this image contains text
++ nail
2 0 t h C E N T U R Y B L O C K S
senior staff
* art in this pack
Aesthetic 43 Australia
Alpha King apk USA
* Aphid Twix at California, USA
* Avenging Angel avg Australia
Big Yellow Man RIP bym Sweden
Binary Walker bw Germany
Catbones cat Missouri, USA
Cyonx cx North Carolina, USA
Dark Rebellion dr California, USA
Delicious del California, USA
Fever tcf Georgia, USA
* filth fil Pennsylvania, USA
h7 h7 Finland
Hoaks hx Michigan, USA
* Horsenburger hb United Kingdom
Jack Phlash jp Tennesseem USA
Kirkman km USA
Lord Scarlet ls USA
Mattmatthew 2m Hawaii, USA
* Misfit mt West Virginia, USA
* mypalGOO goo Switzerland
* nail n Germany
NuSkooler nu! Utah, USA
Ober ob Canada
Onz onz Brazil
* Otium om Belgium
RaD Man rad California, USA
* Randers ra Australia
Realm Dweller rd USA
Reset Survivor r5 Arizona, USA
Slothy ls USA
Smoke sm California, USA
Smooth 5m California, USA
Stone Amnesia sa California, USA
* Stygian sty Canada
* Tainted tnt Canada
* Tetanus te USA
* Toon Goon tg Texas, USA
Ungenannt ung Georgia, USA
* Whazzit wz Canada
Xer0 x0 Pennsylvania, USA
* burps bs Belgium
* malice m! Germany * necro nf Belgium
* warpus wa Canada
If you want to contact us or one of our members, are interested in
joining us or just releasing with us as a guest, please contact
us through one of our social media channels.
Theyre also the best way of staying informed about whats going
on in the world of Blocktronics, so please consider following us.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/blocktronics/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/blocktronics/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/blocktronics/
If youre interested in more information about textmode art, here
are a few websites to get you started.
Sixteen Colors - The most comprehensive collection of textmode art
in the world, artpacks from four decades can be
downloaded or simply viewed online.
Follow ANSI of the Day posts at:
Facebook : /sixteencolors
Instagram: @sixteencolors
Twitter : @sixteencolors
Pablodraw - Pablodraw is an ANSI/ASCII text and RIPscrip vector
graphics editor/viewer with native UI for Windows,
MacOS and Linux.
Moebius - Moebius is an open source ANSI/ASCII text graphics
editor designed to be friendly to artists coming
in from other graphics design software. Packages
are available for Windows, MacOS and Debian.
Ansilove - A set of libraries, tools and plugins to convert
textmode art files to PNG format.
Syncterm - A telnet client to visit bulletin board systems.
Facebook /blocktronics Instagram / Twitter @blocktronics
Thank you for your interest in our art form. We hope you enjoy the pack!
++ nail
2 0 t h C E N T U R Y B L O C K S
senior staff
* art in this pack
Aesthetic 43 Australia
Alpha King apk USA
* Aphid Twix at California, USA
* Avenging Angel avg Australia
Big Yellow Man RIP bym Sweden
Binary Walker bw Germany
Catbones cat Missouri, USA
Cyonx cx North Carolina, USA
Dark Rebellion dr California, USA
Delicious del California, USA
Fever tcf Georgia, USA
* filth fil Pennsylvania, USA
h7 h7 Finland
Hoaks hx Michigan, USA
* Horsenburger hb United Kingdom
Jack Phlash jp Tennesseem USA
Kirkman km USA
Lord Scarlet ls USA
Mattmatthew 2m Hawaii, USA
* Misfit mt West Virginia, USA
* mypalGOO goo Switzerland
* nail n Germany
NuSkooler nu! Utah, USA
Ober ob Canada
Onz onz Brazil
* Otium om Belgium
RaD Man rad California, USA
* Randers ra Australia
Realm Dweller rd USA
Reset Survivor r5 Arizona, USA
Slothy ls USA
Smoke sm California, USA
Smooth 5m California, USA
Stone Amnesia sa California, USA
* Stygian sty Canada
* Tainted tnt Canada
* Tetanus te USA
* Toon Goon tg Texas, USA
Ungenannt ung Georgia, USA
* Whazzit wz Canada
Xer0 x0 Pennsylvania, USA
* burps bs Belgium
* malice m! Germany * necro nf Belgium
* warpus wa Canada
If you want to contact us or one of our members, are interested in
joining us or just releasing with us as a guest, please contact
us through one of our social media channels.
Theyre also the best way of staying informed about whats going
on in the world of Blocktronics, so please consider following us.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/blocktronics/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/blocktronics/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/blocktronics/
If youre interested in more information about textmode art, here
are a few websites to get you started.
Sixteen Colors - The most comprehensive collection of textmode art
in the world, artpacks from four decades can be
downloaded or simply viewed online.
Follow ANSI of the Day posts at:
Facebook : /sixteencolors
Instagram: @sixteencolors
Twitter : @sixteencolors
Pablodraw - Pablodraw is an ANSI/ASCII text and RIPscrip vector
graphics editor/viewer with native UI for Windows,
MacOS and Linux.
Moebius - Moebius is an open source ANSI/ASCII text graphics
editor designed to be friendly to artists coming
in from other graphics design software. Packages
are available for Windows, MacOS and Debian.
Ansilove - A set of libraries, tools and plugins to convert
textmode art files to PNG format.
Syncterm - A telnet client to visit bulletin board systems.
Facebook /blocktronics Instagram / Twitter @blocktronics
Thank you for your interest in our art form. We hope you enjoy the pack!
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