this image contains text
t h e e r
the blender hall of fame
a r t i s t s O T W s t a n d i n g s
1. oned, numb fire mistigris : 43
2. slacker7, buzz fire fire : 26
3. armageddon donut eclipse fuel : 22
4. fever cia cia : 20
5. raider opx lazarus : 13
6. mel farr suppastar project 301 poffelipoff : 13
7. essential obscenity dark blocktronics : 12
8. fever eclipse dark : 10
9. mel farr suppastar project 301 ice : 9
10. the 4th disciple echo project 301 : 7
11. sodium fire serial : 7
12. sargon, meatpod, blazemore serial hungrycat : 6
13. sargon, meatpod, terrato serial sodapop : 6
14. raider shade blade : 5
14. discofunk 1974 odelay rile : 5
15. armageddon donut eclipse legacy : 4
16. mr4tune echo thelo0p! : 4
17. nitris apostasy acid : 4
18. sargon, meatpod, black jack, serial avenge : 4
terrato, tzeentch black maiden : 4
19. seraphim rile torment : 4
20. handiboy, mavrik, cthulu, mistigris echo : 3
nitnasnoc - 2 points eclipse : 3
aneurysm, rabies, tricolore, impact - 1 point sodapop : 3
twisted foo teklordz : 3
21. axb, black jack, discyple, serial beyond : 2
sargon exceed : 2
22. hennifer lazarus eclipse : 2
23. handiboy mistigris klexikal : 2
24. nail, tetanus fire remorse : 2
25. gravedancer, meatpod serial society : 2
26. knocturnal, mindcrime, tonto, blade apostasy : 1
napalm death dtd : 1
27. leaf eater, sargon, tango serial everglo : 1
28. skrubly rile fokus : 1
29. cthulu, handiboy, happyfish, mistigris glue : 1
jughead impact : 1
30. necrolyte, skrubly rile - 3 pts itp : 1
cthulu, handiboy, happyfish mistigris - 2 pts kathiade : 1
mindcrime, napalm, xode kathiade - 1 pts opx : 1
31. ville fire shade : 1
32. arzach, burnout, dark
prison breaker
33. handiboy mistigris
34. sargon serial
35. ville, shaft everglo
36. acidic soap dark
37. chronicc, tricolore lazarus
38. cthulu, grinch, handiboy, quip mistigris
39. quip, tincat mistigris
40. god among lice, panacea fire - 4 points
acidic soap dark - 3 points
archangel, mfire, minotaur, society - 2 points
phonyeye, rorshack
wator echo - 1 point
41. glandyth dtd
42-46. A P O C A L Y P S A E W A R P U S E A
47. zfact0r, irq, kickback who knows? not me
48. whoever the guy is who tracked LORDFLIES.XM isnt this an improvement?
49. tincat mistigris
50. haquisaq mistigris
51. fathom fire
52. MT unknown
53. onyx mistigris
54. imode teklordz
55. no submissions received wasted opportunity
56. belial blade
57. halaster, nail fire
58. nitnatsnoc unaffiliated
59. god among lice fire
60. failure to launch no one profits
X. thext mistigris
2K1. funk-e, luminator sodapop
2K2. big yellow man poffelipoff
2K3. blue devil cia
2K4. avenger black maiden
2K5. nosegos ice
2K6. funbaby ice
2K7. darkmoon, the knave ice
2K8. blue devil, panacea cia
2K9. napalm cia
2K10.pike poffelipoff
2015.mel farr suppastar project 301
2016.god among lice fire
2017.burps fuel
2018.swivel, ducky cranksy hungrycat
2019a.the knight, pinguino fuel - 3 points each
polyducks mistigris - 2 points
jellica jake mistigris - 1 point
2019b.mel farr suppastar fuel - 3 points
burps fuel - 2 points
jellica jake, pinguino mistigris, fuel - 1 point
2020a.pinguino no points, just for kicks
sIMONKING see above
odd ditto
2020b.luminator lazarus - 3 points
cranksy hungrycat - 2 points
pinguino mistigris - 1 point
2020c.mfs / whazzit tie lazarus / blocktronics - 3 points
spiny torment - 2 points
sIMONKING / luminator tie thelo0p! / lazarus - 1 point
2020B whazzit blocktronics - 3 points
hayn / tainted tie legacy / blocktronics - 2 points
mel farr suppastar lazarus - 1 point
NOTE: most blenders were judged by warpus.
blender6 was also judged by hennifer and nitris.
blenders 8, 10, 12-14, 16, 17, 23, 33, and 34 were also
judged by hennifer.
blender36 was also judged by samurai.
blenders 24, 30, 37, and 38 as well as 00X
and the entire B2K revival were judged solely by hennifer.
blenders 47 through 60 and 2015-2018 were judged solely by cthulu.
the 2019 and 2020 blenders were judged jointly by cthulu and warpus.
p a r t i c i p a n t s
26 warpus movitz jeepee
25 hennifer mr4tune jellica jake
mel farr suppastar mrp jeremy shilling
21 cthulu nasone jeriko
handiboy / haquisaq noize jestor
piko offspring jizm
16 archangel oned kl7
14 samurai operator x kickback
sargon pandur kirin
13 knight, the paratoxic kitiara
skrubly phoman knave, the
12 corinthian phonyeye knocturnal
11 happyfish port rhombus krage
10 kyo prodigy, the kresile
quip raider lady blue
9 rabies red death lasthaus
8 acidic soap riddler, the laughing fool, the
chronicc risu lawngenie
grinch / totoman serial toon ldlor
leaf eater shaft lizard
meatpod silent killer, the locura
mordecai silent knight lord scarlet
nitris skizot luminator
pike spear lysander
7 catch22 spinsane m7s
mimes spiny magnatop
6 ansichrist spirit of rage magneticm
black jack swammi makavelli
chubby swivel maligore
god among lice techbit martz
grind king thanatos meeno
minotaur tonto mendator
rage toot mind bender
text / the extremist toxix moe
tricolore twisted foo morose
universe ville mosen
wator wave mr bucket
5 armageddon donut xode mr wrong
axb 1 xzip mt
burnout zedfactor natedogg
burps 4oqos natureboy
cool t absent spinsister necrolyte
enzo acidbrain neosmurf
funk-e agent77 nert
geekboy alecs nikki
higherstate alison horsejello-smithe nosanity
ironghost angel of hell nosegos
luminator ansi2asc numb
mafesto anvilhed odd
mfire apecks ogre
napalm apex onyx
napalm death archie osiris
poison ari ozone
putrid carcass arrogance parity error
rusted arzach patrick monahan
silver rat atomic dreamer patch
stereo avenger phanatik
tincat axe phantasm
whazzit axiom phli
4 big yellow man baltazar phobia
blaze bifteq pikol
blue devil bisounours plazz
chrom bizzyfunk pogue
dead soul black demon polyducks
deepsome black weasel polygon
fever blazemore pommac
goatboy blind sniper priest
kniffy blippypixel prison breaker
mavrik bobo the wonder dog produkt
mighty mouse brain prosthesis
nail bullgod psyonide
panacea buzz purple dye
silver dagger c3 purpzey purplefield
terrato cardiac arrest pussy lover
tetanus chalk quest
3 acolyte cholera quisling
aeternam clay realtime
bedlam cleaner retribution
dark element code zero revolution
darkmoon colour rorshack
discofunk 1974 compuman rumizish
discyple corpulent cow runamok
exulted cosmik druid rzarector
fathom crayon sadistic intent
flame crazyman safranine
grymmjack crix madine sagramore
iceage crono sarcasm
illogic cronos satansly
klumzee crowe schtroumpf
leo crowkeeper scrye
mass murderer cyrix seedyslacker7
mindcrime daftdelia sflesh
mr.plastik dark spawn shaitan
nightstalker dataflow shaman
nitemare deadhead sharque
nitnatsnoc deeply disturbed shorawk
oxidizer delyrium shrimp
pinguino desolate shypht
platinum dj kaos silver hazard
rhyz dkentity sIMONKING
ruiner, the dope fiend sinful flesh
seraphim dr freeze sinister 6000
shiveem dr seuss skaboy
spitfire dracomage slak
sodium ducky slash
stalker dying soul slipstream
squish eerie slomoshun
tango egoteq smoke
toons xillion emporer penguin smp
unpossible en son of sam
xypher matryx epoxy sophisto
zempf essence sort8
zeus II essential obscenity speed freak
alla xul eto sphinx
anomite ewheat ssunrise
2 argon ezy static addiction
ark facade strike
arlequin filth sunshine
belial fire lord synder
biogenesis flight syntax
black dawn fonebone tainted
bludwulf formal dehyde tek
cheeze funbaby tfaleat
cranksy funk-e tourette
dark entity glandyth tronner
dr. shizuma gloone trooper
drain glutz tusse
drynwhyl gmonkey tzeentch
dystro forelord gnome unique phreak
eclipse gomorrha upright man, the
elite kewl dewd, the graphital unseen fate
error gravedancer vapor
fear prophet gza velkro
gould hachi wackie
green hornet, the haddock wenders
harass halaster whitetrash
judge dread hayn9 wigger
jughead hungryeye xavii
keetar ikarus xenoc
lamont cranston imani xymox
maytag man imode zeebit
menace internal stalker zinnia
ministar iph zippy
mongoose irq zircus
about this list
this list keeps track of how many times a certain person has participated,
not how many entries he/she has submitted.
- winners are highlighted in bright green like so.
tutorial: how to see how many times you have participated
the number of times you have participated will be the yellow number closes
to your name, to the upper left.
ie. 10 warpus warpus has participated 10 times.
8 radman radman has participated 8 times.
radwoman radwoman has ALSO participated 8 times.
3 billclinton billclinton has only participated 3 times.
do you understand now???
t h e e r
the blender hall of fame
a r t i s t s O T W s t a n d i n g s
1. oned, numb fire mistigris : 43
2. slacker7, buzz fire fire : 26
3. armageddon donut eclipse fuel : 22
4. fever cia cia : 20
5. raider opx lazarus : 13
6. mel farr suppastar project 301 poffelipoff : 13
7. essential obscenity dark blocktronics : 12
8. fever eclipse dark : 10
9. mel farr suppastar project 301 ice : 9
10. the 4th disciple echo project 301 : 7
11. sodium fire serial : 7
12. sargon, meatpod, blazemore serial hungrycat : 6
13. sargon, meatpod, terrato serial sodapop : 6
14. raider shade blade : 5
14. discofunk 1974 odelay rile : 5
15. armageddon donut eclipse legacy : 4
16. mr4tune echo thelo0p! : 4
17. nitris apostasy acid : 4
18. sargon, meatpod, black jack, serial avenge : 4
terrato, tzeentch black maiden : 4
19. seraphim rile torment : 4
20. handiboy, mavrik, cthulu, mistigris echo : 3
nitnasnoc - 2 points eclipse : 3
aneurysm, rabies, tricolore, impact - 1 point sodapop : 3
twisted foo teklordz : 3
21. axb, black jack, discyple, serial beyond : 2
sargon exceed : 2
22. hennifer lazarus eclipse : 2
23. handiboy mistigris klexikal : 2
24. nail, tetanus fire remorse : 2
25. gravedancer, meatpod serial society : 2
26. knocturnal, mindcrime, tonto, blade apostasy : 1
napalm death dtd : 1
27. leaf eater, sargon, tango serial everglo : 1
28. skrubly rile fokus : 1
29. cthulu, handiboy, happyfish, mistigris glue : 1
jughead impact : 1
30. necrolyte, skrubly rile - 3 pts itp : 1
cthulu, handiboy, happyfish mistigris - 2 pts kathiade : 1
mindcrime, napalm, xode kathiade - 1 pts opx : 1
31. ville fire shade : 1
32. arzach, burnout, dark
prison breaker
33. handiboy mistigris
34. sargon serial
35. ville, shaft everglo
36. acidic soap dark
37. chronicc, tricolore lazarus
38. cthulu, grinch, handiboy, quip mistigris
39. quip, tincat mistigris
40. god among lice, panacea fire - 4 points
acidic soap dark - 3 points
archangel, mfire, minotaur, society - 2 points
phonyeye, rorshack
wator echo - 1 point
41. glandyth dtd
42-46. A P O C A L Y P S A E W A R P U S E A
47. zfact0r, irq, kickback who knows? not me
48. whoever the guy is who tracked LORDFLIES.XM isnt this an improvement?
49. tincat mistigris
50. haquisaq mistigris
51. fathom fire
52. MT unknown
53. onyx mistigris
54. imode teklordz
55. no submissions received wasted opportunity
56. belial blade
57. halaster, nail fire
58. nitnatsnoc unaffiliated
59. god among lice fire
60. failure to launch no one profits
X. thext mistigris
2K1. funk-e, luminator sodapop
2K2. big yellow man poffelipoff
2K3. blue devil cia
2K4. avenger black maiden
2K5. nosegos ice
2K6. funbaby ice
2K7. darkmoon, the knave ice
2K8. blue devil, panacea cia
2K9. napalm cia
2K10.pike poffelipoff
2015.mel farr suppastar project 301
2016.god among lice fire
2017.burps fuel
2018.swivel, ducky cranksy hungrycat
2019a.the knight, pinguino fuel - 3 points each
polyducks mistigris - 2 points
jellica jake mistigris - 1 point
2019b.mel farr suppastar fuel - 3 points
burps fuel - 2 points
jellica jake, pinguino mistigris, fuel - 1 point
2020a.pinguino no points, just for kicks
sIMONKING see above
odd ditto
2020b.luminator lazarus - 3 points
cranksy hungrycat - 2 points
pinguino mistigris - 1 point
2020c.mfs / whazzit tie lazarus / blocktronics - 3 points
spiny torment - 2 points
sIMONKING / luminator tie thelo0p! / lazarus - 1 point
2020B whazzit blocktronics - 3 points
hayn / tainted tie legacy / blocktronics - 2 points
mel farr suppastar lazarus - 1 point
NOTE: most blenders were judged by warpus.
blender6 was also judged by hennifer and nitris.
blenders 8, 10, 12-14, 16, 17, 23, 33, and 34 were also
judged by hennifer.
blender36 was also judged by samurai.
blenders 24, 30, 37, and 38 as well as 00X
and the entire B2K revival were judged solely by hennifer.
blenders 47 through 60 and 2015-2018 were judged solely by cthulu.
the 2019 and 2020 blenders were judged jointly by cthulu and warpus.
p a r t i c i p a n t s
26 warpus movitz jeepee
25 hennifer mr4tune jellica jake
mel farr suppastar mrp jeremy shilling
21 cthulu nasone jeriko
handiboy / haquisaq noize jestor
piko offspring jizm
16 archangel oned kl7
14 samurai operator x kickback
sargon pandur kirin
13 knight, the paratoxic kitiara
skrubly phoman knave, the
12 corinthian phonyeye knocturnal
11 happyfish port rhombus krage
10 kyo prodigy, the kresile
quip raider lady blue
9 rabies red death lasthaus
8 acidic soap riddler, the laughing fool, the
chronicc risu lawngenie
grinch / totoman serial toon ldlor
leaf eater shaft lizard
meatpod silent killer, the locura
mordecai silent knight lord scarlet
nitris skizot luminator
pike spear lysander
7 catch22 spinsane m7s
mimes spiny magnatop
6 ansichrist spirit of rage magneticm
black jack swammi makavelli
chubby swivel maligore
god among lice techbit martz
grind king thanatos meeno
minotaur tonto mendator
rage toot mind bender
text / the extremist toxix moe
tricolore twisted foo morose
universe ville mosen
wator wave mr bucket
5 armageddon donut xode mr wrong
axb 1 xzip mt
burnout zedfactor natedogg
burps 4oqos natureboy
cool t absent spinsister necrolyte
enzo acidbrain neosmurf
funk-e agent77 nert
geekboy alecs nikki
higherstate alison horsejello-smithe nosanity
ironghost angel of hell nosegos
luminator ansi2asc numb
mafesto anvilhed odd
mfire apecks ogre
napalm apex onyx
napalm death archie osiris
poison ari ozone
putrid carcass arrogance parity error
rusted arzach patrick monahan
silver rat atomic dreamer patch
stereo avenger phanatik
tincat axe phantasm
whazzit axiom phli
4 big yellow man baltazar phobia
blaze bifteq pikol
blue devil bisounours plazz
chrom bizzyfunk pogue
dead soul black demon polyducks
deepsome black weasel polygon
fever blazemore pommac
goatboy blind sniper priest
kniffy blippypixel prison breaker
mavrik bobo the wonder dog produkt
mighty mouse brain prosthesis
nail bullgod psyonide
panacea buzz purple dye
silver dagger c3 purpzey purplefield
terrato cardiac arrest pussy lover
tetanus chalk quest
3 acolyte cholera quisling
aeternam clay realtime
bedlam cleaner retribution
dark element code zero revolution
darkmoon colour rorshack
discofunk 1974 compuman rumizish
discyple corpulent cow runamok
exulted cosmik druid rzarector
fathom crayon sadistic intent
flame crazyman safranine
grymmjack crix madine sagramore
iceage crono sarcasm
illogic cronos satansly
klumzee crowe schtroumpf
leo crowkeeper scrye
mass murderer cyrix seedyslacker7
mindcrime daftdelia sflesh
mr.plastik dark spawn shaitan
nightstalker dataflow shaman
nitemare deadhead sharque
nitnatsnoc deeply disturbed shorawk
oxidizer delyrium shrimp
pinguino desolate shypht
platinum dj kaos silver hazard
rhyz dkentity sIMONKING
ruiner, the dope fiend sinful flesh
seraphim dr freeze sinister 6000
shiveem dr seuss skaboy
spitfire dracomage slak
sodium ducky slash
stalker dying soul slipstream
squish eerie slomoshun
tango egoteq smoke
toons xillion emporer penguin smp
unpossible en son of sam
xypher matryx epoxy sophisto
zempf essence sort8
zeus II essential obscenity speed freak
alla xul eto sphinx
anomite ewheat ssunrise
2 argon ezy static addiction
ark facade strike
arlequin filth sunshine
belial fire lord synder
biogenesis flight syntax
black dawn fonebone tainted
bludwulf formal dehyde tek
cheeze funbaby tfaleat
cranksy funk-e tourette
dark entity glandyth tronner
dr. shizuma gloone trooper
drain glutz tusse
drynwhyl gmonkey tzeentch
dystro forelord gnome unique phreak
eclipse gomorrha upright man, the
elite kewl dewd, the graphital unseen fate
error gravedancer vapor
fear prophet gza velkro
gould hachi wackie
green hornet, the haddock wenders
harass halaster whitetrash
judge dread hayn9 wigger
jughead hungryeye xavii
keetar ikarus xenoc
lamont cranston imani xymox
maytag man imode zeebit
menace internal stalker zinnia
ministar iph zippy
mongoose irq zircus
about this list
this list keeps track of how many times a certain person has participated,
not how many entries he/she has submitted.
- winners are highlighted in bright green like so.
tutorial: how to see how many times you have participated
the number of times you have participated will be the yellow number closes
to your name, to the upper left.
ie. 10 warpus warpus has participated 10 times.
8 radman radman has participated 8 times.
radwoman radwoman has ALSO participated 8 times.
3 billclinton billclinton has only participated 3 times.
do you understand now???
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