this image contains text
sl: 7b, :lS
Sl: :8@@,,........,,,@@8: :lS
Sl: ...,,,,,...:l: the open :l: :lS
Sl: l: air : window :l :S
: :lgy,,,,,......,l:,,,,,,......,,,, :
l ,d7db4b, 7b, l
4b, ,d4 ,d7 ::
:8l l8:
::yyyy:: 4b, ,d4
AiR PrOduCTioNS PReSeNTs:::
Blender 29 Ansi::::
AiRs FiNal Blender AnsiDamn Merge:::
/ st / op / a / nd / t / hi / nk / !! / !! /
Korrupt Looked Up at the now darkening sky.... The Time Will Be Soon he
thaught... very very soon.... The time for the Biggest Most Satanic Rock and
Roll Concert Of the Year.... Even Though he hadnt heard an announcment about
it.... he could still tell ut was near... after all... the sun had turned red..
Korrupt smiled to himself... too long had he been an ENCYCLOPEDIA SALESMEN
... he knew at heart that he was really a GOTHic PARTY go-er. The time
was Near for the Party.... and Korrupt was planning and going... and
bringing his SUPER-SPIFF GUITAR!!!as advertised When the Gothics Would
Here him Play, they would let him Join Their Cult! Then No Longer Would
He Be Forced to Sell Encyclopedias!!!!!!
/::encyclopedia sales man::
/ encyclopedia
/ / sales man
Korrupt arrived at the GOTH PARTY and gasped.. all around him where Shadowy
Cloaked figures...When all of a sudden..he fell and his OWN cloak slipped off
..heres what he looked like::
,d@:,,.. :74: ..,, @b,
,y. ,:L, :74: ,J:, .:y,
7b,.::,Y7 4T,::.,d7
d7 L,.:gyy,.. ..,yyg:.,L7:
,4 77 44 7,
..,,. Jl ll ll lL
4b4b,,db, ,dd,,b4
4b @@@@@ @@@@@
@yy,,,...yy@ ,d47b, yyy..,,,.
l@::::::7 ,d4@@7b,4@
7@::::::,d4,@@,7b, :l7
lllii:::,d4,@@.7b, :l
,dll::::l8 77 8l: b,
.....,,,,,,,.... 888::7
,db, 7
The Head GOTHIC Priest Approached him.... You Have Broken The Most Sacred Law:
Never Let Your Face Show! Especially When You Look Like Marlyin Manson!! Now youMUST take the ULTIMATE GUITAR CHALLANGE!! You Must prove that you can be a
ROCKING AND ROLLING Goth Cult Memeber!!!
Kurrupt Gasped.. it was too soon for him to take the test.. and the rest of the
Gothic guys knew it! Just Then, Kurrupt Whipped out his:::
SUPER-SPIFF GUITAR!!!as advertised
mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm -- Kickass AMp
mm :illl:
m m:ili:m
sm l:ill:
+asp . encyclo iil:
iiill:: mm nnnmmm s pedia ,m:lili: msmsnnsn
l ::Lll mmmsmmsmsSS:ill: ::: ll
llll nnm mm m mmmm m :illl mmm mm
ii i ll 4Sm mm
ll ll :: -----
iiinii i R //
The Gothic guys Gasped!!! Then the Head GOTHIC Priest Spoke Again Just Because
He Has a SUPER-SPIFF GUITAR!!!as advertised doesnt meen he knows how to play
it!!! Just then, Kurrupt Started To Play and Sing::
Kill your mom!!!! Knife Your Dad
Waste Your Teacher!! Make Blood Sacrifices
Blood!!! Blood Everywhere!!! Can You See
The Blood!?!? Look At The Blood!! Oh MY
God The Blood!!Burn!! Burn in Hell!!
Kill All Who Oppose!! The Streets Will
Flow With The Blood Of The Non-Believers!!
Destroy America!! DESTROY AME.....
The Gothic Guys Sat Entranced.. Never had they heard such a beautiful song...
but suddenly, just as he was about to Finish The Last Verse....................
............................................................................................HIS GUITAR STRING BROKE!!!
Korrupt and The GOTHs Screamed Simultaniously... Korrupts was a scream Of Fear
While The Goths Was A Scream Of Anger And Hatred. Then the Head GOTHIC Priest
spoke The Last Words Korrupt would ever hear in his life...THOU SHALL BE
T H E F a T E O F
T H o S E
W H o C a N T
C o M P R E H e N D
/ en / d / o / f / s / to / ry / !! / !! /
La CreditZs::
Rabies:: Story, All Ansi , Little Pause bull thingies
Hstate:: Air Header, Encylopedia/guys face asciis
Aspyre:: SuPER SPIFF GUITARas advertised
La GreeTs::
Rabies:: Mafesto, Aneurysm, All Of Impact, All Of 2o4, Especially Keith
Hstate:: ascii, Manifesto 97, blackjack, fuel, fire, sekien, echo, dark,
Serial Toon, Warez Oasis
Aspyre:: blackjack, Serial Toon, discofunk, Air, RaBies, Hstate, Air, Rca
And Everyone i forgot!!!
La Fin! end of file
keep reading dumbass
are you still reading?
Are you still reading??
Whats this!?!?! i secret file!?!? a secret Conversation BEtween Rabies and
Keith Tkchuck of the Late Winnipeg jets?! Wo00!
*** Now talking in winnipeg
Rabies- B4CK
dough1 4r3 y0u c001 r4b135?
*** mrTASTY Rdonato@TVH103.WSD1.WINNIPEG.MB.CA has
joined winnipeg
Rabies- Ey3 4M L3eT
dough1 3y3 d0ughnut7 7h1nk s0
Rabies- dough:: sup? :
*** tkachuk has joined winnipeg ***
tkachuk Hi Im Keith Tkachuk former Winnipeg Jet
Superstar the bottom line is im the best there was
there is and the best there ever will be, im tough,
strong and above all else im a winner
*** mrTASTY has quit IRC Leaving
tkachuk Anybody care to respond to that
Rabies- tkachuk:: Y0OOo NoT Er3et!
*** Skittes LaLaLa@ts5u-5.cc.umanitoba.ca has joined
* Eyes makes no comment tkachuk
Rabies- tkachuk:: Y0OOo NoT Er3et!
*** mrTASTY xxxxxxxxx@TVH033.WSD1.WINNIPEG.MB.CA has
joined winnipeg
tkachuk whats that rabies??
Rabies- tkachuk:: Y0OOo NoT Er3et! -- EyE S1aD
mrTASTY is yellowman chicken
tkachuk huh rabies
tkachuk rabies i think youve got rabies
Rabies- Tkachuk: Y0o ArE NoT MY FrIENd!!
Rabies- Tkachuk: Y0o Ar3 mY EnImY
Rabies- tkachuk:: HOw D0es IT Feel To Lie ABoUT WH0
YoU aRE??
tkachuk do you have rabies
Rabies tkachuk:: BuT YoO SaID YoU WeRE FaMOUs!!
Rabies tkachuk:: Y0o lIEd
Rabies tkachuk:: Y0o lIEd!!!!!
* Eyes hugs tkachuk...Im here for you sweetie
Rabies tkachuk:: AdMiT iT Th3n! YoO ArE NoT wH0 YooO
SaY YoU aRE!!
Rabies tkachuk:: AdMiT iT Th3n! YoO ArE NoT wH0 YooO
SaY YoU aRE!!
Rabies tkachuk:: AdMiT iT
Rabies tkachuk:: AdMiT iT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rabies tkachuk:: Youll DiE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rabies tkachuk:: aRE Y0Oo iGNoRInG MEE?
Eyes Rabies: leave him alone
tkachuk Hey I am Keith Tkachuk
Rabies Yoo LIe!
tkachuk no lie i am
Rabies EyE WiLL KiLl yOU KeITH!
tkachuk Thats the nature of the business if that what the
market demands might as well take advantage of it
tkachuk you will kill me really
tkachuk how come
Rabies kEITh! wHErE ArE YoU KiETH?
Rabies YoU ScREWed OuR TeaM KeITH!
Rabies I hAVe An AxE KeITH!!!
tkachuk why do you say that ill do anything for my
** Rabies is Now Knowen As The-FaN **
The-FaN EyE uSEd ToBE YouR FaN KeiTH! YoU LoST ThE TeeM!
The-FaN Yoo WiLL DiE KeiTH!
The-FaN I WIlLL FiND You KeITh
tkachuk oh no a fan with rabies
The-FaN EYe WiLL gIVe YOo0 mY RaB1es KeITh!
The-FaN I WIlLL FiND You KeITh
tkachuk Well i go to uofw you could find me there
tkachuk make sure you get rid of your rabies first
The-FaN WHy DOnT Y0o RuN To PhOeNIx KeiTH?
The-FaN mY AxE iS RuSTy KeiTH!
tkachuk i waiting for you to find me
tkachuk yeah dont forget the axe bring that to
The-FaN mY AxE iS RuSTy KeiTH! PHEeR mY AxE Yoo JEtS
The-FaN Yoo ArE A JeTS KIllER! Yoo KIlED THem!
The-FaN i
tkachuk Hey you got to do what you got to do
The-FaN iM ComING No0W KeiTH! RuN KeiTH!
*** tkachuk has Quit IRC Leaving ***
The-FaN Runnnnn!!!!!!!
Sl: :8@@,,........,,,@@8: :lS
Sl: ...,,,,,...:l: the open :l: :lS
Sl: l: air : window :l :S
: :lgy,,,,,......,l:,,,,,,......,,,, :
l ,d7db4b, 7b, l
4b, ,d4 ,d7 ::
:8l l8:
::yyyy:: 4b, ,d4
AiR PrOduCTioNS PReSeNTs:::
Blender 29 Ansi::::
AiRs FiNal Blender AnsiDamn Merge:::
/ st / op / a / nd / t / hi / nk / !! / !! /
Korrupt Looked Up at the now darkening sky.... The Time Will Be Soon he
thaught... very very soon.... The time for the Biggest Most Satanic Rock and
Roll Concert Of the Year.... Even Though he hadnt heard an announcment about
it.... he could still tell ut was near... after all... the sun had turned red..
Korrupt smiled to himself... too long had he been an ENCYCLOPEDIA SALESMEN
... he knew at heart that he was really a GOTHic PARTY go-er. The time
was Near for the Party.... and Korrupt was planning and going... and
bringing his SUPER-SPIFF GUITAR!!!as advertised When the Gothics Would
Here him Play, they would let him Join Their Cult! Then No Longer Would
He Be Forced to Sell Encyclopedias!!!!!!
/::encyclopedia sales man::
/ encyclopedia
/ / sales man
Korrupt arrived at the GOTH PARTY and gasped.. all around him where Shadowy
Cloaked figures...When all of a sudden..he fell and his OWN cloak slipped off
..heres what he looked like::
,d@:,,.. :74: ..,, @b,
,y. ,:L, :74: ,J:, .:y,
7b,.::,Y7 4T,::.,d7
d7 L,.:gyy,.. ..,yyg:.,L7:
,4 77 44 7,
..,,. Jl ll ll lL
4b4b,,db, ,dd,,b4
4b @@@@@ @@@@@
@yy,,,...yy@ ,d47b, yyy..,,,.
l@::::::7 ,d4@@7b,4@
7@::::::,d4,@@,7b, :l7
lllii:::,d4,@@.7b, :l
,dll::::l8 77 8l: b,
.....,,,,,,,.... 888::7
,db, 7
The Head GOTHIC Priest Approached him.... You Have Broken The Most Sacred Law:
Never Let Your Face Show! Especially When You Look Like Marlyin Manson!! Now youMUST take the ULTIMATE GUITAR CHALLANGE!! You Must prove that you can be a
ROCKING AND ROLLING Goth Cult Memeber!!!
Kurrupt Gasped.. it was too soon for him to take the test.. and the rest of the
Gothic guys knew it! Just Then, Kurrupt Whipped out his:::
SUPER-SPIFF GUITAR!!!as advertised
mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm -- Kickass AMp
mm :illl:
m m:ili:m
sm l:ill:
+asp . encyclo iil:
iiill:: mm nnnmmm s pedia ,m:lili: msmsnnsn
l ::Lll mmmsmmsmsSS:ill: ::: ll
llll nnm mm m mmmm m :illl mmm mm
ii i ll 4Sm mm
ll ll :: -----
iiinii i R //
The Gothic guys Gasped!!! Then the Head GOTHIC Priest Spoke Again Just Because
He Has a SUPER-SPIFF GUITAR!!!as advertised doesnt meen he knows how to play
it!!! Just then, Kurrupt Started To Play and Sing::
Kill your mom!!!! Knife Your Dad
Waste Your Teacher!! Make Blood Sacrifices
Blood!!! Blood Everywhere!!! Can You See
The Blood!?!? Look At The Blood!! Oh MY
God The Blood!!Burn!! Burn in Hell!!
Kill All Who Oppose!! The Streets Will
Flow With The Blood Of The Non-Believers!!
Destroy America!! DESTROY AME.....
The Gothic Guys Sat Entranced.. Never had they heard such a beautiful song...
but suddenly, just as he was about to Finish The Last Verse....................
............................................................................................HIS GUITAR STRING BROKE!!!
Korrupt and The GOTHs Screamed Simultaniously... Korrupts was a scream Of Fear
While The Goths Was A Scream Of Anger And Hatred. Then the Head GOTHIC Priest
spoke The Last Words Korrupt would ever hear in his life...THOU SHALL BE
T H E F a T E O F
T H o S E
W H o C a N T
C o M P R E H e N D
/ en / d / o / f / s / to / ry / !! / !! /
La CreditZs::
Rabies:: Story, All Ansi , Little Pause bull thingies
Hstate:: Air Header, Encylopedia/guys face asciis
Aspyre:: SuPER SPIFF GUITARas advertised
La GreeTs::
Rabies:: Mafesto, Aneurysm, All Of Impact, All Of 2o4, Especially Keith
Hstate:: ascii, Manifesto 97, blackjack, fuel, fire, sekien, echo, dark,
Serial Toon, Warez Oasis
Aspyre:: blackjack, Serial Toon, discofunk, Air, RaBies, Hstate, Air, Rca
And Everyone i forgot!!!
La Fin! end of file
keep reading dumbass
are you still reading?
Are you still reading??
Whats this!?!?! i secret file!?!? a secret Conversation BEtween Rabies and
Keith Tkchuck of the Late Winnipeg jets?! Wo00!
*** Now talking in winnipeg
Rabies- B4CK
dough1 4r3 y0u c001 r4b135?
*** mrTASTY Rdonato@TVH103.WSD1.WINNIPEG.MB.CA has
joined winnipeg
Rabies- Ey3 4M L3eT
dough1 3y3 d0ughnut7 7h1nk s0
Rabies- dough:: sup? :
*** tkachuk has joined winnipeg ***
tkachuk Hi Im Keith Tkachuk former Winnipeg Jet
Superstar the bottom line is im the best there was
there is and the best there ever will be, im tough,
strong and above all else im a winner
*** mrTASTY has quit IRC Leaving
tkachuk Anybody care to respond to that
Rabies- tkachuk:: Y0OOo NoT Er3et!
*** Skittes LaLaLa@ts5u-5.cc.umanitoba.ca has joined
* Eyes makes no comment tkachuk
Rabies- tkachuk:: Y0OOo NoT Er3et!
*** mrTASTY xxxxxxxxx@TVH033.WSD1.WINNIPEG.MB.CA has
joined winnipeg
tkachuk whats that rabies??
Rabies- tkachuk:: Y0OOo NoT Er3et! -- EyE S1aD
mrTASTY is yellowman chicken
tkachuk huh rabies
tkachuk rabies i think youve got rabies
Rabies- Tkachuk: Y0o ArE NoT MY FrIENd!!
Rabies- Tkachuk: Y0o Ar3 mY EnImY
Rabies- tkachuk:: HOw D0es IT Feel To Lie ABoUT WH0
YoU aRE??
tkachuk do you have rabies
Rabies tkachuk:: BuT YoO SaID YoU WeRE FaMOUs!!
Rabies tkachuk:: Y0o lIEd
Rabies tkachuk:: Y0o lIEd!!!!!
* Eyes hugs tkachuk...Im here for you sweetie
Rabies tkachuk:: AdMiT iT Th3n! YoO ArE NoT wH0 YooO
SaY YoU aRE!!
Rabies tkachuk:: AdMiT iT Th3n! YoO ArE NoT wH0 YooO
SaY YoU aRE!!
Rabies tkachuk:: AdMiT iT
Rabies tkachuk:: AdMiT iT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rabies tkachuk:: Youll DiE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rabies tkachuk:: aRE Y0Oo iGNoRInG MEE?
Eyes Rabies: leave him alone
tkachuk Hey I am Keith Tkachuk
Rabies Yoo LIe!
tkachuk no lie i am
Rabies EyE WiLL KiLl yOU KeITH!
tkachuk Thats the nature of the business if that what the
market demands might as well take advantage of it
tkachuk you will kill me really
tkachuk how come
Rabies kEITh! wHErE ArE YoU KiETH?
Rabies YoU ScREWed OuR TeaM KeITH!
Rabies I hAVe An AxE KeITH!!!
tkachuk why do you say that ill do anything for my
** Rabies is Now Knowen As The-FaN **
The-FaN EyE uSEd ToBE YouR FaN KeiTH! YoU LoST ThE TeeM!
The-FaN Yoo WiLL DiE KeiTH!
The-FaN I WIlLL FiND You KeITh
tkachuk oh no a fan with rabies
The-FaN EYe WiLL gIVe YOo0 mY RaB1es KeITh!
The-FaN I WIlLL FiND You KeITh
tkachuk Well i go to uofw you could find me there
tkachuk make sure you get rid of your rabies first
The-FaN WHy DOnT Y0o RuN To PhOeNIx KeiTH?
The-FaN mY AxE iS RuSTy KeiTH!
tkachuk i waiting for you to find me
tkachuk yeah dont forget the axe bring that to
The-FaN mY AxE iS RuSTy KeiTH! PHEeR mY AxE Yoo JEtS
The-FaN Yoo ArE A JeTS KIllER! Yoo KIlED THem!
The-FaN i
tkachuk Hey you got to do what you got to do
The-FaN iM ComING No0W KeiTH! RuN KeiTH!
*** tkachuk has Quit IRC Leaving ***
The-FaN Runnnnn!!!!!!!
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