this image contains text
little parasols
t h e e r
the blender: now in sampler size
t h e c o m i n g s t o r m
Cthmist The Blender was postponed a couple of weeks from an October schedule
conflict and should be taking place this Saturday-Sunday, starting
with word collection at 2 pm EST and likely wrapping up about 25
hours later.
a b o u t t h o s e w o r d s
Cthmist OK, our word selection from this bustling crowd has nearly wrapped
as you can see, they are intensely amused
maybe even amusing themselves to death
OK, word selection closed!
Since then, we silently deliberated over all of the wonderful
warpus you mean we picked stuff randomly out of a hat
a very large hat
Cthmist ok, we very noisily picked stuff out of a very large hat
we found some Blender topics in there
warpus lots of weird noises came out of that hat
Cthmist from the realm of Star Trek, or any more generic setting of
cybernetic enhancement, I give you: THE BORG
what are the borg doing? programming? assimilating?
playing tennis?
Bjorn Borg joke there
warpus they are of course performing the ancient art of PARKOUR
Cthmist thats ... unexpected!
and where are these borg practicing parkour? perhaps on a
playground or a construction site or
they are parkouring for their lives
the borg are doing parkour in the middle of WORLD WAR 3
warpus holy fuck
Cthmist its ... a new military strategy
for which their enemies have definitely not prepared
the last thing they will ever expect!
or who knows, perhaps it is the enemies who are the ones doing the
find a way to blend the topics!
warpus let me know if you notice anything off
i had 2 shots yesterday and am still a bit out of it today
Cthmist two shots, lick the glass and squeeze the lime in your eyeball
warpus more like one needle in my left arm, one needle in my right
Cthmist Im not going partying with warpus
n o t h i n g b u t t h e b e s t
warpus 3 hrs 52 mins from now is the real deadline
TooCool At work, but could make up something on my 30 minute lunch
got it made.
took 7 minutes to make the ascii, so you know it is extra high
quality :D
s i m p l e s c o r i n g . . .
Cthmist All right friends
Well hasnt that just been a towering landslide of tabulation
warpus Too many subs to really make sense of it
Cthmist The Borg parkour was very promising
But it seems between the advanced humanoid killing machines and
world war three most of our would be contributors were shell shocked
warpus Did not adapt fast enough
Cthmist This blender will come up in their memoirs in 50 years time
We wont make you wait that long however
Ok, so honorable mention to Toocools perennial figlet gif2ans mirc
art entry
It wouldnt be a Blender without it
But also we cant give it any points or ranking
warpus As he was disqualified for using banned both technology
Er borg technology
Cthmist Both as in
best of both worlds part one
warpus Exactly what I was going for
Cthmist Which leads us to the podium
Usually this things has got three people on it
Today, only one.
It just goes to show:
its always worth entering a compo
because you might place if they dont have many entrants
In this case we skip lightly past third and second places, niches
that are unoccupied in todays accounting
warpus The Borg do not believe in anything but first place
They only believe in perfection
Cthmist So congrats and hats off to ansi arts newest champion, 2Stoned!
warpus Congrats!!! You win one free borg cube
Pick it up at radmans house
Cthmist Make sure you read the small print
That thing takes a lot of batteries
2Stoned Thank you. It was very difficult challenge.
w t f ? ! ?
IKR? What happened? 2023C was a Blender tour de force, how did we bork it so
bad in just three months? For one, we pick the Blender dates long before we
really have much of an understanding just what our calendar is going to look
like -- usually were able to dig in and make the prior Blender commitment the
main one and other things have to move and accommodate it, but not always. In
this case we both had schedule conflicts, so we bumped it a couple of weeks.
Those couple of weeks put the new Blender date smack in the middle of
demoparty compo season. Additionally, the new Blender date could have been
better promoted it was cunningly concealed in a Mistigris artpack infofile,
the last place anyone will ever be looking ... for anything! Many Blender
regulars were unexpectedly unavailable that weekend -- its just a busy time
of year! Anyway, we will make more of a fuss about the January Blender coming
up... then if it is also a big belly flop well have to come up with different
In terms of bookkeeping this Blender was a breeze to administer, even with our
baroque and byzantine infofiles, but Cthulu insisted on cooking up a little
padding to illustrate what he had in mind when the words came up, just so we
wouldnt be going to all of the trouble of setting the artpack machinery in
gear just to showcase a single image. Instead, we double that humble number!
Also included... an out-of-competition ASCII art animation by 60ftatomicman
inspired by the last 2023C Blender. Its too late to include there, so here it
n e x t u p . . .
if there ever is another blender, it will most likely be held:
if not sooner!
saturday, january 20th - sunday, january 21st, 2024
2:00pm - 2:00pm est
blender on EFnet
please join us. - hennifer
warpus my closing remarks are: buttermilk
t h e e r
the blender: now in sampler size
t h e c o m i n g s t o r m
Cthmist The Blender was postponed a couple of weeks from an October schedule
conflict and should be taking place this Saturday-Sunday, starting
with word collection at 2 pm EST and likely wrapping up about 25
hours later.
a b o u t t h o s e w o r d s
Cthmist OK, our word selection from this bustling crowd has nearly wrapped
as you can see, they are intensely amused
maybe even amusing themselves to death
OK, word selection closed!
Since then, we silently deliberated over all of the wonderful
warpus you mean we picked stuff randomly out of a hat
a very large hat
Cthmist ok, we very noisily picked stuff out of a very large hat
we found some Blender topics in there
warpus lots of weird noises came out of that hat
Cthmist from the realm of Star Trek, or any more generic setting of
cybernetic enhancement, I give you: THE BORG
what are the borg doing? programming? assimilating?
playing tennis?
Bjorn Borg joke there
warpus they are of course performing the ancient art of PARKOUR
Cthmist thats ... unexpected!
and where are these borg practicing parkour? perhaps on a
playground or a construction site or
they are parkouring for their lives
the borg are doing parkour in the middle of WORLD WAR 3
warpus holy fuck
Cthmist its ... a new military strategy
for which their enemies have definitely not prepared
the last thing they will ever expect!
or who knows, perhaps it is the enemies who are the ones doing the
find a way to blend the topics!
warpus let me know if you notice anything off
i had 2 shots yesterday and am still a bit out of it today
Cthmist two shots, lick the glass and squeeze the lime in your eyeball
warpus more like one needle in my left arm, one needle in my right
Cthmist Im not going partying with warpus
n o t h i n g b u t t h e b e s t
warpus 3 hrs 52 mins from now is the real deadline
TooCool At work, but could make up something on my 30 minute lunch
got it made.
took 7 minutes to make the ascii, so you know it is extra high
quality :D
s i m p l e s c o r i n g . . .
Cthmist All right friends
Well hasnt that just been a towering landslide of tabulation
warpus Too many subs to really make sense of it
Cthmist The Borg parkour was very promising
But it seems between the advanced humanoid killing machines and
world war three most of our would be contributors were shell shocked
warpus Did not adapt fast enough
Cthmist This blender will come up in their memoirs in 50 years time
We wont make you wait that long however
Ok, so honorable mention to Toocools perennial figlet gif2ans mirc
art entry
It wouldnt be a Blender without it
But also we cant give it any points or ranking
warpus As he was disqualified for using banned both technology
Er borg technology
Cthmist Both as in
best of both worlds part one
warpus Exactly what I was going for
Cthmist Which leads us to the podium
Usually this things has got three people on it
Today, only one.
It just goes to show:
its always worth entering a compo
because you might place if they dont have many entrants
In this case we skip lightly past third and second places, niches
that are unoccupied in todays accounting
warpus The Borg do not believe in anything but first place
They only believe in perfection
Cthmist So congrats and hats off to ansi arts newest champion, 2Stoned!
warpus Congrats!!! You win one free borg cube
Pick it up at radmans house
Cthmist Make sure you read the small print
That thing takes a lot of batteries
2Stoned Thank you. It was very difficult challenge.
w t f ? ! ?
IKR? What happened? 2023C was a Blender tour de force, how did we bork it so
bad in just three months? For one, we pick the Blender dates long before we
really have much of an understanding just what our calendar is going to look
like -- usually were able to dig in and make the prior Blender commitment the
main one and other things have to move and accommodate it, but not always. In
this case we both had schedule conflicts, so we bumped it a couple of weeks.
Those couple of weeks put the new Blender date smack in the middle of
demoparty compo season. Additionally, the new Blender date could have been
better promoted it was cunningly concealed in a Mistigris artpack infofile,
the last place anyone will ever be looking ... for anything! Many Blender
regulars were unexpectedly unavailable that weekend -- its just a busy time
of year! Anyway, we will make more of a fuss about the January Blender coming
up... then if it is also a big belly flop well have to come up with different
In terms of bookkeeping this Blender was a breeze to administer, even with our
baroque and byzantine infofiles, but Cthulu insisted on cooking up a little
padding to illustrate what he had in mind when the words came up, just so we
wouldnt be going to all of the trouble of setting the artpack machinery in
gear just to showcase a single image. Instead, we double that humble number!
Also included... an out-of-competition ASCII art animation by 60ftatomicman
inspired by the last 2023C Blender. Its too late to include there, so here it
n e x t u p . . .
if there ever is another blender, it will most likely be held:
if not sooner!
saturday, january 20th - sunday, january 21st, 2024
2:00pm - 2:00pm est
blender on EFnet
please join us. - hennifer
warpus my closing remarks are: buttermilk
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