this image contains text
Arl,d .. j
.sSXX. ., * ,d
:,.. ,F ,..,s: .sX
jF XF* ./F
: :F F jF
F j
* F ++++++++
+ Kut Jere +-------------------------------------------------------------------
omi ironghost: but its fun to make fun of the retarded south american
ironghost hahaha hes a south american, hes not human, kick his ass if you
feel like it
.sSXX. ., * ,d
:,.. ,F ,..,s: .sX
jF XF* ./F
: :F F jF
F j
* F ++++++++
+ Kut Jere +-------------------------------------------------------------------
omi ironghost: but its fun to make fun of the retarded south american
ironghost hahaha hes a south american, hes not human, kick his ass if you
feel like it
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