this image contains text
.silis, .47. .silis, a -a5- .47. .s ,s is.
:ll: .. :ll: . ..:l llllll ll l l:
:l ll i l :: :l ll i i l . :l llllll ll l :
:l ll l :l :l ll l : :l llllll ll l l
ll llllll l ll lllllll ,s4 jgg ll llllll.:l:l l
7jgg,l : l l ll llllll: : :jgg.ll 74jgj:
, ll l l :l llllll ll ll lllll ,l 747
l : :l l :l l., :l l ll,s ll l:
i l :l l l: i l :l l ll l i l l i
l., :l.l: l., :l l.l: l., ,.l
ll7 7i ll7 7i ll7 7ll
+ p r o d u c t i o n +
dark element
+ c a p e d +
-- t h e
--------/ - ,-----/ ,,/ ------ nS
- n i n j a -+
it was the year 2012 AD ... a group of dangerous criminals were
hiding a new hi-tech weapon that they had just stolen. This weapo was
the most powerful weapon ever invented ... it was also the only one of
its kind on the planet ...
The criminals threatened everyone on the planets existance and
demanded that if they were not paid 100,000,000 every week they could
blow up all the major cities of the world starting with Tokyo because
Tokyo was the richest city in the world at that time ...
The leaders of Tokyo were concerned and put an ad in the sunday
paper on page a2 that said ...
looking for skilled warrior, that can fight deadly evil
if you fit the qualifications call 911 ...
and ask for Mr. Kyongwu
They had about 100 callers but none met the specifications .... only 1
person, a ninja called the caped crusader qualified, and was skilled
enough to battle the forces of evil of the criminals who now called
themselves the evil assmen ...
The evil assmen were hiding the weapon which was called the super
3000AD powerSHOOTER in an old abandoned sweat shop where people sold
drugs and shit ... and they thought no one would ever find it...
But, too bad for them.. the ninja had super telepathic power and
he used them to find their hiding place... the caped crusader ninja
used his supernatural powers to teleport to the entrance of the sweat
shop and saw a huge sign that said ...
./ . nS
sweat shOp ------+
The evil assmen criminals had got really powerful equipment to
guard the sweat shop, so as the caped crusaderninja entered several
alarms were set off, and suddenly 5 robot warriors attacked the ninja!
note: in japan guns arent allowed so no one there owned a gun
Since guns werent allowed in japan... the ninja aka the caped
crusader, started kung-fu fighting the robots and if you wanna see what
his style was ... look below ... even otherwise look at it!
/ // / // nS +
Just then he spotted a surveillance camera facing him .... On the
evil assmens side this is what they saw... +
ninja powa!
The ninja caped crusader then jumped and smashed the camer ...
then he jumped and saw one of the evil assmen handed him his business
card ... this looked like ...
.,l llTT5555TTll l,
ll lla,. .,a5lllllll a5
l lllTTT5555555555Tllllll ll
llTTT5555555TTTllll l
l7777l jOO ninja
.,ssiilliicc,. .,cciilliiss,. warriOr!
,sllll111s. l .s111lllls.
,llll777. l .777llll. aka
ll1111 l 1111ll
l1111l ll l1111l the
,sll1111l 5l l1111ll ,s caped
sslll11l11 5: 11l11lllss crusader
llll11771 55 17711llll without
llll11111,i55i,11111llll a cape
lll lll
lls,. sssl .,ssiilliicc,. 5lii .,assll
lll55 l,sllllllTTT1s.l,55lll
.ll55 ,11lllllTTll. 55llll
llTTT555555TTTll +012 911-11
a5! ll51lll515ll email: 911 cc.com
After handing one of the evil assmen his card the ninja used his
kung-fu fighting skills to +kick-ban+ the evil assMAN from the sweat
shop and then he saw the other evil assMAN he was carrying the SUPER
3000AD powerSHOOTER too... the ninja was not afraid ... he chanted some
magic kung-fu fighting words and suddenly, a fireball appeared out of
nowhere ... the evil assMAN then shot a lazer beam from the SUPER 3000
AD powerSHOOTER that nearly blinded the ninja, but the ninja mystically
vanished and then the fireball he created then suddenly flew right at
the evil assMAN, and the ninja appeared and took the SUPER 3000AD power
SHOOTER and the fireball *toasted* the evil assMAN ...
The ninja then returned the weapon to the officials and demanded
a reward ... the officials all disagreed so he used his powers to kill
all of them, and then went to the United Nations UN and asked them
for a reward ...... they agreed because of what he did to the japanese
officials ... they paid the ninja 20,000,000 in US ....
With that money the ninja went partying! ...
+aspyreme +-+ story/ninja business card ascii and first societ logo!
+syntax +----+ ninja partying ansi!
+toxix +--+ ninja in camera ansi!
+nosanity +---+ all the old school ascii in here!
+dark element ++ second society logo!
greets: everyone
especially mafesto
:ll: .. :ll: . ..:l llllll ll l l:
:l ll i l :: :l ll i i l . :l llllll ll l :
:l ll l :l :l ll l : :l llllll ll l l
ll llllll l ll lllllll ,s4 jgg ll llllll.:l:l l
7jgg,l : l l ll llllll: : :jgg.ll 74jgj:
, ll l l :l llllll ll ll lllll ,l 747
l : :l l :l l., :l l ll,s ll l:
i l :l l l: i l :l l ll l i l l i
l., :l.l: l., :l l.l: l., ,.l
ll7 7i ll7 7i ll7 7ll
+ p r o d u c t i o n +
dark element
+ c a p e d +
-- t h e
--------/ - ,-----/ ,,/ ------ nS
- n i n j a -+
it was the year 2012 AD ... a group of dangerous criminals were
hiding a new hi-tech weapon that they had just stolen. This weapo was
the most powerful weapon ever invented ... it was also the only one of
its kind on the planet ...
The criminals threatened everyone on the planets existance and
demanded that if they were not paid 100,000,000 every week they could
blow up all the major cities of the world starting with Tokyo because
Tokyo was the richest city in the world at that time ...
The leaders of Tokyo were concerned and put an ad in the sunday
paper on page a2 that said ...
looking for skilled warrior, that can fight deadly evil
if you fit the qualifications call 911 ...
and ask for Mr. Kyongwu
They had about 100 callers but none met the specifications .... only 1
person, a ninja called the caped crusader qualified, and was skilled
enough to battle the forces of evil of the criminals who now called
themselves the evil assmen ...
The evil assmen were hiding the weapon which was called the super
3000AD powerSHOOTER in an old abandoned sweat shop where people sold
drugs and shit ... and they thought no one would ever find it...
But, too bad for them.. the ninja had super telepathic power and
he used them to find their hiding place... the caped crusader ninja
used his supernatural powers to teleport to the entrance of the sweat
shop and saw a huge sign that said ...
./ . nS
sweat shOp ------+
The evil assmen criminals had got really powerful equipment to
guard the sweat shop, so as the caped crusaderninja entered several
alarms were set off, and suddenly 5 robot warriors attacked the ninja!
note: in japan guns arent allowed so no one there owned a gun
Since guns werent allowed in japan... the ninja aka the caped
crusader, started kung-fu fighting the robots and if you wanna see what
his style was ... look below ... even otherwise look at it!
/ // / // nS +
Just then he spotted a surveillance camera facing him .... On the
evil assmens side this is what they saw... +
ninja powa!
The ninja caped crusader then jumped and smashed the camer ...
then he jumped and saw one of the evil assmen handed him his business
card ... this looked like ...
.,l llTT5555TTll l,
ll lla,. .,a5lllllll a5
l lllTTT5555555555Tllllll ll
llTTT5555555TTTllll l
l7777l jOO ninja
.,ssiilliicc,. .,cciilliiss,. warriOr!
,sllll111s. l .s111lllls.
,llll777. l .777llll. aka
ll1111 l 1111ll
l1111l ll l1111l the
,sll1111l 5l l1111ll ,s caped
sslll11l11 5: 11l11lllss crusader
llll11771 55 17711llll without
llll11111,i55i,11111llll a cape
lll lll
lls,. sssl .,ssiilliicc,. 5lii .,assll
lll55 l,sllllllTTT1s.l,55lll
.ll55 ,11lllllTTll. 55llll
llTTT555555TTTll +012 911-11
a5! ll51lll515ll email: 911 cc.com
After handing one of the evil assmen his card the ninja used his
kung-fu fighting skills to +kick-ban+ the evil assMAN from the sweat
shop and then he saw the other evil assMAN he was carrying the SUPER
3000AD powerSHOOTER too... the ninja was not afraid ... he chanted some
magic kung-fu fighting words and suddenly, a fireball appeared out of
nowhere ... the evil assMAN then shot a lazer beam from the SUPER 3000
AD powerSHOOTER that nearly blinded the ninja, but the ninja mystically
vanished and then the fireball he created then suddenly flew right at
the evil assMAN, and the ninja appeared and took the SUPER 3000AD power
SHOOTER and the fireball *toasted* the evil assMAN ...
The ninja then returned the weapon to the officials and demanded
a reward ... the officials all disagreed so he used his powers to kill
all of them, and then went to the United Nations UN and asked them
for a reward ...... they agreed because of what he did to the japanese
officials ... they paid the ninja 20,000,000 in US ....
With that money the ninja went partying! ...
+aspyreme +-+ story/ninja business card ascii and first societ logo!
+syntax +----+ ninja partying ansi!
+toxix +--+ ninja in camera ansi!
+nosanity +---+ all the old school ascii in here!
+dark element ++ second society logo!
greets: everyone
especially mafesto
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