this image contains text
gggggg gggggg gggggg
g gg
gg gio,.gggggggg
gggggggg gggggggggg gggggggg gggggggggg gggggggg gggggg
gggggggg gggggggg gggggggg
ggggggggg ggggggggg ggggggggg
hehe this sucks
rabies and aneurysm of impact productions bring you
Flooding Chaos!
ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg td b. S buldng--- ,d-richardson my house gggggggggg P ,d bilding ggP S ggd ,d ggggggggP.,adOObn,. ggg ggg ggg P,db.S P,db. gggg b. P,db. gggggggg b. ggggggg ggggg gggggg b. - ggggg sandbags..gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
It was on the news. It was in the paper. People all across the country new
about the oncoming flood. The disater about to strike a Northern Canadain City
called Winnipeg. The flood had decimated 7 cities already, but Winnipeg had
protection because of a massive floodway surrounding it. The government Stated
that the population would be spared. But someone had doubts..........
,dl:,dL. io,..,oi io,..,oi
TP aneurysm
Tl lP spi
,adOObn. and
,dO Ob.
l l S S S S ascii artist
i i
l l
,dP Yb.
Mr. aneurysm stared down from his desk at the assignment lying there. It had tohave been the wierdest assignment hed ever recieved. It had been a simple peiceof paper with enough evidence to bring down the Canadain priminister Mr. CretianAccording to the report, Mr Cretian Had been smuggling Rubber Chickens With
Cocaine in them through the flood water. Mr. aneurysm duty was to find and stopthe Rubber Chickens. But Mr. Rabies wasnt the top Spy in the world for nothing!
,dllggllgglb. ,dl:ll. lbtdbtddl Tl TSSP
Tl lP
SS ,dOOb. ,dO b. l l Y P i i
l l
,dP Yb.
Mr. Rabies Arrived at the Winnipeg Airport, switched into his Scuba Gear, and
dived Under Water. Mr. Rabies Gasped! Swimming through the water in front of himwas Mr. Aneurysm! Mr. Aneurysm was the only Spy in the world as good as Mr .
Rabies but Mr. Rabies was a bit better Mr. Rabies realized that Mr. Aneurysm
was probably working for Mr. Cretian , Just as an FireBall Hit him! Mr.
Aneurysm had thrown an Exploding Rubber Chicken At Him! The Exploding brand of
Rubber Chickens was basicly the same as the ones used to carry Cocaine, But
they are loaded With C-4 Explosives. With Horror, Mr. Rabies Remembered what a
Fortune Teller had told him about a month ago: Your life will end with a Fight
Underwater Mr. Rabies gulped in fear. Just then, Mr. Aneurysm threw another
Exploding Rubber Chicken at Mr. Rabies, which in turn BLEW UP HIS BODY!!!! Mr.
Rabies died in a shallowy Grave. The enD
S ,db. SSS ,aNb. SS ,db.SS ,aOb. P ,db.SSSP,db. S ,dbo. SPS ,db. ,jbio ,db. SP dP,db. ,jbioidL. ,d,dbaop.,,ddSSSSP .,adOObn,. YP .,adOObn,.YP ,dHdbYPdbY7b. ,dPdbYPdbY7b. ,dllggllgglb. ,dllggllgglb.QP,dl:ll.,dl:,dL.Q lbtdbtddllbtdbt,dl b.TlTP bTSSPTSSP,db.Tl lP Tl lP,db SS SS,db ,dOOb. ,adOObn.SP,dO b. ,dO Ob.Sl l l l l lb.Y P Y P,db. ,db.gggg ,d i i i i l l 7P l l lP,dP Yb. ,dP Yb.ggggggOOgggggodggggggggOOgggggod4
So you wanna know what happens hafter eh?.. okay...Mr. Cretian used the drug money to take over the world!!! Therefor its impossible for u to be readingthis because your all dead!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This has been a joint production by Aneurysm and Rabies Of Impact
Productions. Created for Blender22 Spies//Fighting//Underwater.
all ascii graphics was brought to you by aneurysm.. all ansi and story was
brought to you by rabies. wed just like to remind you to help out with the s
sandbagging operations in the winnipeg war zone.. oops, hehe. ok, this was a
little rushed, ok, a lot rushed.. next time well have something just as
interesting.. maybe even better. oh, warpus, aneurysm - aneurism. erm, just
put it down as aneurysm..
g gg
gg gio,.gggggggg
gggggggg gggggggggg gggggggg gggggggggg gggggggg gggggg
gggggggg gggggggg gggggggg
ggggggggg ggggggggg ggggggggg
hehe this sucks
rabies and aneurysm of impact productions bring you
Flooding Chaos!
ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg td b. S buldng--- ,d-richardson my house gggggggggg P ,d bilding ggP S ggd ,d ggggggggP.,adOObn,. ggg ggg ggg P,db.S P,db. gggg b. P,db. gggggggg b. ggggggg ggggg gggggg b. - ggggg sandbags..gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
It was on the news. It was in the paper. People all across the country new
about the oncoming flood. The disater about to strike a Northern Canadain City
called Winnipeg. The flood had decimated 7 cities already, but Winnipeg had
protection because of a massive floodway surrounding it. The government Stated
that the population would be spared. But someone had doubts..........
,dl:,dL. io,..,oi io,..,oi
TP aneurysm
Tl lP spi
,adOObn. and
,dO Ob.
l l S S S S ascii artist
i i
l l
,dP Yb.
Mr. aneurysm stared down from his desk at the assignment lying there. It had tohave been the wierdest assignment hed ever recieved. It had been a simple peiceof paper with enough evidence to bring down the Canadain priminister Mr. CretianAccording to the report, Mr Cretian Had been smuggling Rubber Chickens With
Cocaine in them through the flood water. Mr. aneurysm duty was to find and stopthe Rubber Chickens. But Mr. Rabies wasnt the top Spy in the world for nothing!
,dllggllgglb. ,dl:ll. lbtdbtddl Tl TSSP
Tl lP
SS ,dOOb. ,dO b. l l Y P i i
l l
,dP Yb.
Mr. Rabies Arrived at the Winnipeg Airport, switched into his Scuba Gear, and
dived Under Water. Mr. Rabies Gasped! Swimming through the water in front of himwas Mr. Aneurysm! Mr. Aneurysm was the only Spy in the world as good as Mr .
Rabies but Mr. Rabies was a bit better Mr. Rabies realized that Mr. Aneurysm
was probably working for Mr. Cretian , Just as an FireBall Hit him! Mr.
Aneurysm had thrown an Exploding Rubber Chicken At Him! The Exploding brand of
Rubber Chickens was basicly the same as the ones used to carry Cocaine, But
they are loaded With C-4 Explosives. With Horror, Mr. Rabies Remembered what a
Fortune Teller had told him about a month ago: Your life will end with a Fight
Underwater Mr. Rabies gulped in fear. Just then, Mr. Aneurysm threw another
Exploding Rubber Chicken at Mr. Rabies, which in turn BLEW UP HIS BODY!!!! Mr.
Rabies died in a shallowy Grave. The enD
S ,db. SSS ,aNb. SS ,db.SS ,aOb. P ,db.SSSP,db. S ,dbo. SPS ,db. ,jbio ,db. SP dP,db. ,jbioidL. ,d,dbaop.,,ddSSSSP .,adOObn,. YP .,adOObn,.YP ,dHdbYPdbY7b. ,dPdbYPdbY7b. ,dllggllgglb. ,dllggllgglb.QP,dl:ll.,dl:,dL.Q lbtdbtddllbtdbt,dl b.TlTP bTSSPTSSP,db.Tl lP Tl lP,db SS SS,db ,dOOb. ,adOObn.SP,dO b. ,dO Ob.Sl l l l l lb.Y P Y P,db. ,db.gggg ,d i i i i l l 7P l l lP,dP Yb. ,dP Yb.ggggggOOgggggodggggggggOOgggggod4
So you wanna know what happens hafter eh?.. okay...Mr. Cretian used the drug money to take over the world!!! Therefor its impossible for u to be readingthis because your all dead!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This has been a joint production by Aneurysm and Rabies Of Impact
Productions. Created for Blender22 Spies//Fighting//Underwater.
all ascii graphics was brought to you by aneurysm.. all ansi and story was
brought to you by rabies. wed just like to remind you to help out with the s
sandbagging operations in the winnipeg war zone.. oops, hehe. ok, this was a
little rushed, ok, a lot rushed.. next time well have something just as
interesting.. maybe even better. oh, warpus, aneurysm - aneurism. erm, just
put it down as aneurysm..
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