this image contains text
fade out theme song
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Blockmania.
insert crowd cheering from tape. zoom in on single person at ringside,
wearing a headset, typing away on a laptop set up on the apron.
It will be a weekend to remember. Careers will be defined, legends will be
born. Unlike the superstars of WWE, our Blocktronics superstars are used
to the deafening silence, to performing their art without the encouraging
cheers of an adoring audience to drive them on. ANSI art has always been
created in solitude.
pan over empty seats. a half-empty bucket of popcorn in the second row
was left behind by one of the camera operators.
In a way were lucky. Most of us have been doing this for over 20 years.
Weve grown up with text chat on IRC, made and kept up with friend in
other states, in other countries. We figured out how to collaborate, to
coordinate, without the necessity of seeing each other face to face.
Weve lead digital lives long before the era of Facebook, and are among
the ones best prepared for a world of physical distancing.
cut back to closeup of narrator offering a friendly smile as he takes off
his headset.
While Blocktronics is family, we also have our respective friends and
families in the mundane world. Were not unfazed by the situation. Some
are forced by circumstance to live apart from even their closest family,
some have to explain to their children why they cant go to the playground
or go meet their friends. We find ourselves teaching our parents and less
technically adept friends how to use social media and video chats so we
can stay in touch better.
pan to laptop screen showing a video chat window of Ivan alternating
between kissy faces and hand gestures that dont translate into any
language other than Australian.
Which is to say, we know what youre going through. And we want to help.
a pablodraw window opens up, covering the video chat window with
rough NSFW outlines of Roxy Spaudling.
When the idea for this theme pack came up in February, we didnt know
wed be facing a world of lockdown. Then, over the past weeks, the world
changed around us. What shouldve given us plenty of time to draw, being
locked in at home, instead gave us reason to worry, and other things to
think about - if only where and when wed be able to procure our next
roll of toilet paper. Weve been less productive than we wanted to be.
window minimizes, so that Wrestlemania wallpaper image is visible
Still, like Vince McMahon and WWE decided to double down and turn
Wrestlemania into a weekend spectacular taped without any audience in
attendance, we, too, stuck to our plan. However small our own audience
of ANSI aficionados, just like the superstars of wrestling depicted in
this pack have done for decades, we aim to please, to entertain.
Firefox window opens up, maximized, with https://blocktronics.org/
Then. Now. Forever.
Avenging Angel Australia Blocktronics Champion
Ivan Segaric on Facebook
filth Pittburgh, USA United States Champion
Joshua Hillyard Distortion BBS
Misfit Sixteen Colors, USA Draw Tag Team Champion
James Bodie @sixteencolors on Instagram
nail Germany Draw Tag Team Champion
Bjrn Odendahl @nail7 on Twitter
Whazzit Canada Draw Womens Champion
Chris Brunjes @whazzitb7 on Instragram
Horsenburger United Kingdom Teletext Champion
Steve Horsley horsenburger.com
mypalGoo Switzerland Intercontinental Champion
on Facebook
Smooth California, USA 24/7 Champion
Lawrence Tony Manuel on Facebook
Toon Goon Texas, USA Universal Champion
Jason Passons @soulstlkr2k on Instagram
Randers Australia Cruiserweight Champion
Tom Rivermouth on Facebook
Xer0 Pittsburg, USA North American Champion
necro Belgium Block of Honor World Champion
@necrofuel on Twitter
SimonKing Poland The Loop Shotgun Champion
Szymon Grabinski
warpus Canada All Elite Blocking Champion
fade out theme song
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Blockmania.
insert crowd cheering from tape. zoom in on single person at ringside,
wearing a headset, typing away on a laptop set up on the apron.
It will be a weekend to remember. Careers will be defined, legends will be
born. Unlike the superstars of WWE, our Blocktronics superstars are used
to the deafening silence, to performing their art without the encouraging
cheers of an adoring audience to drive them on. ANSI art has always been
created in solitude.
pan over empty seats. a half-empty bucket of popcorn in the second row
was left behind by one of the camera operators.
In a way were lucky. Most of us have been doing this for over 20 years.
Weve grown up with text chat on IRC, made and kept up with friend in
other states, in other countries. We figured out how to collaborate, to
coordinate, without the necessity of seeing each other face to face.
Weve lead digital lives long before the era of Facebook, and are among
the ones best prepared for a world of physical distancing.
cut back to closeup of narrator offering a friendly smile as he takes off
his headset.
While Blocktronics is family, we also have our respective friends and
families in the mundane world. Were not unfazed by the situation. Some
are forced by circumstance to live apart from even their closest family,
some have to explain to their children why they cant go to the playground
or go meet their friends. We find ourselves teaching our parents and less
technically adept friends how to use social media and video chats so we
can stay in touch better.
pan to laptop screen showing a video chat window of Ivan alternating
between kissy faces and hand gestures that dont translate into any
language other than Australian.
Which is to say, we know what youre going through. And we want to help.
a pablodraw window opens up, covering the video chat window with
rough NSFW outlines of Roxy Spaudling.
When the idea for this theme pack came up in February, we didnt know
wed be facing a world of lockdown. Then, over the past weeks, the world
changed around us. What shouldve given us plenty of time to draw, being
locked in at home, instead gave us reason to worry, and other things to
think about - if only where and when wed be able to procure our next
roll of toilet paper. Weve been less productive than we wanted to be.
window minimizes, so that Wrestlemania wallpaper image is visible
Still, like Vince McMahon and WWE decided to double down and turn
Wrestlemania into a weekend spectacular taped without any audience in
attendance, we, too, stuck to our plan. However small our own audience
of ANSI aficionados, just like the superstars of wrestling depicted in
this pack have done for decades, we aim to please, to entertain.
Firefox window opens up, maximized, with https://blocktronics.org/
Then. Now. Forever.
Avenging Angel Australia Blocktronics Champion
Ivan Segaric on Facebook
filth Pittburgh, USA United States Champion
Joshua Hillyard Distortion BBS
Misfit Sixteen Colors, USA Draw Tag Team Champion
James Bodie @sixteencolors on Instagram
nail Germany Draw Tag Team Champion
Bjrn Odendahl @nail7 on Twitter
Whazzit Canada Draw Womens Champion
Chris Brunjes @whazzitb7 on Instragram
Horsenburger United Kingdom Teletext Champion
Steve Horsley horsenburger.com
mypalGoo Switzerland Intercontinental Champion
on Facebook
Smooth California, USA 24/7 Champion
Lawrence Tony Manuel on Facebook
Toon Goon Texas, USA Universal Champion
Jason Passons @soulstlkr2k on Instagram
Randers Australia Cruiserweight Champion
Tom Rivermouth on Facebook
Xer0 Pittsburg, USA North American Champion
necro Belgium Block of Honor World Champion
@necrofuel on Twitter
SimonKing Poland The Loop Shotgun Champion
Szymon Grabinski
warpus Canada All Elite Blocking Champion
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