this image contains text
Ss,. there was once .,a@SS@a,. a frog named ,a@SS@a. b. mully. ,db. ,db. b,. ,db,. .,db,. SQqypQPYQqypQPYSs, 4b. 4P 4P 4b 4b. ,dP ,dPYb. ,dPYb. 4P 4 4bdP ** ** 4b. 4bssdP 4bssdP ,dP ,jP4b.
,jP4b. 4l lP ,jP4b.
,jP4b. YQi,. .,iQP
ll ll
,dP 4b.
ll the truth ll
4 may be P b.
,sSP out there 4Ss. b. *S
b. ll ll *S
4Q@qyyyyp@QP QyyyQ
Ss,. SS .qyQQyp.
b. ,yyyyy. ll ,db.
b,. .,db.4P .,db,.
SQypqQP ll ,dQqypQPQQ@qy.this will 4P 4P changed to 4later be 4P ,db. 4P something for 4 ,db. mafesto
and he was thirsty. so he ll
had a drink o beer. ,db.
but the beer made him ll
dizzy, so he popped ,db.
50 asprin. ll
,aSSn. 4P ,aSSn.
,db. - asprin YP ,db.
,asprin. mascot ll ,asprin.
rules! 4P rules!
10000 mg ,db. 10000 mg
4P ,dssssssssb. 4P
7P l l 7P
l l
,P 4.
P,db. 4
P ,db. 4 asprin mascot
beer! made:
S with 100 krap!
so he like, drank his now includes body S
beer, ate his 500 asprin parts and stuff.
and like, went to school
but got kicked out for
drinking pepsi
drink pepsi and get kicked 4P
out he cried. So, if i drank ll
beer, i wouldnt get kicked out?
and it seemed the answer was ,db.
no, he wouldnt get kicked lbao.
out. so he drank 750 beer ,dbao.
and passed out on the ,dPSb.
school hall. and ,yyyyY.,a@SS@a,.Y
after puking ,P,db.Y
for like 3 or ,P,db.Y
4 hours, he , ll l
suddenly ,,db.
cried: ,.
me frog! ii
me name SSSSSS
manuella ,aSSn,4P,aSSn.4P,aSSn.Y
mully! SaooonSSaoonSSn,
me work for PYPYPY
pepsi! me ,sSSs.PY ,sSSs PY ,sSs. PY
want pepsi! ,aSsSSssSSssSSssS,sSSSs,.
pepsi? the
janitor, b.YP,d
already mad 4b. ll ,d
at the princ- 4b.YP,dP
abaltypo for 4b.4P,dP
throwing out his 4b. SS.,dP
prono magazines of SQyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyQS
fat models, including
oprah, rosie and.. tubby,
bill clinton, told the 4b.
head school guy to let l
the phr34king kid drink l
the goddamn pepsi! but the l
school guy said suck me! l
and the janitor said, well, i would PY l
but.. well..ok. if you insist, so l
the janitor collapsed on the floor bood l
because the princible just kicked l
him in the head. but in the 7b. l
distance manny saw the janitor being 4l l
crammed into a guitar case. so manny l l
the frog said Down with school and l
everybody including rosie, who just ll l
happened to be there attacked the l l
princible.. and he gave him a shot to the ll l
head.. and told him you dont let me drink l l
no pepsi? ill royally roxor your ass but b. l
neither did manny know that he had drinken 4lP
way to much beer, and passed out on the floor. l
so the students and rosie kicked mannys ass. b,
and in the end everyone died because my 4l
light just turned on and i didnt turn it on 4l
so im ending the story now. heh. stupid light. ,d
it must be satanically possessed. heh, my story ll
sucks. so does this whole thing cept for the ,d
thaing at the top. lP
the theme of this story: ll
theres an element of: .,a@SS@a,.
frog manny ll
drinking pepsi/beer .,a@SS@a,.
school riots lPYl
,d PYb.
ll ll ll
Yl yy ll lP
ok, heres my new sig: aneurysm there the light goes again.
aneurysm reminding you that this sucks because im all
doodled out
aneurysm is wondering if you liked the impact pack?
,jP4b. 4l lP ,jP4b.
,jP4b. YQi,. .,iQP
ll ll
,dP 4b.
ll the truth ll
4 may be P b.
,sSP out there 4Ss. b. *S
b. ll ll *S
4Q@qyyyyp@QP QyyyQ
Ss,. SS .qyQQyp.
b. ,yyyyy. ll ,db.
b,. .,db.4P .,db,.
SQypqQP ll ,dQqypQPQQ@qy.this will 4P 4P changed to 4later be 4P ,db. 4P something for 4 ,db. mafesto
and he was thirsty. so he ll
had a drink o beer. ,db.
but the beer made him ll
dizzy, so he popped ,db.
50 asprin. ll
,aSSn. 4P ,aSSn.
,db. - asprin YP ,db.
,asprin. mascot ll ,asprin.
rules! 4P rules!
10000 mg ,db. 10000 mg
4P ,dssssssssb. 4P
7P l l 7P
l l
,P 4.
P,db. 4
P ,db. 4 asprin mascot
beer! made:
S with 100 krap!
so he like, drank his now includes body S
beer, ate his 500 asprin parts and stuff.
and like, went to school
but got kicked out for
drinking pepsi
drink pepsi and get kicked 4P
out he cried. So, if i drank ll
beer, i wouldnt get kicked out?
and it seemed the answer was ,db.
no, he wouldnt get kicked lbao.
out. so he drank 750 beer ,dbao.
and passed out on the ,dPSb.
school hall. and ,yyyyY.,a@SS@a,.Y
after puking ,P,db.Y
for like 3 or ,P,db.Y
4 hours, he , ll l
suddenly ,,db.
cried: ,.
me frog! ii
me name SSSSSS
manuella ,aSSn,4P,aSSn.4P,aSSn.Y
mully! SaooonSSaoonSSn,
me work for PYPYPY
pepsi! me ,sSSs.PY ,sSSs PY ,sSs. PY
want pepsi! ,aSsSSssSSssSSssS,sSSSs,.
pepsi? the
janitor, b.YP,d
already mad 4b. ll ,d
at the princ- 4b.YP,dP
abaltypo for 4b.4P,dP
throwing out his 4b. SS.,dP
prono magazines of SQyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyQS
fat models, including
oprah, rosie and.. tubby,
bill clinton, told the 4b.
head school guy to let l
the phr34king kid drink l
the goddamn pepsi! but the l
school guy said suck me! l
and the janitor said, well, i would PY l
but.. well..ok. if you insist, so l
the janitor collapsed on the floor bood l
because the princible just kicked l
him in the head. but in the 7b. l
distance manny saw the janitor being 4l l
crammed into a guitar case. so manny l l
the frog said Down with school and l
everybody including rosie, who just ll l
happened to be there attacked the l l
princible.. and he gave him a shot to the ll l
head.. and told him you dont let me drink l l
no pepsi? ill royally roxor your ass but b. l
neither did manny know that he had drinken 4lP
way to much beer, and passed out on the floor. l
so the students and rosie kicked mannys ass. b,
and in the end everyone died because my 4l
light just turned on and i didnt turn it on 4l
so im ending the story now. heh. stupid light. ,d
it must be satanically possessed. heh, my story ll
sucks. so does this whole thing cept for the ,d
thaing at the top. lP
the theme of this story: ll
theres an element of: .,a@SS@a,.
frog manny ll
drinking pepsi/beer .,a@SS@a,.
school riots lPYl
,d PYb.
ll ll ll
Yl yy ll lP
ok, heres my new sig: aneurysm there the light goes again.
aneurysm reminding you that this sucks because im all
doodled out
aneurysm is wondering if you liked the impact pack?
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