this image contains text
n! B - M O V i E S
* art in this pack
new member
ABR Nickname Real Name Website
* 2m Mattmatthew Matthew Yee @mattmatthew67
Hawaii, USA on Instagram
33 eerie undisclosed @33
Canada on Twitter
* ak Alpha King Christian Vozar @alphaking67
Denver, USA on Instagram
at Aphid Twix Greg Ipp ngnm.us
California, USA
* avg Avenging Angel Ivan Segaric on Facebook
bw Binary Walker Florian Ochmann BW
Germany on DeviantArt
bym Big Yellow Man Fredrik Olsson BYM
Sweden on DeviantArt
cat Catbones Cat Spencer catbones.com
Missouri, USA
cx Cyonx Pat Swanson Cyonx North Carolina, USA on DeviantArt
* del Delicious Jamie Martin livejamie.com
California, USA
dman DMan Dmitry Kalinin on Facebook
dr Dark Rebellion Shooter Jennings bitsunrise.com
California, USA
* fil filth Joshua Hillyard Distortion BBS
Pittsburgh, USA
* goo mypalGOO undisclosed on Facebook
h7 h7 Antii Kiuru Haciend BBS
* hb Horsenburger Steve Horsley horsenburger.com
United Kingdom
ig IronGhost Matthew Kemp on Facebook
Illinois, USA
* km Kirkman Josh Renaud kirkman14
USA on Instagram
leo Leonardo Jan-Felix Wittmann on Facebook
LU Luciano Ayres Luciano Ayres on Facebook
mr Mr. Wrong Frederic Masse Noel on Facebook
* mt Misfit James Bodie @sixteencolors
West Virginia, USA on Instagram
* n nail Bjrn Odendahl @nail7 Germany on Twitter nu! NuSkooler Bryan Ashby on Facebook
Salt Lake City, USA
ob Ober Jordan Ella on Facebook
om Otium Filip De Haes on Facebook
r5 Reset Survivor undisclosed resetsurvivor.com Arizona, USA
rad RaD Man Christian Wirth ACiD Productions California, USA on Facebook
* rd Realm Dweller Josh Hines on Facebook
sm Smoke Yahwe Chao on Facebook
California, USA
tcf Fever Aaron Frick Aaron Frick Art
Georgia, USA on Facebook
ung Ungenannt undisclosed Ungenannt
Georgia, USA on DeviantArt
* wz Whazzit Chris Brunjes @whazzitb7
Canada on Instagram
x0 Xer0 undisclosed xero.nu
Pittsburgh, USA
If you are interested in low resolution art, you can become a member
of Blocktronics. Our community is composed by artists, coders and
sysops that continuosly create artwork and support our group.
Contact us on www.blocktronics.org or request to join our Facebook
group at www.facebook.com/groups/blocktronics
Here are links to your ANSi art drawing resources.
Pablodraw 3.2 - Pablodraw v.3.2 is an ANSi/ASCii text and RIPscrip
vector graphic art editor/viewer with multi-user
capabilities. PabloDraw uses the awesome Eto.Forms
cross-platform framework to provide native UI for
Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Blocktronics.org - A very in depth website with Blocktronics services,
links, art requests, tutorials, art releases, and
much fucking more.
Textmod.es - A comprehensive PC scene text mode artpacks archive
kept by maze. Visit now: http://pc.textmod.es
Sixteen Colors - sixteencolors.net is the most comprehensive collection
of low resolution textmode art in the world. Download
artpacks from 1990 to current or view them online.
Artpacks.org - Optmized ANSi and ASCii artpack archive where you can
browse and view packs both on the web and on mobile.
Now with Android app on Google Play.
Ansiedit - Amazing online ANSi editor created by Andy Herbert.
It features a wide range of innovative drawing tools
to create text mode artwork in a totally new way.
Syncterm - syncterm.bbsdev.net, a telnet client to visit the bulletin
board systems listed below. I recommend visiting through a
web browser if the sysop has made that option available.
Here are some Facebook groups Blocktronics members are currently
involved with in some way. Some of these groups might be private or
secretive so you have to know a member listed above to gain access.
Page Name Description
Ansi, Ascii artists worldwide! - Closed group. Invite only.
ACiD Productions - Public page.
Blocktronics - Group Official Fan page. fb/blocktronics
Blocktronics - Members only group. fb/groups/blocktronics
Fire - Fire art group Public page.
iCE - iCE art group Public page.
The Legion - Legion art group Public page.
Sixteen Colors ANSI Art and ASCII Art Archive - Public page.
You can also follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/blocktronics
Facebook fb/blocktronics Instagram @blocktronics
Twitter @blocktronics Tumblr blocktronics.tumblr.com
YouTube blocktronics channel
Thanks for supporting us and enjoy the pack!
n! B - M O V i E S
* art in this pack
new member
ABR Nickname Real Name Website
* 2m Mattmatthew Matthew Yee @mattmatthew67
Hawaii, USA on Instagram
33 eerie undisclosed @33
Canada on Twitter
* ak Alpha King Christian Vozar @alphaking67
Denver, USA on Instagram
at Aphid Twix Greg Ipp ngnm.us
California, USA
* avg Avenging Angel Ivan Segaric on Facebook
bw Binary Walker Florian Ochmann BW
Germany on DeviantArt
bym Big Yellow Man Fredrik Olsson BYM
Sweden on DeviantArt
cat Catbones Cat Spencer catbones.com
Missouri, USA
cx Cyonx Pat Swanson Cyonx North Carolina, USA on DeviantArt
* del Delicious Jamie Martin livejamie.com
California, USA
dman DMan Dmitry Kalinin on Facebook
dr Dark Rebellion Shooter Jennings bitsunrise.com
California, USA
* fil filth Joshua Hillyard Distortion BBS
Pittsburgh, USA
* goo mypalGOO undisclosed on Facebook
h7 h7 Antii Kiuru Haciend BBS
* hb Horsenburger Steve Horsley horsenburger.com
United Kingdom
ig IronGhost Matthew Kemp on Facebook
Illinois, USA
* km Kirkman Josh Renaud kirkman14
USA on Instagram
leo Leonardo Jan-Felix Wittmann on Facebook
LU Luciano Ayres Luciano Ayres on Facebook
mr Mr. Wrong Frederic Masse Noel on Facebook
* mt Misfit James Bodie @sixteencolors
West Virginia, USA on Instagram
* n nail Bjrn Odendahl @nail7 Germany on Twitter nu! NuSkooler Bryan Ashby on Facebook
Salt Lake City, USA
ob Ober Jordan Ella on Facebook
om Otium Filip De Haes on Facebook
r5 Reset Survivor undisclosed resetsurvivor.com Arizona, USA
rad RaD Man Christian Wirth ACiD Productions California, USA on Facebook
* rd Realm Dweller Josh Hines on Facebook
sm Smoke Yahwe Chao on Facebook
California, USA
tcf Fever Aaron Frick Aaron Frick Art
Georgia, USA on Facebook
ung Ungenannt undisclosed Ungenannt
Georgia, USA on DeviantArt
* wz Whazzit Chris Brunjes @whazzitb7
Canada on Instagram
x0 Xer0 undisclosed xero.nu
Pittsburgh, USA
If you are interested in low resolution art, you can become a member
of Blocktronics. Our community is composed by artists, coders and
sysops that continuosly create artwork and support our group.
Contact us on www.blocktronics.org or request to join our Facebook
group at www.facebook.com/groups/blocktronics
Here are links to your ANSi art drawing resources.
Pablodraw 3.2 - Pablodraw v.3.2 is an ANSi/ASCii text and RIPscrip
vector graphic art editor/viewer with multi-user
capabilities. PabloDraw uses the awesome Eto.Forms
cross-platform framework to provide native UI for
Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Blocktronics.org - A very in depth website with Blocktronics services,
links, art requests, tutorials, art releases, and
much fucking more.
Textmod.es - A comprehensive PC scene text mode artpacks archive
kept by maze. Visit now: http://pc.textmod.es
Sixteen Colors - sixteencolors.net is the most comprehensive collection
of low resolution textmode art in the world. Download
artpacks from 1990 to current or view them online.
Artpacks.org - Optmized ANSi and ASCii artpack archive where you can
browse and view packs both on the web and on mobile.
Now with Android app on Google Play.
Ansiedit - Amazing online ANSi editor created by Andy Herbert.
It features a wide range of innovative drawing tools
to create text mode artwork in a totally new way.
Syncterm - syncterm.bbsdev.net, a telnet client to visit the bulletin
board systems listed below. I recommend visiting through a
web browser if the sysop has made that option available.
Here are some Facebook groups Blocktronics members are currently
involved with in some way. Some of these groups might be private or
secretive so you have to know a member listed above to gain access.
Page Name Description
Ansi, Ascii artists worldwide! - Closed group. Invite only.
ACiD Productions - Public page.
Blocktronics - Group Official Fan page. fb/blocktronics
Blocktronics - Members only group. fb/groups/blocktronics
Fire - Fire art group Public page.
iCE - iCE art group Public page.
The Legion - Legion art group Public page.
Sixteen Colors ANSI Art and ASCII Art Archive - Public page.
You can also follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/blocktronics
Facebook fb/blocktronics Instagram @blocktronics
Twitter @blocktronics Tumblr blocktronics.tumblr.com
YouTube blocktronics channel
Thanks for supporting us and enjoy the pack!
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