these groups might be private or secretive so you have to know a member listed above to gain access. Arrows.PageName.Description.RelevanceStars Ansi, Ascii artists worldwide! - Closed group. Invite only. ** ACiD Productions - Public page. Open. ***** ACiD - Secret group. Invite only. ***** Blocktronics - Open to the public group found through search ***** BLOCKTRONICS - Secret, members only group. Invite only. ***** BREAK!ASCii - Invite only *****
DeZign - The Way We Walk Ascii / Ansi Art - Open page. ***** iCE - iCE art group Open Page. Sixteen Colors ANSI Art and ASCII Art Archive - Open page. ***** Web Telnet BBS List Most of these boards can be visited via web browser and also have Facebook pages you can search for with more information. Arrows.BBSName.Sysop.Address Affiliations After Hours Greg Youngblood telnet://afterhours-bbs.com BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP Retroverse Nicholas Todd http://www.retroverse.com.au/connect BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP Distortion Jack Phlash telnet://d1st.org Web Connect: http://d1st.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD.Demonic WHQ.Zeronet WHQ Fluph Skuz telnet://fluph.darktech.org Web Connect: fluph.bbsnexus.com BLOCKTRONICS MEMBER BOARD LOCAL TO MISFIT Haciend El Bananas BBS H7 telnet://haciend.bbs.fi Web Connect: http://haciend.bbs.fi BLOCKTRONICS WORLD HEADQUARTERS.27iNCH.Divine Stylers.Mimic. Damones.Hirmu.Impure Ascii.Innate Ascii.Aerosol Ascii.Sense Imagery.Wamma.Ducksquad Finland HQ.Accession.Alpha Design. Dekadence.Spaceballs.Primitive WHQ. Hazard/2 Smoke telnet://hazard2.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Ink2 Smooth telnet://bbs.inktwo.com BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Pharcyde Access Denied telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org Web Connect: http://pharcyde.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Trans-Canada BBS Dimitri telnet://trans-canada.dyndns.org BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP Under the Black Flag Captain Hood telnet://blackflag.acid.org Web Connect: blackflag.bbsnexus.com/connect BLOCKTRONICS MEMBER BOARD.ACiD Florida Outpost.ACiDiC WHQ. Agoranet US Eastern Hub.DeZign USHQ.Blocktronics and Sixteen Colors Support. X-TReMe BBS The Doctor telnet://xtremebbs.flnet.org BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP
ACiD Trip Top 5 Pics Based on Blocktronics members and artists voting. Congratulations to these guys for their fan favorites in our very own B7 popularity contest! Rank.Artist.VotesReceived.Artwork 5.filth 02 Votes fil-fuel 4.bym 03 Votes bym-C2OH25N3O 4.ungenannt 03 Votes ungenanntautumnharvest 4.the creep fever 03 Votes tcf - 23 - cybernary 3.the creep fever 04 Votes tcf - 22 - Amidala 2.ungennant 05 Votes ungenanntmohctpdarkshorrow 1.23 artists! 06 Votes we-ACiDTrip 000VIILINE0784ACiD Trip Top 5 Fonts Based on Blocktronics members and artists voting.
Congratulations to these guys for their fan favorites in our very own B7 popularity contest!
5.spear 02 Votes sp-acidt
5.knocturnal 02 Votes k1-parc
3.h7 03 Votes h7-acidtronics 2.the creep fever 04 Votes tcf - 21 - acidtrip 2.access denied 04 Votes axd-INK2 2.knocturnal 04 Votes k1-ACID 2.avenging angel 04 Votes avg-EVOKE2013 1.RaD Man TXT Exorcist 06 Votes radtxt-DEZIGN 00XILINE0807Blocktronics Artist Statistics Im a little bit of a stats nerd. Whatever you wanna call it but I think statistics can be fun and even sometimes motivating. Here are some Blocktronics artist stats. Coolness Artist.ArtworksReleased.VotesReceived 2M 017 32 VOTES Top 10 by releases Blocktronics Contest 43 001 00 VOTES 70 008 00 VOTES 1 AVG 064 Votes Rank.Entrants..Points. AXD 004 04 VOTES 2 ZO 054 1 TXT 10 0 AES 004 00 VOTES 3 K1 049 1 TCF 56 1 K1 10 0 ANT 003 00 VOTES 4 TCF 037 2 UNG 50 2 2M 8 0 AO 002 00 VOTES 5 BW 031 3 K1 47 3 DEL 6 0 AVG 064 36 VOTES 6 FIL 030 4 AVG 36 4 NA 0 0 BIZ 009 04 VOTES 7 RAD 023 4 2M 32 5 NA 0 0 BW 031 01 VOTES 7 ZV 023 5 MT 17 6 NA 0 0 BYM 009 11 VOTES 8 TXT 021 5 FIL 17 7 NA 0 0 CAT 003 00 VOTES 9 UNG 021 6 TXT 16 8 NA 0 0 CBN 001 00 VOTES 10 H7 017 7 ZO 15 9 NA 0 0 CL! 009 04 VOTES 8 BYM 11 10 NA 0 0 CRS 001 00 VOTES 11 NA 0 0 CRY 003 00 VOTES 12 NA 0 0 CX 003 00 VOTES 13 NA 0 0 DEL 009 01 VOTES 14 NA 0 0 DMA 002 00 VOTES 15 NA 0 0 DVN 001 00 VOTES 16 NA 0 0 FIL 030 17 VOTES 17 NA 0 0 FS 001 00 VOTES 18 NA 0 0 FX 001 00 VOTES 19 NA 0 0
GOO 002 00 VOTES 20 NA 0 0
H7 017 04 VOTES
HX 001 00 VOTES 1ST 10 Points
IG 002 00 VOTES 2ND 8 Points
IKS 004 00 VOTES 3RD 6 Points
JP 005 01 VOTES 4TH 4 Points
K1 049 47 VOTES 5th 3 Points LS 001 00 VOTES Enter 2 Points MAY 002 00 VOTES MED 002 00 VOTES MI 008 00 VOTES CONTEST LISTING MOS 003 00 VOTES When What Winner MR 001 00 VOTES AUG13 B7 Godzilla Compo TXT MT 013 17 VOTES SEP13 B7 DIZ Color Compo K1
N4 003 00 VOTES NO 009 02 VOTES NS 011 02 VOTES PM 001 00 VOTES PN 001 00 VOTES R5 003 00 VOTES
RAD 023 09 VOTES
RET 013 04 VOTES
REV 002 00 VOTES
ROD 001 05 VOTES
SM 006 05 VOTES
SMK 005 07 VOTES
SP 010 09 VOTES
SPH 001 00 VOTES
TCF 037 56 VOTES
TNA 004 05 VOTES TXT 021 16 VOTES UNG 021 50 VOTES
WZ 002 00 VOTES ZII 003 01 VOTES ZO 053 15 VOTES ZV 023 00 VOTES
B7 ARTISTS: If you go through the 6 B7 packs to date and Ive made a mistake message me, Aaron Frick, and I will correct. Thanks! 00XIILINE0880Blocktronics Awards, Compo Results Relevant Facts The PayBack 2014 Helsink, Finland ANSi Compo Winner ungennant BSiDES 2013 Las Vegas, Nevada Presentation Lord Scarlet China Expo 2013 Beijing, China Gallery Exhibithion Evoke 2013 Cologne, Germany ANSi Compo Winner Filth DemoSplash 2013 Carnegie Melon University ANSi Compo Winner TRSAC 2013 Aarhus, Denmark ANSi Compo Runner-up ungenannt 3,266 line ANSi megajoint YouTube video with 13,000+ views Featured on THE VERGE, BOINGBOING.NET, ACCLAIM and LAUGHING SQUID 00XIIILINE00896Memorial We dedicate this artpack to the art friends who are no longer with us. ewheat -2014 Blandest 1981-2009 Mallakai 1982-2001 MFX 1967-1994 Micah 1978-2004 Phaze 1981-2002 PhazeOne aka Phonosys 1980-2002 5phere 1983-2012 The Utah Saint 1977-2010
BLOCKTRONICS BLOCKALYPSE FEB 28 2014 www.blocktronics.org facebook.com/blocktronics twitter.com/blocktronics
FEB 28 2014 000I LINE0074 Memberlist Websites 00II LINE0290 How to join Blocktronics 0III LINE0310 ANSi Art Drawing Resources 00IV LINE0349 ANSi Facebook Groups 000V LINE0372 Web and Telnet BBS List 00VI LINE0431 ACiD Trip:Top 5 Pics 0VII LINE0453 ACiD Trip:Top 5 Fonts VIII LINE0476 Blocktronics Artist Stats 00IX LINE0553 Blocktronics Awards, Results, Other Information 000X LINE0570 Memorial
Members List Websites
ABR Nickname Real Name Website
2m Mattmatthew Matthew Yee Matt Yee on Behance
Hawaii, USA behance.net/mattmatthew
ao AOX Unknown Guest Artist
ant ANT Anthony Schiller Artist
Michigan, USA
asx Asphyx Unknown Artist
France www.asphyx.fr
avg Avenging Angel Ivan Segaric Apple
Australia www.apple.com
aw Abdully Wahaa Unknown Guest Artist
axd Access Denied Nick Boel Pharcyde BBS
Wisconsin, USA bbs.pharcyde.org
biz Bizarro Mikael Aspling Artist
bw Binary Walker Florian Ochmann Artist
Germany binarywalker.deviantart.com
bym Big Yellow Man Fredrick Olsson Artist
cap Captain Hood Hawk Hubbard Black lag BBS
Florida, USA blackflag.acid.org
cat Catbones Cat Spencer Artist
Missouri, USA catbones.com
cbn Cubon Unknown Artist
cl! Cleaner Frederic Cambus Cleaner Alternative Museum
France cleaner.untergrund.net
cr Cryogenic Karl Grenet Artist
Australia crs Crasher Unknown Artist Russia cx Cyonx Pat Swanson Artist Raleigh, NC, USA cyonx.deviantart.com dd Deeply Disturbed Unknown Artist Quebec, Canada del Delicious Jamie Martin Live Jamie Arizona, USA livejamie.com dman dman Dmitry Kalinin Artist
dvn dVn Devin Davidson Artist
Alberta, Canada
eto ETO Curtis Wensley Picoe Software Solutions
Vancouver, Canada picoe.ca
fil Filth Joshua Hillyard Distortion BBS
Pennsylvania, USA http://d1st.org
fs F0sT Unknown Artist France fx Ferrex Unknown Artist Germany ferrex.deviantart.com gj Grymmjack Rick Christy Artist Michigan, USA
goo mypalgoo Unknown Artist Switzerland hx Haliphax Unknown Artist Missouri, USA h7 h7 Antii Kiuru Haciend BBS Finland haciend.bbs.fi ig Ironghost Matthew Kemp Artist
Illinois, USA
iks irokos Unknown Artist
jp! Jack Phlash Jay Phillips Distortion BBS
Tennessee, USA http://d1st.org
k1 Knocturnal Unknown Artist Georgia, USA
ls Lord Scarlet Doug Moore Sixteen Colors
Washington, D.C. sixteencolors.net
may maytag man Lukos Weigandt Artist Ontario, Canada mi Mongi Patrick Liu Artist Sweden twitter.com/pottan
med medium Unknown Artist
mr Mr.Wrong Unknown Artist
mt Misfit James Bodie Bodhi Tree Studio Tattoos+Illustr
West Virginia, USA facebook.com/Bodhi.Tree.Studio
no Noches Unknown Artist
ns Ansichrist Unknown Artist Finland twitter.com/ansichrist pm Piano Man Kristian Ducharme Musician California, USA http://youtu.be/MVBOy7UF-XQ pm Polymorph Unknown Artist Sweden pn Pandur Thomas Kombuechen Artist Germany tom.drastic.net
r5 Reset Survivor Unknown Artist
USA resetsurvivor.com
rad RaD Man Christian Wirth ACiD Productions California, USA facebook.com/ACiD.Productions
ret Retribution Unknown Artist
Kentucky, USA
rev REV Niklas Brodin Artist
rod Rodamned Rodman Lau Artist
Connecticut, USA rodamn.deviantart.com
sa Sassafras Unknown Artist
Canada sc Sonic Steve Mason Artist California, USA sk!n art of sk!n Michael Hischer Art of sk!n ASCII Artist Germany DeZign - The Way We Walk FB sm Smoke Yahwe Chao Artist California, USA sm Smooth Lawrence T Manuel Artist California, USA lmanuel.deviantart.com sp Spear Mark Pendell Artist New York, USA
sph Sephiroth Hin Hale Artist
sz Skuz Leslie Given Fluph BBS
West Virginia, USA fluph.darktech.org
tas Tasmaniac Olivier Reubens Coder
tcf Fever Aaron Frick Aaron Frick Art Georgia, USA facebook.com/aaronfrickart tna The Night AngelAlexandre Mnard Artist Quebec, Canada txt Textmode Exorcist Keith Nadolny Artist New York, USA ung Ungenannt Unknown Artist Georgia, USA wz Whazzit Mage Chris Brunjes Artist Korea zii Zeus II Joel Brjel Artist Sweden zO Enzo Luciano Ayres Artist
Brazil enzo.deviantart.com
zv Zerovision Unknown Artist
Georgia, USA
Members, if you would like any information added or omitted in future
releases send said information to Aaron Frick or frick@insidehoops.net
How to join Blocktronics.
You can become a member of Blocktronics by speaking to Luciano Ayres
aka Enzo on Facebook. We have a secret FB group with a very large
amount of scene and art related activity posted on a regular basis.
They also discuss other interesting topics such as koala bears and twerking. The only two requirements of membership are an interest in low resolution art and dont be a shitty person. Being a shitty artist is fine avg but not a shitty person. If you would rather lay low and draw without bothering to join send guest submissions to Aaron Frick or Luciano Ayres via submit@blocktronics.org. ANSi Art Drawing Resources Here are links to your ANSi art drawing resources. Pablodraw 3.2 - Pablodraw v.3.2 is an ANSi/ASCii text and RIPscrip vector graphic art editor/viewer with multi-user
capabilities. PabloDraw uses the awesome Eto.Forms
cross-platform framework to provide native UI for
Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Features - Draw ANSI and ASCII with your mouse
- Load save 24-bit colour ANSi files
- Support for SAUCE 00.5 descriptions
- New configurable ANSI/ASCII brush
- New colour brush
- New text drawing tools: pencil, line, circle
box, ink dropper
- Many Amiga and DOS fonts added
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements
Blocktronics.org - A very in depth website with Blocktronics services, links, art requests, tutorials, art releases, and much fucking more. Sixteen Colors - sixteencolors.net is the most comprehensive collection of low resolution textmode art in the world. Download artpacks from 1990 to current or view them online. Syncterm - syncterm.bbsdev.net, a telnet client to visit the bulletin board systems listed below. I recommend visiting through a web browser if the sysop has made that option available. ANSi Facebook Groups Here are some Facebook groups Blocktronics members are currently involved with in some way. Some of these groups might be private or secretive so you have to know a member listed above to gain access. Arrows.PageName.Description.RelevanceStars Ansi, Ascii artists worldwide! - Closed group. Invite only. ** ACiD Productions - Public page. Open. ***** ACiD - Secret group. Invite only. ***** Blocktronics - Open to the public group found through search ***** BLOCKTRONICS - Secret, members only group. Invite only. ***** BREAK!ASCii - Invite only *****
DeZign - The Way We Walk Ascii / Ansi Art - Open page. ***** iCE - iCE art group Open Page. Sixteen Colors ANSI Art and ASCII Art Archive - Open page. ***** Web Telnet BBS List Most of these boards can be visited via web browser and also have Facebook pages you can search for with more information. Arrows.BBSName.Sysop.Address Affiliations After Hours Greg Youngblood telnet://afterhours-bbs.com BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP Retroverse Nicholas Todd http://www.retroverse.com.au/connect BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP Distortion Jack Phlash telnet://d1st.org Web Connect: http://d1st.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD.Demonic WHQ.Zeronet WHQ Fluph Skuz telnet://fluph.darktech.org Web Connect: fluph.bbsnexus.com BLOCKTRONICS MEMBER BOARD LOCAL TO MISFIT Haciend El Bananas BBS H7 telnet://haciend.bbs.fi Web Connect: http://haciend.bbs.fi BLOCKTRONICS WORLD HEADQUARTERS.27iNCH.Divine Stylers.Mimic. Damones.Hirmu.Impure Ascii.Innate Ascii.Aerosol Ascii.Sense Imagery.Wamma.Ducksquad Finland HQ.Accession.Alpha Design. Dekadence.Spaceballs.Primitive WHQ. Hazard/2 Smoke telnet://hazard2.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Ink2 Smooth telnet://bbs.inktwo.com BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Pharcyde Access Denied telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org Web Connect: http://pharcyde.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Trans-Canada BBS Dimitri telnet://trans-canada.dyndns.org BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP Under the Black Flag Captain Hood telnet://blackflag.acid.org Web Connect: blackflag.bbsnexus.com/connect BLOCKTRONICS MEMBER BOARD.ACiD Florida Outpost.ACiDiC WHQ. Agoranet US Eastern Hub.DeZign USHQ.Blocktronics and Sixteen Colors Support. X-TReMe BBS The Doctor telnet://xtremebbs.flnet.org BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP
ACiD Trip Top 5 Pics Based on Blocktronics members and artists voting. Congratulations to these guys for their fan favorites in our very own B7 popularity contest! Rank.Artist.VotesReceived.Artwork 5.filth 02 Votes fil-fuel 4.bym 03 Votes bym-C2OH25N3O 4.ungenannt 03 Votes ungenanntautumnharvest 4.the creep fever 03 Votes tcf - 23 - cybernary 3.the creep fever 04 Votes tcf - 22 - Amidala 2.ungennant 05 Votes ungenanntmohctpdarkshorrow 1.23 artists! 06 Votes we-ACiDTrip 000VIILINE0784ACiD Trip Top 5 Fonts Based on Blocktronics members and artists voting.
Congratulations to these guys for their fan favorites in our very own B7 popularity contest!
5.spear 02 Votes sp-acidt
5.knocturnal 02 Votes k1-parc
3.h7 03 Votes h7-acidtronics 2.the creep fever 04 Votes tcf - 21 - acidtrip 2.access denied 04 Votes axd-INK2 2.knocturnal 04 Votes k1-ACID 2.avenging angel 04 Votes avg-EVOKE2013 1.RaD Man TXT Exorcist 06 Votes radtxt-DEZIGN 00XILINE0807Blocktronics Artist Statistics Im a little bit of a stats nerd. Whatever you wanna call it but I think statistics can be fun and even sometimes motivating. Here are some Blocktronics artist stats. Coolness Artist.ArtworksReleased.VotesReceived 2M 017 32 VOTES Top 10 by releases Blocktronics Contest 43 001 00 VOTES 70 008 00 VOTES 1 AVG 064 Votes Rank.Entrants..Points. AXD 004 04 VOTES 2 ZO 054 1 TXT 10 0 AES 004 00 VOTES 3 K1 049 1 TCF 56 1 K1 10 0 ANT 003 00 VOTES 4 TCF 037 2 UNG 50 2 2M 8 0 AO 002 00 VOTES 5 BW 031 3 K1 47 3 DEL 6 0 AVG 064 36 VOTES 6 FIL 030 4 AVG 36 4 NA 0 0 BIZ 009 04 VOTES 7 RAD 023 4 2M 32 5 NA 0 0 BW 031 01 VOTES 7 ZV 023 5 MT 17 6 NA 0 0 BYM 009 11 VOTES 8 TXT 021 5 FIL 17 7 NA 0 0 CAT 003 00 VOTES 9 UNG 021 6 TXT 16 8 NA 0 0 CBN 001 00 VOTES 10 H7 017 7 ZO 15 9 NA 0 0 CL! 009 04 VOTES 8 BYM 11 10 NA 0 0 CRS 001 00 VOTES 11 NA 0 0 CRY 003 00 VOTES 12 NA 0 0 CX 003 00 VOTES 13 NA 0 0 DEL 009 01 VOTES 14 NA 0 0 DMA 002 00 VOTES 15 NA 0 0 DVN 001 00 VOTES 16 NA 0 0 FIL 030 17 VOTES 17 NA 0 0 FS 001 00 VOTES 18 NA 0 0 FX 001 00 VOTES 19 NA 0 0
GOO 002 00 VOTES 20 NA 0 0
H7 017 04 VOTES
HX 001 00 VOTES 1ST 10 Points
IG 002 00 VOTES 2ND 8 Points
IKS 004 00 VOTES 3RD 6 Points
JP 005 01 VOTES 4TH 4 Points
K1 049 47 VOTES 5th 3 Points LS 001 00 VOTES Enter 2 Points MAY 002 00 VOTES MED 002 00 VOTES MI 008 00 VOTES CONTEST LISTING MOS 003 00 VOTES When What Winner MR 001 00 VOTES AUG13 B7 Godzilla Compo TXT MT 013 17 VOTES SEP13 B7 DIZ Color Compo K1
N4 003 00 VOTES NO 009 02 VOTES NS 011 02 VOTES PM 001 00 VOTES PN 001 00 VOTES R5 003 00 VOTES
RAD 023 09 VOTES
RET 013 04 VOTES
REV 002 00 VOTES
ROD 001 05 VOTES
SM 006 05 VOTES
SMK 005 07 VOTES
SP 010 09 VOTES
SPH 001 00 VOTES
TCF 037 56 VOTES
TNA 004 05 VOTES TXT 021 16 VOTES UNG 021 50 VOTES
WZ 002 00 VOTES ZII 003 01 VOTES ZO 053 15 VOTES ZV 023 00 VOTES
B7 ARTISTS: If you go through the 6 B7 packs to date and Ive made a mistake message me, Aaron Frick, and I will correct. Thanks! 00XIILINE0880Blocktronics Awards, Compo Results Relevant Facts The PayBack 2014 Helsink, Finland ANSi Compo Winner ungennant BSiDES 2013 Las Vegas, Nevada Presentation Lord Scarlet China Expo 2013 Beijing, China Gallery Exhibithion Evoke 2013 Cologne, Germany ANSi Compo Winner Filth DemoSplash 2013 Carnegie Melon University ANSi Compo Winner TRSAC 2013 Aarhus, Denmark ANSi Compo Runner-up ungenannt 3,266 line ANSi megajoint YouTube video with 13,000+ views Featured on THE VERGE, BOINGBOING.NET, ACCLAIM and LAUGHING SQUID 00XIIILINE00896Memorial We dedicate this artpack to the art friends who are no longer with us. ewheat -2014 Blandest 1981-2009 Mallakai 1982-2001 MFX 1967-1994 Micah 1978-2004 Phaze 1981-2002 PhazeOne aka Phonosys 1980-2002 5phere 1983-2012 The Utah Saint 1977-2010
BLOCKTRONICS BLOCKALYPSE FEB 28 2014 www.blocktronics.org facebook.com/blocktronics twitter.com/blocktronics
log in to add a comment.