this image contains text
SS SS S ,sSSs, SS SS,, ,sSSs,SSSSSSS ssss ,SS,ssss ii i ,ssSS ,i , ,S ,s i SS,sSSs, ,ss,, ,, ,sSS,---s,,s Ss-- iSSS, , ,,SSSSs,sSS Ss sSii,sSSSs,i , , ss ,SS ,...SS i , ,, ,, ii,.,,si iii, ,ii ,, ssiSSS i, i ,SSS, s,,,s i ,i s, , , s, , ,,, AXB! ,S, i
serial ascii presents..
yet another elite story...
fear j! !L
.yy@@SS.,,.!L j .,,.
lM - :!mmmmm!LS! ,, L :
: :bm !L ,, ,yyym :y lS l:
S Ml , Tb, lM Sl: :: :
jlb, 8l lSL ,l@@mj
lllSSllllyy jSMllllMSllll
. ,gg,.yy@S
b, MS ,gg,,dPTbLdP
Sb, l: ,dPT! : !! ,dP
Sb, :l ,gj! !: j ,dP
lb,:l ,dPb, l,gg,. ,dP
:STb: j!y@l !!L jMPTbdP
:SmmTy@S88: TS.,d! !..,,*yy- ::S T88!L l8 ,MSl:- -ll Tb Tb,. M: !Lym j
S: Tb 8 mmm TL .,d
Tb 8
!L j!
This story starts us on a street of Houston, Texas. our four characters,
meatpod, sargon, black jack, and axb, are walking down a street, after coming
out of a local pub.
As they walked around, and saw a 7 year old girl, a brilliant idea popped into
meatpods head. they walked up to the girl.
meatpod: hey baby
girl: help! help! stranger!!!!!!!
P ..?b
.,ydP ?,
,d,dby, ?P
,P dPb,P
P P,d.,ydy, ,
l P,dPPyP .,
, yP d,,
l Pl ?,.
P.,d ?P ll
, P,,b ?P,
, ,dP,,?by,..,dP. ,d
b,?,by ,?SP.,dP
b, , . ,y
P,, ,
P ,y ?b, : ?b
P,db,?b,. .,y,y,.?,
,b,?P,db ?
by,..,d lPmp.
suddenly, a policeman emerged from out of the crowded streets, hit the boys
over the heads with a night stick, and dragged them off to the police station.
there, they met with the police chief, who gave them a brief rundown
chief: you boys have been arrested for hinting at sex with a 7 year old
girl. you will be shipped off to an island called alcatraz, where
you will be kept in solitary confinement for the rest of your
life with other pedophiles, just like you, including michael
jackson, pee wee herman, and tguardian.
sargon: meatpod, you dumbass, look what you got us in to.
so they were taken to the island of alcatraz..
yyyyyyyy yPPy P,l ?P ,?P P ,l ,db,,l,?P,b.?P P ,byydbdbydbyyd P ,d ,ydb, , yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy : : : : : : : : yy l l l l l l l l mp.
they were escorted into a cell, where they met up with tguardian. sargon and
axb promptly thrashed him, and threw him in the garbage can.
black jack: hey, we need to like, get out of here
sargon: lets offer the guard some money to let us out!!
guard: yes?
axb: if we give you two dollars, will you let us out?
guard: sir, you just attempted to bribe a police officer. you just
committed the worst crime possible, making an escape attempt from
alcatraz island. you will be thrown into the shark infested waters,
where you will drown.
so they were thrown into the ocean, screaming in fear
AXB! . . .. . .. . .. .. ... .. .. : ii. . . . .i. : : ,i,,ssis,, i.. ....: ... ..:. ... ii i , . ii ::..... si , isisssssSSSSss, :: s s .....: :::: ........:.: , . :.......... , ii :: ii ,. .... ... .... .. ,i ii, ii,, ,ii i ::: i. iii ,is SS , ... :::.......... ... ii i , ss,,,,ss :: . SS s SSS ............. ....::. ss,, ,,sS,, i, . s :: i. i, i ,.: ::... .. ...::.. , ,ss ,, :: . s, , is, ..............:............ss,, s, , ........::..........::..... i Ss,s .......::..::.......:..::. S :::::::::::::::::::::::::i i i ,ssss,,sSSsSSs, i i ,S i i i . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi , iIIIII ,, i i sS.i, i . ,iiS,s, ii , ii, ,,, s i i . SssSS , , iii ,, ,si, ,,sssS, Ss,, ss ,s S
ii SS ,
sargon : 5
meatpod : 4
black jack: 3
axb : 2
pariah : 1
discyple : 1
PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTED: sargon, black jack, axb, discyple
serial ascii presents..
yet another elite story...
fear j! !L
.yy@@SS.,,.!L j .,,.
lM - :!mmmmm!LS! ,, L :
: :bm !L ,, ,yyym :y lS l:
S Ml , Tb, lM Sl: :: :
jlb, 8l lSL ,l@@mj
lllSSllllyy jSMllllMSllll
. ,gg,.yy@S
b, MS ,gg,,dPTbLdP
Sb, l: ,dPT! : !! ,dP
Sb, :l ,gj! !: j ,dP
lb,:l ,dPb, l,gg,. ,dP
:STb: j!y@l !!L jMPTbdP
:SmmTy@S88: TS.,d! !..,,*yy- ::S T88!L l8 ,MSl:- -ll Tb Tb,. M: !Lym j
S: Tb 8 mmm TL .,d
Tb 8
!L j!
This story starts us on a street of Houston, Texas. our four characters,
meatpod, sargon, black jack, and axb, are walking down a street, after coming
out of a local pub.
As they walked around, and saw a 7 year old girl, a brilliant idea popped into
meatpods head. they walked up to the girl.
meatpod: hey baby
girl: help! help! stranger!!!!!!!
P ..?b
.,ydP ?,
,d,dby, ?P
,P dPb,P
P P,d.,ydy, ,
l P,dPPyP .,
, yP d,,
l Pl ?,.
P.,d ?P ll
, P,,b ?P,
, ,dP,,?by,..,dP. ,d
b,?,by ,?SP.,dP
b, , . ,y
P,, ,
P ,y ?b, : ?b
P,db,?b,. .,y,y,.?,
,b,?P,db ?
by,..,d lPmp.
suddenly, a policeman emerged from out of the crowded streets, hit the boys
over the heads with a night stick, and dragged them off to the police station.
there, they met with the police chief, who gave them a brief rundown
chief: you boys have been arrested for hinting at sex with a 7 year old
girl. you will be shipped off to an island called alcatraz, where
you will be kept in solitary confinement for the rest of your
life with other pedophiles, just like you, including michael
jackson, pee wee herman, and tguardian.
sargon: meatpod, you dumbass, look what you got us in to.
so they were taken to the island of alcatraz..
yyyyyyyy yPPy P,l ?P ,?P P ,l ,db,,l,?P,b.?P P ,byydbdbydbyyd P ,d ,ydb, , yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy : : : : : : : : yy l l l l l l l l mp.
they were escorted into a cell, where they met up with tguardian. sargon and
axb promptly thrashed him, and threw him in the garbage can.
black jack: hey, we need to like, get out of here
sargon: lets offer the guard some money to let us out!!
guard: yes?
axb: if we give you two dollars, will you let us out?
guard: sir, you just attempted to bribe a police officer. you just
committed the worst crime possible, making an escape attempt from
alcatraz island. you will be thrown into the shark infested waters,
where you will drown.
so they were thrown into the ocean, screaming in fear
AXB! . . .. . .. . .. .. ... .. .. : ii. . . . .i. : : ,i,,ssis,, i.. ....: ... ..:. ... ii i , . ii ::..... si , isisssssSSSSss, :: s s .....: :::: ........:.: , . :.......... , ii :: ii ,. .... ... .... .. ,i ii, ii,, ,ii i ::: i. iii ,is SS , ... :::.......... ... ii i , ss,,,,ss :: . SS s SSS ............. ....::. ss,, ,,sS,, i, . s :: i. i, i ,.: ::... .. ...::.. , ,ss ,, :: . s, , is, ..............:............ss,, s, , ........::..........::..... i Ss,s .......::..::.......:..::. S :::::::::::::::::::::::::i i i ,ssss,,sSSsSSs, i i ,S i i i . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi , iIIIII ,, i i sS.i, i . ,iiS,s, ii , ii, ,,, s i i . SssSS , , iii ,, ,si, ,,sssS, Ss,, ss ,s S
ii SS ,
sargon : 5
meatpod : 4
black jack: 3
axb : 2
pariah : 1
discyple : 1
PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTED: sargon, black jack, axb, discyple
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