this image contains text
000I LINE0087 Memberlist Websites 00II LINE0251 How to join Blocktronics 0III LINE0294 Quote of the month 00IV LINE0294 ANSi Art Drawing Resources 000V LINE0345 ANSi Facebook Groups 00VI LINE0369 Web and Telnet BBS List R View information.html to check this content with hyperlinks and bonus photos.
BLOCKTRONICS BLOCK TO THE FUTURE Members List Websites ABR Nickname Real Name Website Location 2m Mattmatthew Matthew Yee www.mattmatthew.com Hawaii, USA 42 agent42 Thomas Aylott on Facebook USA ant ANT Anthony Schiller on Facebook Michigan, USA
arg Argon Unknown on Facebook California, USA
asx Asphyx Unknown www.asphyx.fr
avg Avenging Angel Ivan Segaric on Facebook
aw Abdully Wahaa Unknown NA
axd Access Denied Nick Boel Pharcyde BBS
Wisconsin, USA
biz Bizarro Michael Aspling on Facebook
bw Binary Walker Florian Ochmann BW on DeviantArt
bym Big Yellow Man Fredrik Olsson BYM on DeviantArt Sweden
cap Captain Hood Hawk Hubbard Piranha BBS
Florida, USA
cat Catbones Cat Spencer Catbones.com
Missouri, USA
cl! Cleaner Fredric Cambus cleaner.untergrund.net
cr Cryogenic Karl Grenet on Facebook
cx Cyonx Pat Swanson Cyonx on DeviantArt
North Carolina, USA
del Delicious Jamie Martin livejamie.com
California, USA
dman DMan Dmitry Kalinin on Facebook
eto ETO Curtis Wensley picoe.ca
Vancouver, CA
fil filth Joshua Hillyard Distortion BBS
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
goo mypalGOO Unknown on Facebook
h7 h7 Antii Kiuru Haciend BBS
ig IronGhost Matthew Kemp on Facebook
Illinois, USA
iks Irokos Flavien Deneu on Facebook
ju Judas Nickolas Lascot on Facebook
Toronto, Ontario
jp Jack Phlash Jay Phillips Distortion BBS
Tennessee, USA
k1 Knocturnal Unknown on Facebook
Georgia, USA
ldn lordnkon Guest Artist lordnkon.tumblr.com
ls Lord Scarlet Doug Moore Sixteen Colors
Washington, DC, USA
Lu Luciano Ayres Luciano Ayres enzO on DeviantArt
may Maytag Man Lukos Weigandt on Facebook
Ontario, Canada
med Medium Unknown NA
mr Mr. Wrong Frederic Masse Noel on Facebook
mt Misfit James Bodie Misfit on DeviantArt
West Virginia, USA
n nail Bjrn Odendahl on Facebook
ndh Andy Herbert Andy Herbert github.com/andyherbert
United Kingdom
no Noches Tomaz Kure on Facebook
ob Ober Jordan Ella on Facebook
of Offspring Kris Wallace on Facebook
om Otium Filip De Haes on Facebook
ldn lordnkon Guest Artist lordnkon.tumblr.com
r5 Reset Survivor Balls Wilson resetsurvivor.com
Arizona, USA
rad RaD Man Christian Wirth ACiD Productions FB
California, USA
sk!n art of sk!n Michael Hischer DeZign ASCii FB
sm Smoke Yahwe Chao on Facebook
California, USA
sz Skuz Leslie Given Fluph BBS
West Virginia, USA
tcf Fever Aaron Frick Aaron Frick Art FB
Georgia, USA
txt The Textmode Exorcist Keith Nadolny on Facebook
New York, USA
ung Ungenannt Unknown Ungenannt on DeviantArt
Georgia, USA
wz Whazzit Chris Brunjes on Facebook
zii Zeus II Joel Borjel on Facebook
How to join Blocktronics.
If you are interested in low resolution art, you can become a member
of Blocktronics. Our community is composed by artists, coders and
sysops that continuosly create artwork and support our group.
Contact us on www.blocktronics.org or request to join our Facebook
group at www.facebook.com/groups/blocktronics
Now you can follow and like us on:
Facebook facebook.com/blocktronics
Quote of the month
Wanna learn how to become a writer? Write. - Stephen King Wanna learn how to become a textmode artist? Draw. - filth Um, I basically just switched words around to make it apply to drawing. So pretend I just made that up. Thanks. ANSi Art Drawing Resources Here are links to your ANSi art drawing resources. Pablodraw 3.2 - Pablodraw v.3.2 is an ANSi/ASCii text and RIPscrip vector graphic art editor/viewer with multi-user
capabilities. PabloDraw uses the awesome Eto.Forms
cross-platform framework to provide native UI for
Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Features - Draw ANSI and ASCII with your mouse
- Load save 24-bit colour ANSi files
- Support for SAUCE 00.5 descriptions
- New configurable ANSI/ASCII brush
- New colour brush
- New text drawing tools: pencil, line, circle
box, ink dropper
- Many Amiga and DOS fonts added
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements
Blocktronics.org - A very in depth website with Blocktronics services, links, art requests, tutorials, art releases, and much fucking more. Sixteen Colors - sixteencolors.net is the most comprehensive collection of low resolution textmode art in the world. Download artpacks from 1990 to current or view them online. Artpacks.org - Optmized ANSi and ASCii artpack archive where you can browse and view packs both on the web and on mobile. Now with Android app on Google Play. Ansiedit - Amazing online ANSi editor created by Andy Herbert. It features a wide range of innovative drawing tools to create text mode artwork in a totally new way. http://andyherbert.github.io/ansiedit/ Syncterm - syncterm.bbsdev.net, a telnet client to visit the bulletin board systems listed below. I recommend visiting through a web browser if the sysop has made that option available. ANSi Facebook Groups Here are some Facebook groups Blocktronics members are currently involved with in some way. Some of these groups might be private or secretive so you have to know a member listed above to gain access. Arrows.PageName.Description.RelevanceStars Ansi, Ascii artists worldwide! - Closed group. Invite only. ** ACiD Productions - Public page. Open. ***** ACiD - Secret group. Invite only. ***** Blocktronics - Group Official Fan Page. fb/blocktronics ***** BLOCKTRONICS - Members only group. fb/groups/blocktronics ***** DeZign - The Way We Walk Ascii / Ansi Art - Open page. ***** iCE - iCE art group Open Page. * Sixteen Colors ANSI Art and ASCII Art Archive - Open page. *****
You can also follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/blocktronics Web Telnet BBS List Most of these boards can be visited via web browser and also have Facebook pages you can search for with more information. Arrows.BBSName.Sysop.Address Affiliations After Hours Greg Youngblood telnet://afterhours-bbs.com BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP Bit Sunrise Dark Rebellion http://www.bitsunrise.com BLOCKTRONICS DISTRO Distortion Jack Phlash telnet://d1st.org Web Connect: http://d1st.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD.Demonic WHQ.Zeronet WHQ Fluph Skuz telnet://fluph.darktech.org Web Connect: fluph.bbsnexus.com BLOCKTRONICS MEMBER BOARD LOCAL TO MISFIT Haciend El Bananas BBS H7 telnet://haciend.bbs.fi Web Connect: http://haciend.bbs.fi BLOCKTRONICS WORLD HEADQUARTERS.27iNCH.Divine Stylers.Mimic. Damones.Hirmu.Impure Ascii.Innate Ascii.Aerosol Ascii.Sense Imagery.Wamma.Ducksquad Finland HQ.Accession.Alpha Design. Dekadence.Spaceballs.Primitive WHQ. Hazard/2 Smoke telnet://hazard2.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Ink2 Smooth telnet://bbs.inktwo.com BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Pharcyde Access Denied telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org Web Connect: http://pharcyde.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Trans-Canada BBS Dimitri telnet://trans-canada.dyndns.org BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP Under the Black Flag Captain Hood telnet://blackflag.acid.org Web Connect: blackflag.bbsnexus.com/connect BLOCKTRONICS MEMBER BOARD.ACiD Florida Outpost.ACiDiC WHQ. Agoranet US Eastern Hub.DeZign USHQ.Blocktronics and Sixteen Colors Support. X-TReMe BBS The Doctor telnet://xtremebbs.flnet.org BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP
Twitter twitter.com/blocktronics
Instagram instagram.com/blocktronics
Tumblr blocktronics.tumblr.com
YouTube youtube.com/channel/UCPPfhr2ZfQhJYjiA6287VmQ
Thanks for supporting us and enjoy the pack!
000I LINE0087 Memberlist Websites 00II LINE0251 How to join Blocktronics 0III LINE0294 Quote of the month 00IV LINE0294 ANSi Art Drawing Resources 000V LINE0345 ANSi Facebook Groups 00VI LINE0369 Web and Telnet BBS List R View information.html to check this content with hyperlinks and bonus photos.
BLOCKTRONICS BLOCK TO THE FUTURE Members List Websites ABR Nickname Real Name Website Location 2m Mattmatthew Matthew Yee www.mattmatthew.com Hawaii, USA 42 agent42 Thomas Aylott on Facebook USA ant ANT Anthony Schiller on Facebook Michigan, USA
arg Argon Unknown on Facebook California, USA
asx Asphyx Unknown www.asphyx.fr
avg Avenging Angel Ivan Segaric on Facebook
aw Abdully Wahaa Unknown NA
axd Access Denied Nick Boel Pharcyde BBS
Wisconsin, USA
biz Bizarro Michael Aspling on Facebook
bw Binary Walker Florian Ochmann BW on DeviantArt
bym Big Yellow Man Fredrik Olsson BYM on DeviantArt Sweden
cap Captain Hood Hawk Hubbard Piranha BBS
Florida, USA
cat Catbones Cat Spencer Catbones.com
Missouri, USA
cl! Cleaner Fredric Cambus cleaner.untergrund.net
cr Cryogenic Karl Grenet on Facebook
cx Cyonx Pat Swanson Cyonx on DeviantArt
North Carolina, USA
del Delicious Jamie Martin livejamie.com
California, USA
dman DMan Dmitry Kalinin on Facebook
eto ETO Curtis Wensley picoe.ca
Vancouver, CA
fil filth Joshua Hillyard Distortion BBS
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
goo mypalGOO Unknown on Facebook
h7 h7 Antii Kiuru Haciend BBS
ig IronGhost Matthew Kemp on Facebook
Illinois, USA
iks Irokos Flavien Deneu on Facebook
ju Judas Nickolas Lascot on Facebook
Toronto, Ontario
jp Jack Phlash Jay Phillips Distortion BBS
Tennessee, USA
k1 Knocturnal Unknown on Facebook
Georgia, USA
ldn lordnkon Guest Artist lordnkon.tumblr.com
ls Lord Scarlet Doug Moore Sixteen Colors
Washington, DC, USA
Lu Luciano Ayres Luciano Ayres enzO on DeviantArt
may Maytag Man Lukos Weigandt on Facebook
Ontario, Canada
med Medium Unknown NA
mr Mr. Wrong Frederic Masse Noel on Facebook
mt Misfit James Bodie Misfit on DeviantArt
West Virginia, USA
n nail Bjrn Odendahl on Facebook
ndh Andy Herbert Andy Herbert github.com/andyherbert
United Kingdom
no Noches Tomaz Kure on Facebook
ob Ober Jordan Ella on Facebook
of Offspring Kris Wallace on Facebook
om Otium Filip De Haes on Facebook
ldn lordnkon Guest Artist lordnkon.tumblr.com
r5 Reset Survivor Balls Wilson resetsurvivor.com
Arizona, USA
rad RaD Man Christian Wirth ACiD Productions FB
California, USA
sk!n art of sk!n Michael Hischer DeZign ASCii FB
sm Smoke Yahwe Chao on Facebook
California, USA
sz Skuz Leslie Given Fluph BBS
West Virginia, USA
tcf Fever Aaron Frick Aaron Frick Art FB
Georgia, USA
txt The Textmode Exorcist Keith Nadolny on Facebook
New York, USA
ung Ungenannt Unknown Ungenannt on DeviantArt
Georgia, USA
wz Whazzit Chris Brunjes on Facebook
zii Zeus II Joel Borjel on Facebook
How to join Blocktronics.
If you are interested in low resolution art, you can become a member
of Blocktronics. Our community is composed by artists, coders and
sysops that continuosly create artwork and support our group.
Contact us on www.blocktronics.org or request to join our Facebook
group at www.facebook.com/groups/blocktronics
Now you can follow and like us on:
Facebook facebook.com/blocktronics
Quote of the month
Wanna learn how to become a writer? Write. - Stephen King Wanna learn how to become a textmode artist? Draw. - filth Um, I basically just switched words around to make it apply to drawing. So pretend I just made that up. Thanks. ANSi Art Drawing Resources Here are links to your ANSi art drawing resources. Pablodraw 3.2 - Pablodraw v.3.2 is an ANSi/ASCii text and RIPscrip vector graphic art editor/viewer with multi-user
capabilities. PabloDraw uses the awesome Eto.Forms
cross-platform framework to provide native UI for
Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Features - Draw ANSI and ASCII with your mouse
- Load save 24-bit colour ANSi files
- Support for SAUCE 00.5 descriptions
- New configurable ANSI/ASCII brush
- New colour brush
- New text drawing tools: pencil, line, circle
box, ink dropper
- Many Amiga and DOS fonts added
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements
Blocktronics.org - A very in depth website with Blocktronics services, links, art requests, tutorials, art releases, and much fucking more. Sixteen Colors - sixteencolors.net is the most comprehensive collection of low resolution textmode art in the world. Download artpacks from 1990 to current or view them online. Artpacks.org - Optmized ANSi and ASCii artpack archive where you can browse and view packs both on the web and on mobile. Now with Android app on Google Play. Ansiedit - Amazing online ANSi editor created by Andy Herbert. It features a wide range of innovative drawing tools to create text mode artwork in a totally new way. http://andyherbert.github.io/ansiedit/ Syncterm - syncterm.bbsdev.net, a telnet client to visit the bulletin board systems listed below. I recommend visiting through a web browser if the sysop has made that option available. ANSi Facebook Groups Here are some Facebook groups Blocktronics members are currently involved with in some way. Some of these groups might be private or secretive so you have to know a member listed above to gain access. Arrows.PageName.Description.RelevanceStars Ansi, Ascii artists worldwide! - Closed group. Invite only. ** ACiD Productions - Public page. Open. ***** ACiD - Secret group. Invite only. ***** Blocktronics - Group Official Fan Page. fb/blocktronics ***** BLOCKTRONICS - Members only group. fb/groups/blocktronics ***** DeZign - The Way We Walk Ascii / Ansi Art - Open page. ***** iCE - iCE art group Open Page. * Sixteen Colors ANSI Art and ASCII Art Archive - Open page. *****
You can also follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/blocktronics Web Telnet BBS List Most of these boards can be visited via web browser and also have Facebook pages you can search for with more information. Arrows.BBSName.Sysop.Address Affiliations After Hours Greg Youngblood telnet://afterhours-bbs.com BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP Bit Sunrise Dark Rebellion http://www.bitsunrise.com BLOCKTRONICS DISTRO Distortion Jack Phlash telnet://d1st.org Web Connect: http://d1st.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD.Demonic WHQ.Zeronet WHQ Fluph Skuz telnet://fluph.darktech.org Web Connect: fluph.bbsnexus.com BLOCKTRONICS MEMBER BOARD LOCAL TO MISFIT Haciend El Bananas BBS H7 telnet://haciend.bbs.fi Web Connect: http://haciend.bbs.fi BLOCKTRONICS WORLD HEADQUARTERS.27iNCH.Divine Stylers.Mimic. Damones.Hirmu.Impure Ascii.Innate Ascii.Aerosol Ascii.Sense Imagery.Wamma.Ducksquad Finland HQ.Accession.Alpha Design. Dekadence.Spaceballs.Primitive WHQ. Hazard/2 Smoke telnet://hazard2.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Ink2 Smooth telnet://bbs.inktwo.com BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Pharcyde Access Denied telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org Web Connect: http://pharcyde.org BLOCKTRONICS ARTIST BOARD Trans-Canada BBS Dimitri telnet://trans-canada.dyndns.org BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP Under the Black Flag Captain Hood telnet://blackflag.acid.org Web Connect: blackflag.bbsnexus.com/connect BLOCKTRONICS MEMBER BOARD.ACiD Florida Outpost.ACiDiC WHQ. Agoranet US Eastern Hub.DeZign USHQ.Blocktronics and Sixteen Colors Support. X-TReMe BBS The Doctor telnet://xtremebbs.flnet.org BLOCKTRONICS FELLOWSHIP
Twitter twitter.com/blocktronics
Instagram instagram.com/blocktronics
Tumblr blocktronics.tumblr.com
YouTube youtube.com/channel/UCPPfhr2ZfQhJYjiA6287VmQ
Thanks for supporting us and enjoy the pack!
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