this image contains text
i ,
ii ii , i i i, .
i i ,s, , si ,iii i.ii ii ii
. ,, i iiiiSiiisi iiiiisSiiii ,s, i i
i i i iSSi ,ui i ,, i
,s,,.. ,i s,s- ,i - ,i, i i ,i
Si , ,,,sii ssssii i, ..,,s,
i, . ,i, Si -,i, ii, , iSi
i i , ,is, , ,i, . ,ii
iiiSSSi . .,, is, -i i ii
,iSii i ,ss- i ,,. . iSSSiiiii
. iiSi, .,
ii .
/i ii -- ,i-
.- -i,-, - ,ss i-,,, ,ss i /
,-, iS -, i - ii -i,-- / /
/ , -sS - i
-,.,,---,.,i, ..---,,i,,- ,
i,-----/ /---
serial ascii presents, another story, this time, in TRUE 100 noncolor ascii
format. You just cant fuck with that. I wanna send a special shoutout
to black jack, for completely backstabbing me and losing my trust. Thanks, bro.
anyhow, here we are, with antoher story, ready to kick the living fuck out of
you. Black jack may not be a serial ranger anymore, but we will quickly find
somebody to inherit the job. We will continue with our winning, like usual.
- Japan
:: / :: tG/
- Robots
tG .
: Robots in the fridge :
/ Robots in the toilet
/ Robots in the bedroom
Robots on the telephone
Robots in the car
/ Robots in the street
Robots in the toaster
Robots in the garden
. /. : Robots in the bin :
- and Revolting
this story starts out in japan, as sargon, axb, and tango meatpod couldnt
be with them, he didnt have the money to buy a plane ticket are walking
into a radio shack in japan. Sargon and axb flew in from america, and tango
from his home nation of great britain.
sargon: Woah! check out all this cool shit!
axb: Dude, Im gonna hack the fuck out of that computer over there!
After breaking into 4 of the computers, and setting it up so that an oldschool
serial logo pops up every time you boot, the boys were content -- almost.
tango: Hey mate! arr! lets fuck these robots!
sargon: What robots?
tango: Over there!
The boys looked over, and saw a stack of small, delicious looking robots. There
were no clerks around, so they went over, and started to fuck them. After 5
minutes of it, there was a deafening crash. They looked to where the noise
came from.. and saw...
, aXB! ,, -, this is kinda hard to see, but look hard, ,,-- ,. si9! iis,, and youll see a kickass robot ,,ssss . --,,ss 7 iSSssss,,, ssssssss ,sssssSSSS ,i , sssssSSSSSSS, , ssss s, SS SsssS ,,, s,, ,ss, iii sssss, i , iiSS ,ssss,, , . // ,,iiiSis , ii is/ i ,ii, ii,,- ,,ssii iii i- --x-- ,s, , si ii ,,iiii ..,,
i i , ,ss, ii i. .. ,
, i ii,- s , Ss, . ... . ii
,s i , Ss,ss- ,-. ... .. ,ii . ,S ,,s,,i,s sssss,,ss . . ,s,.. ,,i . - , ,,,,,,,sssSSS ssSS is,, s sSss SSiS i s,sss ,,,sssssis, ss , i
ss,, ,,ssss i ,ssSiis,, SSss,,, i i
S sss ,si ,ii i- Ss,, ,i ,,sssS sSi ii iiiss,, SS,s , ,iii sSiii ,Ss,,, i i iii , iii Sss, i . iiiii . ,, ..
,, , iiiiS ii,,,, ii . , S
, i ss, ,ii iiii ,iii , -,
i -, s iii i ssii, . ,s,
. s ,. , ,iii i ii, ii , i i
, is , iii i iii - ., ,
i i i , ,sii,,i,
, i, s -ss
sargon: Ahhh!! Its a ROBOT!!!!!!!!!
axb: Run!
tango: Aye mate! ARR!! Bollox! Lets leave this bloody place!
The three hastily zipped up their pants, and began to run..
They ran out into the
!P 8b,
l: !L
:l :
- -- SS sargon :
l: j! .,y@
:l ,dP 88
SS .,gG8 !L
l: 8 : :
: ll
: : b,
!L ., ,dP Tb,g@SSSSSS@y,
TSmmmmm@SP !SP8b,
j! L
: j! !l
: 8 l!
ll :
: jP
: : jP
: i .,ll@S : ,d : .
: :: : ::i : :::: ::l:: : : !@8 : : .,yPSSSSS@m. :
i:::ii:::i::::iil:i:iiii::iiS:i:i:i:..i: i: ,@S888b, .
liiilliiiliiiillSililllliillSililililiili: ,dP ,eliliiillSliliiSi, L
SlllSSlllSllllSSSlSlSSSSllSSMlSlSlSlSllSl j! SlMlSSlSlSlllSSMSlSllMlli lS
b,Tb, ll .,yS8,d
b,Tj : !8,@S
Smd:: ,y@
888 ll 8
P8P T88P : T
! !P T : PT
! ! .,ll@S !
: ! @8 !
dump, behind the mall. They looked back, and realized, that the robot was
following them.
They were blasted into bits and pieces, by a 9 foot wide cannon from the
robots arm. They died, again, and their body parts were scattered among
the dump like bits of garbage. fun.
sargon : 7
meatpod : 4
axb : 4
tango : 1
pariah : 1
discyple : 1
ii ii , i i i, .
i i ,s, , si ,iii i.ii ii ii
. ,, i iiiiSiiisi iiiiisSiiii ,s, i i
i i i iSSi ,ui i ,, i
,s,,.. ,i s,s- ,i - ,i, i i ,i
Si , ,,,sii ssssii i, ..,,s,
i, . ,i, Si -,i, ii, , iSi
i i , ,is, , ,i, . ,ii
iiiSSSi . .,, is, -i i ii
,iSii i ,ss- i ,,. . iSSSiiiii
. iiSi, .,
ii .
/i ii -- ,i-
.- -i,-, - ,ss i-,,, ,ss i /
,-, iS -, i - ii -i,-- / /
/ , -sS - i
-,.,,---,.,i, ..---,,i,,- ,
i,-----/ /---
serial ascii presents, another story, this time, in TRUE 100 noncolor ascii
format. You just cant fuck with that. I wanna send a special shoutout
to black jack, for completely backstabbing me and losing my trust. Thanks, bro.
anyhow, here we are, with antoher story, ready to kick the living fuck out of
you. Black jack may not be a serial ranger anymore, but we will quickly find
somebody to inherit the job. We will continue with our winning, like usual.
- Japan
:: / :: tG/
- Robots
tG .
: Robots in the fridge :
/ Robots in the toilet
/ Robots in the bedroom
Robots on the telephone
Robots in the car
/ Robots in the street
Robots in the toaster
Robots in the garden
. /. : Robots in the bin :
- and Revolting
this story starts out in japan, as sargon, axb, and tango meatpod couldnt
be with them, he didnt have the money to buy a plane ticket are walking
into a radio shack in japan. Sargon and axb flew in from america, and tango
from his home nation of great britain.
sargon: Woah! check out all this cool shit!
axb: Dude, Im gonna hack the fuck out of that computer over there!
After breaking into 4 of the computers, and setting it up so that an oldschool
serial logo pops up every time you boot, the boys were content -- almost.
tango: Hey mate! arr! lets fuck these robots!
sargon: What robots?
tango: Over there!
The boys looked over, and saw a stack of small, delicious looking robots. There
were no clerks around, so they went over, and started to fuck them. After 5
minutes of it, there was a deafening crash. They looked to where the noise
came from.. and saw...
, aXB! ,, -, this is kinda hard to see, but look hard, ,,-- ,. si9! iis,, and youll see a kickass robot ,,ssss . --,,ss 7 iSSssss,,, ssssssss ,sssssSSSS ,i , sssssSSSSSSS, , ssss s, SS SsssS ,,, s,, ,ss, iii sssss, i , iiSS ,ssss,, , . // ,,iiiSis , ii is/ i ,ii, ii,,- ,,ssii iii i- --x-- ,s, , si ii ,,iiii ..,,
i i , ,ss, ii i. .. ,
, i ii,- s , Ss, . ... . ii
,s i , Ss,ss- ,-. ... .. ,ii . ,S ,,s,,i,s sssss,,ss . . ,s,.. ,,i . - , ,,,,,,,sssSSS ssSS is,, s sSss SSiS i s,sss ,,,sssssis, ss , i
ss,, ,,ssss i ,ssSiis,, SSss,,, i i
S sss ,si ,ii i- Ss,, ,i ,,sssS sSi ii iiiss,, SS,s , ,iii sSiii ,Ss,,, i i iii , iii Sss, i . iiiii . ,, ..
,, , iiiiS ii,,,, ii . , S
, i ss, ,ii iiii ,iii , -,
i -, s iii i ssii, . ,s,
. s ,. , ,iii i ii, ii , i i
, is , iii i iii - ., ,
i i i , ,sii,,i,
, i, s -ss
sargon: Ahhh!! Its a ROBOT!!!!!!!!!
axb: Run!
tango: Aye mate! ARR!! Bollox! Lets leave this bloody place!
The three hastily zipped up their pants, and began to run..
They ran out into the
!P 8b,
l: !L
:l :
- -- SS sargon :
l: j! .,y@
:l ,dP 88
SS .,gG8 !L
l: 8 : :
: ll
: : b,
!L ., ,dP Tb,g@SSSSSS@y,
TSmmmmm@SP !SP8b,
j! L
: j! !l
: 8 l!
ll :
: jP
: : jP
: i .,ll@S : ,d : .
: :: : ::i : :::: ::l:: : : !@8 : : .,yPSSSSS@m. :
i:::ii:::i::::iil:i:iiii::iiS:i:i:i:..i: i: ,@S888b, .
liiilliiiliiiillSililllliillSililililiili: ,dP ,eliliiillSliliiSi, L
SlllSSlllSllllSSSlSlSSSSllSSMlSlSlSlSllSl j! SlMlSSlSlSlllSSMSlSllMlli lS
b,Tb, ll .,yS8,d
b,Tj : !8,@S
Smd:: ,y@
888 ll 8
P8P T88P : T
! !P T : PT
! ! .,ll@S !
: ! @8 !
dump, behind the mall. They looked back, and realized, that the robot was
following them.
They were blasted into bits and pieces, by a 9 foot wide cannon from the
robots arm. They died, again, and their body parts were scattered among
the dump like bits of garbage. fun.
sargon : 7
meatpod : 4
axb : 4
tango : 1
pariah : 1
discyple : 1
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