this image contains text
t h e e r
the blender.
welcome one and all to yet another HENNIFER-BRANDtM infofile.
with additions and changes by the ever so silly warpus the electron
and the not-fishy cthulu the fish
g e n e r a l c r a p
in the tradition of the very successful joint and swaptM irc activities,
comes a third, ultimate idea. yes, if you can read ?! youve guessed by now
THE BLENDER!!!!!!!!!
p r o c e d u r e s
quickly! before time runs out, this how a blendertM event will be run:
1 - everyone will gather in blender on EFnet
if blender is not cooperating, try mist.
In a pinch, interact on social media via that comps hashtag or via e-mail
to info at mistigris dot org ... we will strive to be available over
various branches of social media.
2 - at precisely 7:30pm EST, cthulu, the host of this event will explain
how the blender works.
3 - each person will come up with ONE idea. it can be in one of three
categories: a subject i.e. a horse, an activity i.e. fishing, and
a location i.e. the White House.
4 - everyone will submit their idea to the organizer, who will make a
list. this organizer currently is cthulu. /msg your words to him.
writing down of the words might take up to 5 minutes, so please be patient.
5 - the organizer will pick THREE of the ideas one subject, one activity, and
one location. these three ideas will be announced, and put in the channel
topic. note: selection is not random at all historically, ideas had to
be rigorously curated to yield useful results.
6 - your mission is to create a masterpiece about the three picked ideas.
your masterpiece may be pretty much anything. ansi/ascii/music/lit/vga/etc.
everything is allowed.
7 - to accommodate Europeans in far-flung timezones, the funpo ends ...
Were going to try something new. A few years ago, when reviving the Blender, I
was informed that adhering firmly to our traditional duration and time of day
intractably stuck the compo in the middle of the night for Europe, where a not
insignificant portion of the underground computer artscene is based. Simply
pushing the times to accommodate Europeans would saddle North Americans with a
similar problem. So to help facilitate participation on both sides of the pond,
and in deference to the reduced amount of free time we have overall now
relative to 25 years ago, I said lets just run the compo for a 24-hour window
all weekend, and everyone can take as much time as they want.
This resolved some issues for some and opened new problems for others. Notably,
some parties were understandably! rather wary of entering a quickie 2-hr
entry into a compo in which their competition could potentially have poured in
24 hours of polished work.
So: the 2019 compromise? Instantly doubling the number of Blenders happening
annually, this Blender will be two compos! Two sets of words, one to be
fulfilled 2.5 hours following the start time, and another to be sent in within
24 hours of the announcement. And for bonus points... participate in both! Warm
up in the lightning round and then hit your stride in the long form compo!
We now continue your usual Blender rules in progress...
8 - cthulu usually collects all of it, unless his dcc fucks up which
happens almost as much as it happened to warpus : you *may* submit early
if you wish. check the topic line to see whos collecting, just to be sure.
9 - a winner is picked, but that is usually not announced that night. the
group that the winner is representing receives points 3 points for 1st
place, 2 for 2nd 1 for 3rd, and the winners is/are placed on the
artists of the year list.
10 - the pack is then released so that it can be downloaded by hordes of eager
blendeners, blender supporters, fans, fanatics, dentists, and communists.
a d v a n t a g e s
hopefully you get an idea of the fun involved here. but along with that,
blendertM has numerous advantages over the other irc events.
INFINITE PLAYERS - yes, this means never having to turn eager blendeners away.
PREFAB INSPIRATION - for those of you that cant think of anything to draw,
here other people will do most of the work for you!
ORIGINALITY - finally something other to draw than The Maxx just imagine a
pack with 20 different interpretations of a horse fishing!!
NO QUALITY CONTROL - it doesnt matter how well you do, how silly or serious
you are, because you wont be messing up anyones work
except your own
EASY TO RUN - no messy file exchanges + no hard-to-enforce rules a smooth-
running operation with no annoying delays.
COOL ORGANIZERS - yes, finally a compo that is ran by really cool people. :
w h o s b e h i n d w h a t ? ! ?
people seem to be confused as to who does what during these blenders. well...
cthulu - runs blender, does all the stuff that warpus used to do 8
warpus - ran blender, wrote nfo files, released packs, judged.
hennifer - invented the blender.
velkro - hosted the ftp and web sites.
poison - main coder.
we also had couriers spreading the packs all over the planet. consult
blender.sup.ans to find out who they were.
m o r e g e n e r a l c r a p
now that you know what the blender is, and how it works, ill let you in on a
little secret:
if there ever is another blender, it will most likely be held:
if not sooner!
saturday, april 17th - sunday, april 18th, 2021
7:30pm - 7:30pm est
blender on EFnet
please join us. - hennifer
t h e e r
the blender.
welcome one and all to yet another HENNIFER-BRANDtM infofile.
with additions and changes by the ever so silly warpus the electron
and the not-fishy cthulu the fish
g e n e r a l c r a p
in the tradition of the very successful joint and swaptM irc activities,
comes a third, ultimate idea. yes, if you can read ?! youve guessed by now
THE BLENDER!!!!!!!!!
p r o c e d u r e s
quickly! before time runs out, this how a blendertM event will be run:
1 - everyone will gather in blender on EFnet
if blender is not cooperating, try mist.
In a pinch, interact on social media via that comps hashtag or via e-mail
to info at mistigris dot org ... we will strive to be available over
various branches of social media.
2 - at precisely 7:30pm EST, cthulu, the host of this event will explain
how the blender works.
3 - each person will come up with ONE idea. it can be in one of three
categories: a subject i.e. a horse, an activity i.e. fishing, and
a location i.e. the White House.
4 - everyone will submit their idea to the organizer, who will make a
list. this organizer currently is cthulu. /msg your words to him.
writing down of the words might take up to 5 minutes, so please be patient.
5 - the organizer will pick THREE of the ideas one subject, one activity, and
one location. these three ideas will be announced, and put in the channel
topic. note: selection is not random at all historically, ideas had to
be rigorously curated to yield useful results.
6 - your mission is to create a masterpiece about the three picked ideas.
your masterpiece may be pretty much anything. ansi/ascii/music/lit/vga/etc.
everything is allowed.
7 - to accommodate Europeans in far-flung timezones, the funpo ends ...
Were going to try something new. A few years ago, when reviving the Blender, I
was informed that adhering firmly to our traditional duration and time of day
intractably stuck the compo in the middle of the night for Europe, where a not
insignificant portion of the underground computer artscene is based. Simply
pushing the times to accommodate Europeans would saddle North Americans with a
similar problem. So to help facilitate participation on both sides of the pond,
and in deference to the reduced amount of free time we have overall now
relative to 25 years ago, I said lets just run the compo for a 24-hour window
all weekend, and everyone can take as much time as they want.
This resolved some issues for some and opened new problems for others. Notably,
some parties were understandably! rather wary of entering a quickie 2-hr
entry into a compo in which their competition could potentially have poured in
24 hours of polished work.
So: the 2019 compromise? Instantly doubling the number of Blenders happening
annually, this Blender will be two compos! Two sets of words, one to be
fulfilled 2.5 hours following the start time, and another to be sent in within
24 hours of the announcement. And for bonus points... participate in both! Warm
up in the lightning round and then hit your stride in the long form compo!
We now continue your usual Blender rules in progress...
8 - cthulu usually collects all of it, unless his dcc fucks up which
happens almost as much as it happened to warpus : you *may* submit early
if you wish. check the topic line to see whos collecting, just to be sure.
9 - a winner is picked, but that is usually not announced that night. the
group that the winner is representing receives points 3 points for 1st
place, 2 for 2nd 1 for 3rd, and the winners is/are placed on the
artists of the year list.
10 - the pack is then released so that it can be downloaded by hordes of eager
blendeners, blender supporters, fans, fanatics, dentists, and communists.
a d v a n t a g e s
hopefully you get an idea of the fun involved here. but along with that,
blendertM has numerous advantages over the other irc events.
INFINITE PLAYERS - yes, this means never having to turn eager blendeners away.
PREFAB INSPIRATION - for those of you that cant think of anything to draw,
here other people will do most of the work for you!
ORIGINALITY - finally something other to draw than The Maxx just imagine a
pack with 20 different interpretations of a horse fishing!!
NO QUALITY CONTROL - it doesnt matter how well you do, how silly or serious
you are, because you wont be messing up anyones work
except your own
EASY TO RUN - no messy file exchanges + no hard-to-enforce rules a smooth-
running operation with no annoying delays.
COOL ORGANIZERS - yes, finally a compo that is ran by really cool people. :
w h o s b e h i n d w h a t ? ! ?
people seem to be confused as to who does what during these blenders. well...
cthulu - runs blender, does all the stuff that warpus used to do 8
warpus - ran blender, wrote nfo files, released packs, judged.
hennifer - invented the blender.
velkro - hosted the ftp and web sites.
poison - main coder.
we also had couriers spreading the packs all over the planet. consult
blender.sup.ans to find out who they were.
m o r e g e n e r a l c r a p
now that you know what the blender is, and how it works, ill let you in on a
little secret:
if there ever is another blender, it will most likely be held:
if not sooner!
saturday, april 17th - sunday, april 18th, 2021
7:30pm - 7:30pm est
blender on EFnet
please join us. - hennifer
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